In the community, ordinary people don't drive so fast. Yu Yina looks at the direction of the van out of curiosity.

In the silver van, three men in black I-shaped vests jumped down. The first one was the head of the plane, followed by two yellow haired boys. It was a bit like the gangster in the movie.

Yu Yina felt a little uneasy, her voice trembled, her eyes did not dare to look at the three people.

"Qiao Qiao, I I see three rogues. " Yu Yina said as she stepped up.

"Ah?" Lin Qiaoqiao was confused. "Nana, didn't you go downstairs to the garbage? How can there be hooligans? How bad is the security in your neighborhood? "

"I don't know either." Yuina's nervous voice was a little shaky, because the three people were still far away from her, so they should not hear her.

Yu Yina looks around, the sun is in the sky, there is no one in the community at noon, it's really a ghost!

All of a sudden, three men in black I-shaped vests came running towards yuina.

When Yu Yina saw this, she ran away with wide eyes, but how can a weak woman run better than a gangster in other people's underworld.

A few seconds later, yuina was caught by a man on the head of an airplane. Due to the strong struggle of her body, the earphone had slipped from her ear. The three hooligans didn't notice the existence of the earphone for a while, so they hurriedly took yuina to the direction of the van.

Where is Yu Yina willing? She struggles desperately. She uses her hands and feet together but feels helpless for a while. In addition, when the sun is in the air, she is about to faint, and her strength can't be exerted naturally.

"You Who are you? Why should I be arrested. " Asked yuina, trembling, a pale face.

"Boss, she seems to be on the phone." A yellow brother noticed the mobile phone hidden in the pocket of Yu Yina's back belt pants, said warily.

The man at the head of the plane immediately took Yu Yina's mobile phone out of his pocket, unplugged the headset and saw that he was making a phone call. He immediately pressed the red end button on the screen.

"It's not good. We have to make a quick decision and drag the girl into the car." Said the man at the head of the plane.

Yu Yina was scared to the extreme. She was so big that she was kidnapped for the first time. This kind of plot was only seen in the TV series before, but it has come true today. When she thought that she might die, Yu Yina cried out.

The yellow hair brothers thought she was too noisy, so they knocked Yu Yina out. The three men quickly carried Yu Yina to the car, and a silver van rushed out of the famous city garden.

Lin Qiaoqiao was shocked. Just now, Yu Yina was kidnapped. She heard the whole process clearly. Her whole body was shocked, and her face turned white. Three seconds later, she rushed down from the bed and rushed to Jiaru hospital with her bag on her back.

Lin Qiaoqiao is a good friend of Yu Yina. The two girls often share each other's concerns, including the family affairs. Yu Yina and He Lin Qiaoqiao said that her sister works in Jiaru hospital.

In Jiaru hospital, Lin Qiaoqiao went crazy and rushed to Jiaru hospital. He found a circle in the doctor's office, but couldn't find where Zhou Manchun was.

Looking left and right, she saw a woman doctor in a white gown. Lin Qiaoqiao stopped her.

"Hello, doctor. Do you know where Dr. Zhou Manchun is now?" Lin Qiaoqiao's heart was burning. He took a deep breath before he could speak completely.

Liu Bingjie looks up slightly, thinking that another one is coming to find Zhou Manchun. She curls her lips and says, "doctor Zhou is doing an operation now, little sister. What can I do for you?"

Lin Qiaoqiao grabbed Liu Bingjie's hand and said, "when can she come out? I have a very important thing to find her."

Liu Bingjie threw away Lin Qiaoqiao's hand with disgust on her face and said impatiently, "when can she come out? How do I know? And in the afternoon of doctor Zhou, the operation is done one by one. "

"Doctor, I'm begging. I'm really in a hurry to ask her. Can you help me to the operating room and see when doctor Zhou will come out?" Facing Liu Bingjie's cold face, Lin Qiaoqiao is about to cry.

"Sorry, I'm not available now." Liu Bingjie didn't like Zhou Manchun originally. Now Zhou Manchun has become her immediate supervisor, and even more, she is stabbed in the eye. Liu Bingjie hates that she has no time, so how can she want to help this little girl in front of her.

"Doctor Don't go, doctor. " Lin Qiaoqiao is dejected a face, the eye appears a little red and swollen.

Just after Jiang Jingqi transfused a patient's fluid, she saw Lin Qiaoqiao talking to Liu Bingjie. Jiang Jingqi thought Lin Qiaoqiao was Liu Bingjie's family member and ignored her.

Later, when Lin Qiaoqiao saw Jiang Jingqi walking to the nurse station, he immediately ran to the nurse station and said to Jiang Jingqi, "this nurse, can you help me find Dr. Zhou Manchun?"

Lin Qiaoqiao doesn't give up. The doctor is indifferent. The nurse is not so indifferent.

Jiang Jingqi is looking for Zhou Manchun. Her ears are like little white rabbits. She immediately stands up. She looks suspicious and asks, "what's the matter?"

"I'm a good friend of Dr. Zhou's sister. Nana and I were on the phone at noon when they were kidnapped. I really didn't lie." Lin Qiaoqiao is afraid that Jiang Jingqi won't believe it. He added a sentence at the back.

Jiang Jingqi licked her lips and smiled faintly. Kidnapping? Will someone kidnap at noon? This man is here to find fault.

"Little sister, have you finished your homework in summer vacation? If doctor Zhou's sister is really kidnapped, you should call the police. " Jiang's sarcastic tone was obviously full of doubts. She didn't believe Lin Qiaoqiao's words.

Lin Qiaoqiao paused for a moment and stared at Jiang Jingqi with great firmness. "I'm really saying that I'm a student of No. 1 middle school and a good friend of Dr. Zhou's sister. I swear I didn't lie. If I lied to you, you can call the police and catch me right away."

Seeing Lin Qiaoqiao's childish face full of seriousness, Jiang Jingqi's suspicion wavered a little. She frowned and said, "but doctor Zhou is in the operating room now. Even if there is something urgent, she has to wait for her to have a good operation."

"What should I do now?" Lin Qiao Qiao suddenly collapsed and sat on the ground. There were two lines of tears on her beautiful face. Nana was her best friend, and there must be no accident!

"Well, you go to the operating room with me. You wait outside, but you have to tell me your name first." Jiang Jingqi hurriedly stood out from the nurse and saw that the little girl in front of her didn't seem to be joking. She lifted Lin Qiaoqiao up from the ground and asked gently.

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