
Toosaka Rin looked at Gilgamesh with disbelief.

"We are not going to fight against such an existence!!"

"So is she a demon beast?" Shirou Emiya asked curiously.

Gilgamesh crossed his arms, looked at Shirou Emiya and said with some surprise in his tone:"No... He is not a demon beast, he is the God of Creation!"

"Technically speaking...He is our Mother!"

"The mother of all life!! God Timayat!"

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou were stunned when they heard the news for the first time. How could they fight against this? Could humans deal with the God of Creation?!

The mother of all life? In other words, they were rebelling against the gorgeous mother?!

【Along with Tiamat's cry, several figures flew in the sky from a distance!】

【One of them had a flying object similar to a bow and arrow, and as soon as it arrived nearby, it charged towards Tiamat!】


【Tiamat, noticing the arrival of the uninvited guest, opened her mouth slightly and made a strange sound!】

【Then it turned into a terrifying sound wave and hit everyone! No one could get close to it.】

【"It's too dangerous to get close to Him again!"】

【Ishtar stopped the others. She planned to decide the outcome in one go. She turned her head to look at the red-haired boy beside her and said with a smile:"Fujimaru! I'll ask you to cover us."】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately understood what Ishtar meant. He raised his arm and a Command Seal appeared on it. He looked at Ishtar and said loudly::】

【"I’m counting on you!! Ishtar!!"】

【As Fujimaru Ritsuka finished speaking, the Command Seal in his hand immediately lost a trace. The magic power in Ishtar increased greatly! It began to boil!】

【"Leave it to me then!!"】

【Feeling the blessing of magic, Ishtar waved her hand in the air! A large hole suddenly appeared in the sky, revealing the vast universe!! 】

Type-Moon World Fourth War

"How come this goddess looks so much like my daughter?"Tosaka Tokiomi looked at his daughter in the video with a confused look on his face.

"Is it a coincidence? Or what?!"

Type-Moon Five Wars World

"Why does this person look so much like me?!"Tousaka Rin was a little overwhelmed when she looked at herself in the video.

The legendary Ishtar actually looked like her!

Gilgamesh looked at Toosaka Rin as if he was watching a good show, and said in a subtle tone:"I didn't expect that she would find you to possess her!"

"But they are really a good match! They look alike in every sense!"Gilgamesh almost couldn't help laughing! They failed at the critical moment and they were still missing gems!

Alike?? Toosaka Rin blushed as she looked at herself on the screen. Except for their appearance, they were alike in every way! And wasn't she wearing something too revealing!

At the same time, other worlds seemed to be still asleep. What the hell was this? There was a big hole in the space??

【"Open the door!!"】

As Ishtar spoke confidently, a planet emitting golden light appeared in the large hole in the sky?!

"Hey hey!!! This is too much!" Gojo Satoru couldn't help but widen his blue eyes in shock!

"Planet!! Is that Venus?" Yuji muttered to himself...

Jojo World.

Everyone who saw this scene suddenly felt that Dio was not so scary! At least he didn't use a planet to hit people!

Those who didn't know thought that Ishtar moved a planet, but in fact it was the power of Ishtar as the goddess of Venus! Her power was reduced to a conceptual weapon!

【"This is all my strength!!"】

【Ishtar's red pupils turned golden, and she raised her hands. The originally huge planet began to approach Ishtar, and then shrank into a small golden ball!】

【Then she turned into an arrow, and Ishtar pointed at Tiamat with one hand. The flying object next to her turned into a bow and arrow, and the arrow turned into Venus was shot on it!】

【"Smash it!! The mountains shake!! The salary of the stars!!"】


【There was a loud bang, and a huge purple light column fell on Tiamat like the god of thunder!】

【As the shock wave dissipated, a huge hole appeared on the sea surface! Tiamat disappeared from the sea surface together with her!!】

【"Very good!!"Ishtar seemed very satisfied that the power of this attack could destroy Tiamat!】

【"It is confirmed that the Tiamat spiritual base in the sea has collapsed!!"Then came the excited words of Dr. Roman.】

【"All we have to do now is wait for the seawater to return to normal and recover the Holy Grail, and the mission will be accomplished!"Dr. Roman breathed a sigh of relief. He had finally solved the problem.】

【Just as everyone was about to leave, bubbles began to appear on the calm sea surface! Then the sea surface exploded, and a figure with huge horns stood on the sea surface.…!】

【The goddess Tiamat was unharmed——!!】

What kind of monster is that?! Even this level of attack has no effect!...

This world is too crazy. This is an attack with all the magical power of the goddess Ishtar! And it was even blessed with the Command Spell.

"Is this useless?"Gilgamesh frowned. He knew the goddess very well. If even this didn't work, he was in trouble!

"Sure enough!! The Mother Goddess of Creation is not that easy to deal with?!"Tosaka Rin seemed to think of herself as Ishtar in the video, and she couldn't help but look embarrassed when she saw that her attack was useless!

Type-Moon Chaldea

"Tiamat... How is this possible!!" Doctor Roman's pupils shrank slightly. If this doesn't work, then adding a few more god-level servants might not help either!!

"Is this...really something we can handle?" Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but take a breath of cold air as he looked at the tall figure!

If this kind of opponent doesn't win by sheer volume, if there's nothing we can do, the mission will definitely fail!

P.S. Ask for a wave of flowers to collect...

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