"Beisen, is that it?" Zhou Manchun's tired face rubbed his eyes.

"It's OK. If you're tired, keep sleeping." Jin Beisen walked over and clapped his hands behind Zhou Manchun.

"I just had a dream." Zhou Manchun frowned, his hair was a little messy, and his eyes were empty looking at Jin Beisen.

Even in the deep winter, Zhou Manchun was still scared to sweat because of the nightmare.

"What dream?"

"I dreamed that the desert was bleeding. He was covered in blood all over. He couldn't stop it." Zhou Manchun tightly clenched the palm of his hand, and Mei Mou looked uneasily at Jin Beisen.

"Fool, it's just a dream. Our desert is saved. Be good..." Jin Beisen gently stroked Zhou Manchun's back. Across a thin Nightgown, he felt a thin layer of sweat behind her.

"President Jin There's a situation I think you have to know in advance. " Hearing Zhou Manchun's words, Ouyang suddenly thought of something, but he didn't dare to speak directly, so he looked like he wanted to talk and stopped.

"You said." Jin Beisen's beautiful brow was frowning, as if he realized that the news that Ouyang was about to say would not be good news.

"After taking the antidote, the young master may spit a lot of blood."

"Hematemesis? Why? " Jin Beisen asked puzzledly.

"I have accumulated too much toxin in my body. Once I take antidote, the process of detoxification will take about three days. I haven't done experiments on real people before, but it's estimated conservatively that I will recover after detoxification in three days. I just want to remind you that if you spit blood or something, don't panic."

Zhou Manchun's eyebrows are frowning, and his beautiful eyes stare at Ouyang with a strong sense of resentment. Alive and kicking, as like as two peas full of vigor and vitality,

Ouyang was quick to say, "madam, please rest assured that after taking the antidote, little master will make sure that he is exactly the same as before, and he is alive and dancing." he said, "I am sure that he is alive and well." he said, "I am sure that he is very happy." he said, "I am sure that he is a little bit more than a boy." I am sure that he is a real.

"I don't expect to be alive. As long as Xiaomo can get better every day, if you dare to cheat again this time, I promise I will make your life worse than death." Zhou Manchun laughed instead of angry. There was a trace of sullen in her delicate face.

"I promise not." Ouyang raised his right hand to make an oath.

Ouyang went back to the lab, and Kang song followed him.

Zhou Manchun looked at Jin Yu desert sleeping on the sickbed, pulled Jin Beisen's sleeve and asked, "Beisen, are you really going to let Ouyang go?"

Jin Beisen looked at Zhou Manchun with dim eyes and said calmly, "maybe if he can really save the desert, I will do good deeds for our desert."

"There is a debt and a Lord. Doesn't anyone have to pay for the damage Xiaomo has suffered?" Zhou Manchun suddenly frowned and looked cold.

"That's right. It's sumuni who really hurts Xiaomo. Ouyang is at best a running dog of her. This kind of person is open to money."

"But why do I think Ouyang worked for sumuni, not for this." Zhou manchunnu nuzui, she always felt Ouyang still holding a trump card, but did not put it out.

"You mean Miss Li?"

Zhou Manchun nodded, "well, I think eight, nine are inseparable from ten. Ouyang is a person with deep obsession. Otherwise, he would not have done the kind of despicable thing. The most basic thing for a doctor is to have a love, or he would not have become a qualified doctor."

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