"Ha ha, what are you doing with her? Who dares not listen to you now? I'm counting on you to cover me later! " Yang Yiming's fine and bright eyes all gathered together, thinking about something in his mind.

At first, Zhou Manchun was the deputy director, but he was a resident physician, and her position has opened a level. Now, Zhou Manchun has become the director. Yang Yiming feels that he can't keep up with the times.

"Yes, Xiaochun, the better you are, the more people will look at you. Many of them are jealous of you, so you need more fuel." Weng quietly and heartily cheered for Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun nodded. For the time being, she had to cheer up. She could not let others look down on her. She knew that someone would not agree with her. What she could do was to ignore those indifferent eyes, walk on her own road and let others talk.

During the lunch break, Zhou Manchun and Jiang Jingqi went to the canteen for dinner. Many doctors in the canteen saw Zhou Manchun and came up to congratulate her.

"Doctor Zhou, no, I'll call you director Zhou now." Chen Yue walks to Zhou Manchun with a dish of vegetables.

"Thank you." Zhou Manchun chuckles.

She became the head of Cardiology, and the news spread quickly.

"Doctor Zhou, you don't have to feel stressed. You will get used to it step by step." Chen Yue sat down and a heartfelt smile came up on his handsome face.

Jiang Jingqi knows that Chen Yue also likes Zhou Manchun, but Chen Yue is from the Department of anesthesiology. In addition to having the chance to have an operation, they usually have a hard time meeting. Generally, if there is Zhou Manchun's operation, there will be Chen Yue.

"Well, I'll come on." Zhou Manchun takes out her mobile phone while talking. It's wechat from Jin Beisen. She has a wonderful smile on her lips.

Jin Beisen asked her what to eat at noon, and Zhou Manchun took a picture to show him.

"Doctor Zhou smiles so shyly. Have you made a boyfriend?" Chen Yue keeps his eyes fixed on Zhou Manchun. His eyes make a ripple. Zhou Manchun's smile touches his calm heart.

"Ah?" Zhou man was stunned and stared at Chen Yue.

"Didn't we talk about boyfriends?" Chen Yue asked, his voice mixed with a little surprise.

"This is kept secret for the time being." Zhou Manchun said with a mysterious smile that she didn't fall in love. In case that the media revealed her association with Jin Beisen one day, it would be deceiving everyone. Let's talk about the association. Now everything is not stable. Zhou Manchun wants to talk to everyone for a while.

Chen Yue shakes his head helplessly, and says dejectedly, "ah It looks like I'm done. "

Zhou Manchun chuckled and jokingly said, "Dr. Chen is so handsome, how could he not find his girlfriend?"

"The moon on the sea floor is the moon in the sky, and the man in front of us is the sweetheart." Chen Yue smiled, showing a touch of sincere feelings on his clean face, and saying a wordy word in his mouth.

Zhou Manchun has heard this sentence. She has complex emotions in her heart. Sometimes, being liked by many people is not necessarily a good thing.

"Dr. Chen is a wonderful man." Zhou Manchun praised that once the eyes were bright, the topic was directly transferred.

Jiang Jingqi sat quietly aside, listening to her pity for Chen Yue. At this time, Zhou Manchun praised him, which was a very sad thing.

Even if Chen Yue is stupid, he can hear the meaning of Zhou Manchun's words. He is absolutely out of business.

After returning to the office, Zhou Manchun took out her mobile phone and gave Jin Beisen a good news report.

Beisen, I have been promoted and become the head of cardiology department.

When Jin Beisen saw her wechat, he immediately replied, "Congratulations, little fool, are you very happy?"?

Just as Zhou Manchun was typing, Jiang Jingqi came in with two cups of American coffee.

"Doctor Zhou, I have something to tell you." Jiang Jingqi put the coffee on Zhou Manchun's table with a smile.

Zhou manchunnu nuzui, smiled and put the cell phone back in his pocket, patted Jiang Jingqi on the shoulder and said, "well, come with me."

After all, there are other doctors in the office. There are many people, and some words can't be said.


The sun is dazzling and the breeze is blowing in the air, which makes people feel sultry.

Zhou Manchun and Jiang Jingqi are sitting at the stairway of the rooftop with a cup of coffee, just in a cool place.

"Congratulations, Xiao Chun. Now you are the chief of our cardiology department." Jiang Jingqi holds the coffee in her hand, with a touch of joy in her eyes. She is really happy for Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun chuckled, "thank you."

"Before you came to the hospital today, the nurses were discussing last night's JS international confession. Do you know what happened?" Jiang Jingqi vaguely guessed that it was Jin Beisen who was confessing to others.

"Xiaoqi, I don't want to hide it from you. Last night, he told me I... I agreed. " Zhou Manchun was thinking, and she knew that Jiang Jingqi would ask her, Jiang Jingqi is a good girl, and she is worthy of trust, so Zhou Manchun said.

Jiang Jingqi is wringing her eyebrows. She is worried about Zhou Manchun. If Jin Beisen just plays with her, what should Zhou Manchun do?

"Is he sincere to you?" Jiang asked in a low voice.

"I don't know for the moment, but I think he is. I believe him." Zhou Manchun's eyes drooped with a smile. Her hands holding coffee were very natural. When she thought of Jin Beisen, her heart was warm.

"Well, Xiaochun, you are happy. Anyway, I will always be your good sister. I support any decision you make." Jiang Jingqi's eyes glistened, and a smile of relief appeared on her plain face.

Friendship is simple to say, complex to say. It depends on whether you find a true friend. Time is the best way to tell a person's quality, because time never lies.

Years will leave traces on your face and wash away every scar on your heart. Anything can start again. Don't be afraid to start again.

JS international.

"President Jin, Miss Su is here." Wang Yanran is dressed in a smart suit. She is Jin Beisen's chief secretary. Ordinary women want to come. She must have been stopped here. Jin Beisen gave her this right. But the person who came today is Su Muni. Wang Yanran knows that this person is not so simple.

"Yes." There was a lazy nasal sound in Nuo Da's office. Jin Beisen looked up. He had just looked at a document.

Wang Yanran is not interested in Jin Beisen, because she is much older than Jin Beisen and can be his elder sister. However, it has to be admitted that Jin Beisen's earnest manner of doing things is really charming, even if it's just like just now, a simple act of looking up.

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