The picture they stand together is just one of the most cute height differences, and they are right.

"When is there such a beautiful woman around him? There's definitely something fishy about it. " Ye Junwen shook his head. He knew that Jin Beisen would bring his female partner. He brought one of them. He just thought that the woman was in trouble, so he didn't want to bring one.

"What are you tired of? I really like her. " Jin Shuwen said with a smile.

Ye Junwen looks at Jin Shuwen in bewilderment and asks, "how? Have you met before? "

"Well, there's a connection." Jin Shuwen is also frank, nodded and said.

"Tell me, what is Beisen's relationship with that woman now?" Ye Junwen seems to be in a bit of a hurry. Why didn't Jin Beisen tell himself that he had a beautiful girl recently?

Although Zhou Manchun is wearing a mask, ye Junwen can vaguely feel that the face under the mask must be quite beautiful and moving. The ugly person, Jin Beisen, will not bring it.

"I don't know. You can ask my cousin then." Jin Shuwen smiled and looked at Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen.

Jin Shuwen is still single. Actually, she is looking forward to finding a handsome, perfect and infatuated man like her cousin, but she hasn't met anyone that makes her heart beat.

Shi Mingge is wearing a silver suit tonight. He is standing in a remote position. Shi Mingge doesn't like this kind of occasion very much, but tonight, he is in high spirits. After all, Jin Beisen brought Zhou Manchun. It seems that the relationship between them will be announced soon.

Lin Minghao also came to the dinner party tonight. He also recognized Jin Beisen. Since he was 19, Jin Beisen has been on the magazine of Finance and money. When he was in the mall, there were no people who didn't know him. He guessed that the people around Jin Beisen should be Zhou Manchun, because the impression Zhou Manchun left on him was deeply noble and unforgettable.

Lin Minghao took a sip of the red wine cup with a smile and said: "no wonder Zhou Manchun didn't want to meet him. It turned out that he was a big man like Jin Beisen!"!

However, in this case, why does Zhou Manchun have to date with himself? Don't her parents know about her relationship with Jin Beisen?

Lin Minghao estimated that this is generally the case. Generally speaking, if parents know that their future son-in-law is Jin Beisen, they are not happy. Zhou Manchun conceals them and chooses to meet him. There must be something fishy about it.

All the men and women here are thoughtful. Most of the men think that the girl around Jin Beisen is really beautiful.

What women think is, hum, there are so many women around Jin Beisen like clothes. It's not surprising to see a new one. Maybe they will break up tomorrow. Anyway, they are jealous of Zhou Manchun's good looks.

The dinner party went well. Jin Beisen didn't have the same old-fashioned way to speak on the stage. The people who attended the business reception were familiar with the process, and everyone played their own games.

Jin Shuwen was wearing a pink sleeveless lace dress. The whole person looked full of vitality. She walked to Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun with a smile and said, "cousin, I want to borrow your girlfriend."

Zhou Manchun naturally recognized Jin Shuwen, but when Jin Shuwen said "girlfriend", Zhou Manchun's face was still red unconsciously.

Jin Beisen looked down at Zhou Manchun and saw that she wanted to talk about the past with Jin Shuwen. Jin Beisen said lightly, "well."

Jin Shuwen takes Zhou Manchun's arm and they go to the buffet on the left side of the hall.

"Xiaochun, how can you follow my cousin to the business reception today?" Jin Shuwen is like a curious baby. She didn't want to participate in the party, but it's said that Jin Beisen changed the nature of the party, so that everyone who participated in the party would wear a mask. Jin Shuwen became interested in it all of a sudden and slipped out of the drama group.

"Your cousin asked me to come." Zhou Manchun replied.

"You are so beautiful today. It's a pity that you don't become a star with your capital."

"You entertainment circle water is too deep, I may not be able to bear it," Zhou Manchun chuckled

"If you really want to enter the entertainment circle, don't worry. I'll cover you. No one dares to bully you." Jin Shuwen clapped her chest and promised.

Zhou Manchun shook his hand, picked up a small cake and said, "no, I'm not interested in acting."

Actors look very bright on the surface, but who knows the hard work behind them? The price of irregular work and rest all the year round is really heavy.

Zhou Manchun likes a quiet and simple life. As long as the people she loves are around and her family is healthy and safe, that's enough.

"Are you and my cousin together now?" Jin Shuwen's hand paused, and took up a plate filled with all kinds of small cakes. Then she took Zhou Manchun to the French solid wood sofa beside her.

Zhou Manchun was asked by her some unnatural, what is together? To say together, they have been together, to say not together, they really do not count together.

Although Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen live together, their relationship can't be seen. Maybe she will be the front page of the discussion among the major newspapers tomorrow.

This identity, it is some awkwardness, Zhou Manchun held his breath, self mocking smile said: "I and he should not be together."

See Zhou Manchun's words hide a bit of loss, Jin Shuwen is not happy, the delicate brow wring up, whispered: "Xiaochun, don't think too much, my cousin is a duplicity, he looks very unfeeling on the surface, cold, sometimes that temper is very stubborn, cloudy and sunny, but you have to believe that he has you in his heart, otherwise he won't take you Come here. "

"Does your cousin have a micro blog?" Zhou Manchun suddenly thought of this topic. When she saw Jin Beisen's Micro blog in the morning, she was really heartbroken.

"I don't know. Maybe not. My cousin is so busy. He doesn't have time to play Weibo. Even I don't play much."

"He Have you ever had a girlfriend before? " Zhou Manchun bites her lips and stirs up her eyelashes with a light tremor. Her mind is very delicate. Her intuition tells her that Jin Beisen has been in contact with each other and there is absolutely no mistake.

Jin Shuwen looks and raises a breath. No one dares to say it to Jin Beisen. Every time he thinks of that person, Jin Beisen will become extremely sad or angry. Even Jin Shuwen is scared when he looks at it.

After pulling Zhou Manchun's hand, Jin Shuwen frowned, and she whispered, "yes, I won't hide you, but it's a long time ago. The two have been separated."

"Is he still in love with her?" Zhou Manchun asked seriously.

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