Tiga fell... This giant of light who had been fighting for mankind finally fell, but! Those humans decorated with angel wings still kept saying that Tiga was a devil. The

Dark Emperor Anperla laughed disdainfully:"It seems that no matter which world... humans are equally ignorant! Darkness is the eternal world."

"Just let the darkness completely swallow you up!

"How could this be possible?"Tosaka Rin was a little bit unbelievable, and then she said excitedly~

"Those humans would rather believe in aliens who came from nowhere? They are not willing to believe in the one who has been protecting them. Tiga."

Shirou Emiya was silent for a moment, then slowly said:"Perhaps they think that it is because of the appearance of Tiga that the monsters appear frequently."

But, have they confused the cause and effect? Isn't it because monsters appear frequently that Tiga appears to protect them?

You know, from the video just now, Daiko firmly believes that humans are not fragile and wants to rely on human power to fight. He will not use Tiga's power unless it is absolutely necessary.

Ultraman Mebius

Maybe Aihara Ryu can understand all this... For them, Ultraman fights in the city like monsters, and the damage caused is inevitable.

Perhaps this is why some humans hate Ultraman.

Ultraman Zeta

"Haruki..." Zeta, who looked a little silly, couldn't help but ask:"Doesn't it seem like Ultraman shouldn't appear in the eyes of humans?" After watching the two videos, this 5,000-year-old fool was a little puzzled... Nexus was attacked by humans, and Tiga was rejected by humans and called a devil!

"How could that be? Zeta-san!"Yuki shook his head decisively.


Those humans are just saying this because they are controlled by the Kirieloids! Didn't Zeta-san also protect many people?

"I didn’t expect that this time Dagu would face such a powerful enemy!"

"Could it be that at that time, we could only watch Daigu being swallowed by darkness?"

At this moment, everyone in the Victory Team was also very angry. Daigu was not only Ultraman Tiga, but also a member of their Victory Team!

Don't you know what kind of person Daigu is? They firmly believe that he is not a demon!!

Lina was crying sadly. She didn't expect Daigu to bear so much alone... He has no obligation to fight, right?

But the next direction also makes people very curious. What kind of future will mankind go after the so-called gate of hell is opened? Should we say whether there is still a future?

【Seeing Tiga gradually being swallowed by the darkness, Lina and Captain Iruma Megumi hurriedly got out of the car.】

【"Tiga!!! Tiga disappeared into the darkness." Lina seemed extremely anxious. If even Tiga couldn't be defeated, then no one could stop Kirieloid!】

【"Darkness..." Captain Iruma Hui murmured, and then remembered what Da Gu said:"Light... Use light! You must use light!"】

【Thinking of this, Captain Iruma Hui immediately took out the communicator and gave orders to everyone in Shengli:"Command! Send light to Tiga! Send light to Tiga!"】

【The Victory Team, under command, drove the Victory Swallow and turned on the lights, aiming them at Tiga's face in the darkness.】

【"These lights are not enough!" Lina shouted anxiously, and finally drove the car forward and shone the light on Tiga as well.】

【"This is not enough." Captain Iruma Hui muttered when he saw this scene and took out the communicator:"Team member Ye Rui, connect this line to the TV station!"】

【As the Nori team quickly tapped on the computer, the next moment, the figure of Captain Iruma Hui appeared on the screens of various places.】

【She looked at the screen in her hand and said to the citizens sincerely,"I am Megumi Iruma, the captain of the Victory Team of the United Earth Peace Organization!"】

【Citizens with model wings on their backs gathered together and looked at Captain Iruma Kei on the screen!】

【"Citizens, please wake up! Those who claim to be angels are actually demons."】

【"Ultraman Tiga has been protecting us at the risk of his life!"】

【"This time, Tiga is in danger, and it is up to us to give him strength! I beg you all, give Tiga light! Give Tiga light!!"】

【After Captain Iruma Hui finished speaking, she sighed. She didn't know what effect her words would have, but she did everything she could.】

"I wonder if Captain Iruma Kei's words can awaken those ignorant humans."

"This captain is good. He has ideas and dares to do them."

"But even if we really give Tiga the light, will it work? After all, it is only light in the physical sense."

【When she turned her head to look at Tiga again, rays of light lit up from behind her!】

【An extremely gentle BGM also sounded at this time. When Captain Iruma Kei looked back, several cars turned on their lights and shone them towards Tiga!】

【Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, humans of different ages rushed over, raising their [Light】】

【"Tiga! Wake up!!"】

【"Tiga, stand up?"】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【"Tiga! Get up!!"】

【All they have in their hands are tiny lights like flashlights, cell phone lights, laser pens, or even fluorescent sticks.】

But it was this tiny light that dispelled the darkness that enveloped Tiga, and amid the shouts of the crowd, his body moved as if he was breathing again.

"Even the smallest ray of light is enough to dispel the darkness that shrouds us. Ultraman Seven nodded. It seems that not all humans are ignorant.

"This is the will of mankind... This is the will of mankind in response to the will of Ultraman who protects them."

Mebius World

"Ultraman is not fighting alone!" Aihara Ryu shouted excitedly:"It is because of this heart to protect mankind! So... stand up, Ultraman Tiga!!"

"The power of faith turns into courage! The power of faith can turn the impossible into the possible, this is Ultraman!"Captain Sakumui nodded.

The Great Emperor of Darkness of the Universe, Emperor Empera, spoke slowly as if he was talking to Ultra Father from a distance:"What can this tiny light do? In the face of endless darkness, it is not even the light of a firefly."

In a golden light, Ultra Father threw his cloak:"Empera! Don't you understand yet? No matter how desperate one is, the light will not disappear in the heart of a person!"

"People's response to Ultraman's heart can bring strength to Ultraman!"

【The Kirieloid who opened the gate of hell in the sky also noticed the movement and turned his head to look at the ground.】

【Then the surrounding buildings suddenly lit up, and even Nori, who was far away at the Victory Team headquarters, was shocked.】

【"Wow!? The voltage in area B suddenly increased dramatically! Who on earth would do such a thing?"】[]

【At this moment, Captain Iruma Hui's son Zhishu kept typing on the keyboard. On his computer screen, Tiga was struggling to stand up.】

【"If the voltage goes up any further, it will be very dangerous." A voice that sounded like artificial intelligence spoke up.】

【"What does it matter?"Zhishu couldn't care less.】

【"We must save Tiga"】

"Are you sure this is really a child?"

"You must be cheating, right? Don't tell me you learned this in Hawaii like some elementary school student."

"I seemed to see a future rising tech giant from the Victory Team!"

"Although this is illegal, I have to say it is a great job!!"

【Inspired by the light of humanity, Tiga slowly sat up. On the wall next to him, there was a picture of the creation of Adam, as if hinting at something?】

【At this moment, Tiga stood up. Although the timer on his chest was still flashing, he seemed to feel endless power in the shouts of the people!】

"This scene is truly a so-called world famous painting! There is no better picture than this!"

"Was it really the light from those flashlights that had an effect, or was it some unknown reason?"

"But can the newly re-established Tiga defeat the Kirieloid? You know, he is injured now! His energy has not recovered."


It felt like Tiga , who had stood up again, was filled with divine light, as if he was a fallen god rescued by humans.

"This painting! Isn't this the creation of Adam?"Da Vinci was surprised, and then he seemed to have discovered something and said

"But Tiga's posture is the opposite of the position of the human and the god in the painting!

The identities of the god and the human have been swapped!���Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to understand at this time. Tiga has never been saving mankind, but walking side by side with mankind! Tiga is not a god who defeats the devil, but needs the guidance of human faith.

"Perhaps the power that gave him Tiga the strength to stand up again was not the so-called physical light, but the light of hope!"Ultraman Father nodded. This really opened his eyes.

The lights of the vehicles and the tiny lights held in people's hands were still insignificant to Ultraman.

But it was these tiny lights that [carried] people's [hope] for Tiga to stand up quickly. For Ultraman Tiga who fell into darkness and gradually lost his power, nothing could give him more strength.

This light! It is undoubtedly the light of hope from mankind! Spoon!.

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