The next morning.

Zhou Manchun wakes up from Jin Beisen's arms. She is very attached to the familiar taste. Jin Beisen has the same smell of bath gel as her, so they both like to hold each other.

It seems that only in his sleep can Zhou Manchun rely on Jin Beisen.

When Jin Beisen opened his eyes, he saw that the little woman lying in his arms was sleeping soundly and did not disturb her. Instead, he gently drew out his arm to let Zhou Manchun continue to sleep.

Zhou Manchun cut her wrist, and Jin Beisen bullied her not to go to work. He asked for a week's leave for her and called the director of Jiaru hospital directly.

The Dean received Jin Beisen's phone call. How dare he not listen? He resolutely approved Zhou Manchun for a week's vacation.

Jin Beisen had a day off yesterday. In order to wait for Zhou Manchun, he even cancelled a very important conference call. A lot of work has been overstocked to today. If it wasn't for the busy work, Jin Beisen really wanted to stay in bed with Zhou Manchun for a day.

It wasn't until Jin Beisen drove away that Zhou Manchun ran barefoot to the balcony and looked around. When she saw Jin Beisen's car was gone, she got up at ease.

"Miss Zhou, how did you get up so early?" Wang Ma came to the table with a glass of milk and smiled.

"Today, my cousin asked me to go shopping." Zhou Manchun said with a calm and free smile that compared with Jin Beisen, Wang Ma seemed to be much easier to talk.

"How is Miss Zhou's wound? Just before he left, president Jin told me to accompany you to the hospital to change your medicine today. "

Zhou Manchun touched his wrist and said with a sweet smile, "Mom Wang, don't worry. I'll go there myself. You can have a good rest at home. It's so hard on weekdays. I'll sleep in today."

Mrs. Wang was amused by Zhou Manchun's words. She said with a smile: "Miss Zhou, I'm old and can't sleep if I want to. Ah It's natural labor. "

"Then mother Wang can do something she likes. What do you like to do?"

"I like cross stitch very much."

"Then I'll come back later and buy some for you."

After breakfast, Zhou Manchun hurried out and drove to No. 1 middle school in city A.

A city is a very artistic school. Unlike other schools, one is filled with French Wutong, and the school occupies a very large area. There are eighteen classes in each grade. The teaching building of the new senior one is blue, the second grade is yellow, the third is green, the architectural style is very distinct, and there is a mountain in the school, which can be used for the portrait of the art student. Students can also exercise and climb mountains.

What impresses Zhou Manchun most is the lavender flower field. In June and July every year, lavender blooms very luxuriantly. A violin competition is held in the lavender flower field in the first middle school every year.

Zhou Manchun's best friend once won the violin competition for three years in a row, and no one has been able to break this record so far.

There will be a group of special art students in No.1 middle school, while Zhou Manchun is both an art and a learning student. She has practiced well in piano and skills in primary school.

Go to the most familiar playground, Zhou Manchun stopped under the No. 7 basket, here, was Zhao Tianyu's favorite place to play basketball.

At first, Zhou Manchun did not know why. Every day, standing in the dormitory building, he could see Zhao Tianyu playing. The position of the No. seven basket was just aimed at their dormitory. Now, I want to come. Everything was carefully arranged by Zhao Tianyu.

Maybe their love is like a conspiracy that has been planned for a long time, but they have paid their hearts to each other, Zhou Manchun resented him, but those scars will be diluted by time.

"The students are all off. The school is so cold." The familiar voice came from Zhou Manchun, with a feeling of vicissitudes.

Zhou Manchun looks back and knows it's Zhao Tianyu's voice without thinking. I'm so familiar with it. Zhao Tianyu is wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans. I haven't seen him dressed so casually for a long time.

His clean face had already shaved off the beard that had grown in the detention house, as if he was the one in front of him and the one familiar with him.

"Yes, the school has changed a lot, but all the things I like are still there." Zhou Manchun said with a smile.

"Let's go for a walk." Zhao Tianyu put his hands in his pockets, because he didn't know where to put them. Now Zhou Manchun is no longer his girlfriend. His hands must be safe!

In the past, they used to walk here hand in hand, or shoulder to shoulder.

"Yes." Zhou Manchun should be road, the heart is very complex.

There was a voice in her heart shouting, forgive him, she has forgiven.

Seeing that Zhao Tianyu is now like this, Zhou Manchun still sympathizes with him, so she asks her father to let Zhao Tianyu go. Only in this way can they not owe each other.

"Xiaochun, I think a lot about it in these days." Zhao Tianyu walked on Zhou Manchun's left side, helping her block out the hot summer sun.

"What did you think?" Asked Zhou Manchun.

"Thank you Once I loved me so seriously, I did something I'm sorry for you, but those loves are true. " Zhao Tianyu suddenly pulled Zhou Manchun down to the shade of the tree, but he stood in the sun with the sun on his back. He had not felt the sun for a long time. The days in the detention house were very boring and lonely, but he saw through everything and even put down the hatred. Even if Zhou Tinghao did not let him out, he would not have any complaints.

Looking at the serious expression on his face, Zhou Manchun believed him. Although Zhao Tianyu was a scheming man, his nature was not bad. If he could live in a happy family since childhood, maybe he would not be like this.

"Tianyu, everything between us has passed. I hope you can look forward to it. One day, if you get married, please let me know. Let me see your bride." Zhou Manchun smiled, but felt that his tone sounded a little sour.

If there had been no accident, his bride would have been her!

Between them, predestined, Zhou Manchun felt that she had put those things down, she did not think about love for the time being.

"Well, I'll send it to your email." Zhao Tianyu said with a wry smile, because Zhou Manchun has blackmailed all his contact information.

Zhou Manchun smiles but doesn't speak. They continue to walk forward shoulder to shoulder. Unconsciously, they arrive at the piano room.

There are 208 pianos in the piano room of No. 1 middle school. The lawn outside the piano room is also covered with champagne roses. The most prominent one is the statue of Beethoven, which corresponds to the Paganini statue in the lavender field.

Once upon a time, Zhao Tianyu liked to listen to Zhou Manchun playing the piano. The No.1 Piano Room on the first floor of the piano room is Zhou Manchun's exclusive piano room and the largest and best of all the piano rooms. Only Zhou Manchun's piano is a tripod piano.

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