After leaving Su's bieyuan, Jin Beisen called Zhou Manchun as soon as he got on the bus.

Zhou Manchun is in the famous city garden at the moment. She and Shi Mingge had dinner early. Just as Zhou Tinghao called her to go home, she went back.

"You sang my creation on the stage..." The strange mobile phone ring broke the warm atmosphere of Zhou's living room.

Zhou Manchun looked at the caller ID with uneasy mood, and suddenly remembered what Jin Beisen said to her at Starbucks this afternoon. He asked her to go home early.

Go home early!

It's a quarter past seven. It's really early!

Zhou Manchun's body is stiff, so he answers the phone calmly.


"Where is it?"

"I'm at home." Zhou Manchun suppressed his inner fear and said in fear.

"Half an hour. Come back."

"What, you said there was an emergency patient in the hospital? OK, I'll be right back. " Zhou Manchun's face is not red, and her heart is not dancing. She is making up a lie, but she wants to die. She has no freedom at all.

"You're such a woman. If you don't come back in half an hour, I'll pick you up." Jin Beisen's voice was cold and threatening.

"I'll be right back."

Jin Beisen was a little dissatisfied, but seeing that Zhou Manchun was obedient, he let her go first.

But then there was "Dudu..." The busy voice of Jin Beisen was very upset. The woman even hung up on him. He didn't finish talking!

Put the mobile phone back in the bag, Zhou man is sitting in danger, smiling at Zhou Tinghao and Zhao Lizi.

Zhao Lizi saw the white gauze wrapped on Zhou Manchun's wrist at the tip of her eyes. Her tone suddenly softened. She asked with concern: "Xiaochun, what's the situation of your hand?"

"Oh It's OK. When I operated on the patient that day, the operation was done. When the nurse was cleaning the knife, she accidentally cut my hand off. " Zhou Manchun improvises. She feels that after being around Jin Beisen for a long time, her ability to lie is getting better and better.

"Why are you so careless!" Zhao Lizi said reproachfully, but the warm care showed in her eyes.

Zhou Manchun looks at Zhou Tinghao with a smile. It seems that his father has convinced his mother. Zhou Manchun is very happy, but Jin Beisen's words still echo in her mind.

She has to go back quickly, or the devil will be mad and she will be unsafe.

"I'll pay attention later, Dad. What's the matter with calling me back today?"

"I went to see Zhao Tianyu. He agreed to my request and left city a forever." Zhou Tinghao narrated the matter in a leisurely way.

A few short words clearly express the course of things, Zhou Manchun understands, she shows some silence, the drooping eyes hide the secret of her heart.

"When will he leave?" Zhou man asked calmly.

"Tomorrow." Zhou Tinghao knew that his daughter had not given up on Zhao Tianyu. After all, they had been together for three years, and this was the last goodbye. Maybe they would never see each other again in this life.

"Well, I see. Mom and Dad, it's late. I have something else to do in the hospital. I'll go back and visit you some other day." Zhou Manchun said, biting his lips and narrowing his eyes.

"Well, be safe on the road and have a rest early." Zhao Lizi looks at Zhou Manchun reluctantly. After all, she is her daughter born in October. She feels that Zhou Manchun has lost a lot of weight recently.

Zhou Manchun nodded with a smile and got up to leave.

On the way to 520 Haibin Road, Zhou Manchun received a call from Zhao Tianyu.

"Hello, Xiaochun, it's me." Zhao Tianyu said with a stiff smile.

"Well, I know."

"I'm leaving tomorrow. Can you see me for the last time?"

"Well, where is it?"

"No.1 middle school."

"No.1 middle school?"

Zhao Tianyu and Zhou Manchun almost said in unison.

This kind of tacit understanding is cultivated by three years of feelings, but it also makes Zhou Manchun feel extremely distressed. If Zhao Tianyu didn't choose to revenge at the beginning, she probably wouldn't know Jin Beisen.

What a fate!

"Thank you, Xiao Chun. I'd like to see you for the last time."

"We don't have to talk much." Zhou Manchun droops her eyes. She opens the window. The autumn wind lifts her eyes. There are stars under the blue sky.

"Then you have a rest earlier tonight. I'll see you in No. 1 middle school at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."


520 Haibin road.

Zhou Manchun was in a hurry, almost running into the villa. She looked at the time on her watch, 28 minutes, and arrived within the time specified by Jin Beisen.

Jin Beisen's eyes are indifferent to Zhou Manchun. His hands are naturally circling, showing a naturally high and cold appearance. Zhou Manchun doesn't talk to him either, so they look at each other quietly.

However, Zhou Manchun was defeated after all, because Jin Beisen's vision was so frightening that she was very upset by him. She always felt like she had done something wrong. Obviously, she was not wrong, but she still felt a sense of inexplicable emptiness of heart.

It must be hard to be Jin Beisen's wife. You should always try to figure out his mind. If you are not careful, he can push you into the abyss!

"I I... Have you had a meal? " Zhou man was so nervous that he couldn't speak. He could only ask Jin Beisen if he had eaten, because he didn't eat to wait for her.

"After eating, come back so late, you take my words as wind in your ear? Eh? " Jin Beisen's tone of questioning slightly rose, as if he was trying a criminal, and there was a light anger in his deep eyes.

The woman came home even later than him, which made her get used to it.

"I went home to see my parents. I haven't seen them for a long time. They miss me." Zhou Manchun raised his eyes and looked at Jin Beisen carefully. He replied cautiously.

"Think of them like this, and just move back to live."

"Really?" Zhou Manchun was so happy that he almost jumped up.

Jin Beisen did not speak and squinted at her.

In this look, Zhou Manchun understood that Jin Beisen was just satirizing himself. He didn't want her to go home at all.

Looking at Zhou Manchun's rather lost eyes, Jin Beisen actually has an urge to kiss her, which he has never had. He doesn't like Zhou Manchun who frowns, and he doesn't like Zhou Manchun who is in a low mood. Every time Zhou Manchun is unhappy, he wants to comfort her.

"Go upstairs." Jin Beisen said coldly.

"Why?" Zhou Manchun is like a frightened little white rabbit, alert to the conditioned reflex.

"Bath and sleep."

"I Do I want to watch TV series? "

"What's good on TV? Your woman is a flower lover. Which classic bridge do you like? Say it, my brother will perform with you. "

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