After an awkward introduction, the four were very happy when they had dinner. After dinner, Jin Beisen first sent Lin Qiaoqiao home.

Famous city garden.

Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen get off the car to see Yu ina off. Before Yu ina leaves, Zhou Manchun specially holds her.

"Nana, today's business must be kept secret, you know?" Zhou man said solemnly.

"I know sister, don't worry. I won't talk to my aunt." Yuina spits out her tongue mischievously and says very wisely.

Zhou Manchun sighed with a slight sigh of relief and understood the meaning in Yu Yina's eyes. She said straightforwardly, "let's talk about it. If there are any conditions, my sister will definitely meet you."

"That elder sister, please come to see us at home when you are free, and buy me a bag of snacks by the way." Yuina is a very sensible girl. What are her conditions? It's nothing more than food.

"Well, my sister will come home for dinner sometime." Zhou Manchun sips her lips. Thinking that she hasn't been home for more than half a month, she feels very sad.

"Well, that elder sister doesn't need to send. I'll go up by myself. Goodbye, elder brother and elder sister." Yu Yina smiles and waves goodbye to Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun.

"Goodbye." Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen said tacitly.

In the night, the fingers of the two people are intertwined unconsciously. Jin Beisen clasps her hands. The temperature of each other seeps into their skin and into their hearts.

The next morning, Jin Beisen still sent Zhou Manchun to work.

At the gate of the hospital, this time is just the peak of a city. There are a lot of cars on the street, and pedestrians are in a hurry.

"Beisen, I'll go." Zhou man smiled sweetly, revealing a row of neat and white teeth.

"Yes?" The languid voice came from Jin Beisen's mouth. His chin was slightly raised, indicating Zhou Manchun to kiss himself before leaving.

Zhou Manchun looses his seat belt and turns to kiss Jin Beisen on the cheek. Unexpectedly, he turns to kiss Jin Beisen, and their mouths just match.

Jin Beisen gives Zhou Manchun a lingering French kiss. Until Zhou Manchun is late for work at last, he is satisfied to let her go.

After Zhou Manchun jumped out of the car, his dexterous figure disappeared around the corner. Jin Beisen drove away.

This morning, it was Zhou Manchun's turn to sit in the outpatient department. She changed into a white gown and sat in the outpatient room to prepare.

It seems that Zhou Manchun has become a director. It seems that there are more patients coming to her place to see a doctor. In the morning, she doesn't even have time to drink water. Her mouth is dry and her tongue is dry.

The door of the outpatient room was closed gently, and a woman dressed in fashion and makeup came in.

A pair of sunglasses is covered on the face of slap, and a small hat is also worn on the head.

Zhou Manchun has been working in the hospital for more than three months. He has never seen such a patient. He doesn't look like a doctor at all.

Sumuni sat down on the bench, looking like a white swan, quietly waiting for Zhou Manchun to speak first.

Zhou Manchun takes out her medical record card, swipes it gently on the machine, and the name of sumuni pops up in the computer. Zhou Manchun turns to look at her, and her apricot eyes become deep. She knows that sumuni is not simply coming to see a doctor.

Sumuni didn't take off his sunglasses, but showed a meaningful smile. His big red lips moved slightly. Under the sunglasses, there were a pair of deep eyes.

"Doctor Zhou is good." She cried softly.

"What's wrong with Miss Su?" said Zhou Manchun without expression

"Well I feel uncomfortable recently, just like I have a thorn in my heart. Do you think I should pull it out? " Sumuni's voice was still soft, but when she said this, her calm eyes were already surging.

With a faint smile, Zhou Manchun said, "do you need me to check for Miss Su?"

"Doctor Zhou, let's have lunch at noon instead of talking in dark."

"Am I familiar with you? Why eat with you? " Zhou Manchun asked with a smile, still in a calm mood.

"Of course, I didn't know it in the past, but now I do? Why, are you so afraid of me? " Sumuni's soft voice was full of provocation and sharpness, which made Zhou Manchun uncomfortable.

Zhou Manchun is not afraid of her. She is just not interested in eating with sumuni. She didn't expect sumuni to come here so soon. She can't stand her temper.

"Why should I be afraid of you? In other words, who are you? " Zhou Manchun smiled faintly, his calm face was still, but Jin Beisen played a cruel shadow.

Zhou Manchun came from Jin Beisen's school. When confronting others, he should be strong and never let others see his nervousness.

Su Muni smelt the words, the eyes under the sunglasses narrowed sharply, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Thanks to Jin Beisen's love, she is so arrogant now. I don't know how to die when Jin Beisen doesn't want her!

"Doctor Zhou, I'm afraid not to eat with me. If you don't agree, I'll stay here today." Su Muni sneers, sees Zhou Manchun's good words don't listen to, simply played a rascal, anyway she has plenty of time.

Zhou Manchun pulled out her magnetic card from the machine and said coldly, "OK."

"That's settled. I'll wait for you at the Italian restaurant near your hospital at 12 noon." Sumuni's tone mixed with a trace of unhappiness, took his medical card and left.

Zhou man turned a white eye without any words. If she didn't consider that there were many patients waiting to see a doctor behind her, she wouldn't have time to tangle with sumuni.

At noon, Weng quietly took a medical record to find Zhou Manchun in the outpatient room.

Zhou Manchun just changed his white coat and carried his bag to go to the appointment.

"Xiaochun, do you want to eat together?" Weng asked with a smile.

"No, I have an appointment at noon." Zhou Manchun has a headache.

"Well, this is the medical record. The patient just came in today. It is said that he is a relative of the mayor. He wants you to operate on him." Weng said quietly.

Because the hospital has the rules of the hospital. Generally speaking, where do you go to see a doctor and which doctor does the operation? Only a few patients have the right to choose a doctor.

"Well, put the information on my desk first. I'll go back later." Zhou Manchun is also a good temper. If someone chooses her to do surgery, it means that others agree with her. She should be happy.

Weng quietly frowned with worry. "Xiaochun, you'd better not take this patient well. I've seen his physical condition. It's really terrible. Even if he has an operation, he won't live long. And if the operation fails, it's not easy to do it."

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