"President Jin, I didn't mean to do this. You know, the town government wanted to develop the real estate. How could I have the ability to deal with the town government?" Jiangchen river with a smile, tone is very peaceful said.

"Then you have such great ability. Can't you live with me?" Jin Beisen suddenly sneered and continued, "I heard that your offer to the town government is more than 30 million yuan cheaper."

Jin Beisen didn't understand for a while. Jiang Chenxi is not a fool. How could he not know how to do business? He sent someone to hear that jiangchenxi was determined to sell the land to the municipal government, and the offer was 30 million less than the one he had talked with before.

Although no contract has been signed for this business, Jin Beisen has been in touch with Jiang Group for a long time. This is the first cooperation between the two companies. If it is blown, it may not be good for anyone.

"President Jin, I can't help it." Jiang Chenxi pretends to be helpless and wronged.

Jin Beisen snorted coldly and said impatiently, "well, stop acting, and sell this land to the town government for sumuni, right?"

Jin Beisen, like a wise adult, has seen through the tricks of the children in jiangchenxi. He can tell that jiangchenxi is very close to sumuni recently by letting people check it.

It's just that Jin Beisen didn't expect that Jiang Chenxi would be so childish and put so much money away from him. For a woman, he dared to offend him. He was really not afraid of tigers.

In private, Jiang Chenxi really thinks that. Anyway, the land belongs to his family, and the contract has not been signed yet. He can sell it to whoever he likes, and Jin Beisen can't do anything about it.

Jiang Chenxi just wants to see what the charm of the man who can make su Muni so crazy is. He is clearly a husband with a wife. Why does he still fascinate Su Muni? And who is worse than him?

After a long silence, Jiang Chenxi's face became a little ugly. He pursed his lips and said perfunctorily, "yes, I just want to sell the land to you for her sake. I know you talked with my father for a long time before. But now, my father has handed over the company to me. I have the right to make decisions. What's more, the contract hasn't been signed. I'm not in breach of contract Well, there are so many things like this in the shopping mall. Why is president Jin angry? "

"Young people, shopping malls are like battlefields. If you want to do business like this, Jiangshi group will be destroyed in your hands sooner or later." Jin Beisen didn't want to say more. He always likes to have a common heart and mind in his business. He never demands anything. He definitely won't have a very pleasant cooperation with the partners.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Jin. I don't worry about my business." Jiang Chenxi said with a smile. He didn't have no brain. He didn't know the end of the match with Jin Beisen. He just wanted to see what the ability of the man who made sumuni so obsessed was.

Today, Jiang Chenxi saw Jin Beisen as a tough character. He would not bully or seduce, but his stubborn character must make things clear.

It's just that jiangchenxi doesn't think he's any worse than Jin Beisen. His feelings for sumuni have gone from curiosity to real devotion. Otherwise, jiangchenxi won't do such a silly thing.

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