Now that his wish had been fulfilled, Zhao Tianyu found that he was not so happy. Looking at Zhou Manchun's expression of disgust, he was very uncomfortable.

"Zhao Tianyu, I don't want to say anything to you now. Don't bother yourself any more." Zhou Manchun said, then hung up the door of the room and locked it.

After finishing the laundry, Zhou Manchun and Zhao Lizi left with four huge suitcases.

Zhou Manchun didn't take away some valuable items at home, because Lawyer Chen said it was also included in the mortgage. Zhou Manchun felt angry. Over the years, she really loved the wrong person.

When she left home, Zhou Manchun found out how depressed she was at the moment. She had no friends in city a, and she didn't want to tell her colleagues in the hospital that the apartment Zhou Tinghao bought for her had not been decorated and could not live in. They first found an old apartment, and the mother and daughter lived temporarily.

Jiaru hospital.

Zhou Manchun is standing in the dressing room, ready to change the surgical clothes. Weng, the head nurse, comes in quietly and says hello to her kindly.

"Congratulations, Xiao Chun. The operation is so successful again." Weng said quietly with a smile that in her early 40s, she was the head nurse of the cardiology department of Jiaru hospital, who had just assisted Zhou Manchun to finish a large-scale heart operation.

"Sister Weng, you're welcome. You're also credited for the success of the operation." Zhou Manchun twisted her neck. She was very tired. It took six hours for the operation just now. She didn't even have lunch. She was hungry and could not raise her head.

"Xiao Chun, you are really a talent of our Jiaru hospital. It's only two months since you came here. This clinical experience is catching up with Lao Li. It's said that yesterday the Dean talked with Lao Li and said that you will be given a raise and promotion next month." Weng quietly said proudly, as if she was also appreciated by the dean.

Zhou Manchun smiles briefly. The old Li in Weng's mouth is Li Zeyuan, the director of their cardiology department. He has great prestige in the cardiology department of the whole city. But when Zhou Manchun came back to Jiaru hospital shortly after graduation from England, her presence seemed to threaten Li Zeyuan. Zhou Manchun knows that Li Zeyuan doesn't like himself very much, so those high-risk and difficult ones All the operations will be left to her.

"Well, if I get a raise, I'll invite sister Weng to dinner." Zhou Manchun said in a cool voice that Weng Jingjing has been helping her since she entered the hospital. Zhou Manchun naturally appreciates Weng Jingjing. Although she does not lack strength, it is not so easy to survive in the hospital. Sometimes interpersonal relationships are difficult to deal with.

Weng's eyes lit up with a smile and said, "it's up to you."

Zhou Manchun changed his surgical suit and said, "well, it's up to you."

After leaving the dressing room, Zhou Manchun went back to the 24th floor of the inpatient department. It was lunch break time. Zhou Manchun went to the corridor of the hospital with a deep face. Every time she was upset, she liked to think clearly in a quiet place by herself.

She was very anxious about her family affairs. Zhou Manchun had mixed feelings. She felt sad, angry, wronged, worried, unwilling and frustrated.

For 22 years, she has been a treasure held by her parents. But yesterday, her life changed dramatically. The betrayal of her first boyfriend and her loss of life were unacceptable to her. Zhou Manchun once loved Zhao Tianyu very much. She really loved him. But in one night, all love turned into hate.

At this moment, she must not fall down, can not give up!

Zhou Manchun has been leaning against the corner, thinking more and more, but a sound of conversation brought Zhou Manchun back to reality.

"President Jin, Shi Botao's hospitalization is a rare opportunity." Zou Yingjie said in Jin Beisen's ear.

Jin Beisen had a cigarette in his mouth. Suddenly he caught it with his fingers. His cold eyes swept across the floor tiles. In the dark light and shadow, his beautiful thin lips opened softly. "Do him, remember that what you have to do is to make it look like a medical accident without knowing the ghost."

"President Jin, is this too cruel? He is your uncle. " Zou Yingjie's face suddenly changed. If she killed Shi Botao, old lady Jin would not be crazy.

"He paid so much money from JS international. He's already dead. This time he deserves it. Who can blame?" Jin Beisen said coolly, with a dangerous smile on his lips.

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