
Ouyang and Li Yi have been studying antidotes together for nearly a month, during which Shawn watches their every move in the monitoring room every day.

After a period of observation, Ouyang didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but the day dragged on, Sean was very sad.

Why is the antidote still not available? Which step is wrong?

Sean thinks he can't bear it anymore. It's hard to see his wife and other men working together in the same lab every day. Now, they spend more time together than he and Li Yi.

Sean's eyes were a little red, and he was staring at the computer screen. He was confused as if he had a thousand needles in his head. He was very upset by the dense taste.

"Why can't we find an antidote after so long research?" Li Yi frowns and holds the experimental instrument in her hand. She always feels unscientific.

"I don't know that bacteria are uncontrollable. At different temperatures, the cells they produce are different. I think that's why we always fail."

"Then what should we do if it goes on like this? When can an antidote be found? " Li Yi asked impatiently.

"Well That's not good. "

"Ouyang, do you mean it? I've been studying with you for so long, and the antidote of Xiaomo hasn't been studied. At the beginning, you invented this harmful thing. Shouldn't you be responsible? " Li Yi asked angrily, her face red.

"Of course I will be responsible, but how could it be so simple? It's like tying a knot. It's easy, but if you want to untie it, it's not that easy. " Ouyang shakes the potion in his hand and flashes a trace of complexity under his calm eyes.

Li Yi curls her mouth, suddenly stares at Ouyang angrily and says, "did I say you did it on purpose?"

"What do I mean? I know I've made a mistake, and now I'm truly repentant. " Ouyang explained sincerely.

"I don't believe you. I've been working with you for so long, but when you look at what you've done, you can't find an antidote at all. You say you didn't mean it. Who should I tell you?"

"In your eyes, I'm the kind of despicable person, right?" Ouyang picked his eyebrows, and there was a strong disappointment in his calm voice.

Li Yi sneers and stares at Ouyang and says, "yes, you are that kind of despicable person. Otherwise, how could you poison such a small child?"

"Poison is not me..." Ouyang suddenly frowned. For a while, he couldn't help it. He almost sold sumuni. Fortunately, he braked in time.

"Poison is not you or something? Not you? " Li Yishun reasoned with Ouyang's unfinished words.

"No." When Ouyang's face changed, he thought to himself, don't let it slip. At the beginning, he had agreed with sumuni that he should match the inside with the outside, so that he could go out. Although Ouyang didn't believe in sumuni very much, he knew that there was no one in the world that he could rely on.

But on balance, Ouyang is willing to believe sumuni. After all, as long as he delays for a while, Jin Yumo will not survive.

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