"Oh, isn't it? Then try it. If not, call your Dean. " Jin Beisen saw Zhou man's pure and clear eye base wavering, full of evil spirit.

"Mr. Jin, please cooperate with the rules and regulations of the hospital. If the patient is out of danger in a few days, you will be allowed to visit." Zhou Manchun saw Jin Beisen refused to eat the hard ones, so he had to come to the soft ones.

But she must not let Jin Beisen in. What's the difference between Jin Beisen's seeing and not seeing? And Zhou Manchun thinks that Jin Beisen is definitely not kind-hearted.

Who knows, Jin Beisen not only didn't listen to Zhou Manchun's words, but he played a rogue. He bent, put up his long legs and sat on the chair, "then I'll wait here."

Zhou Manchun helplessly turned a white eye. The president of JS international was so empty. It's really strange. It seems that he intended to fight with himself.

"Xiaoqi, go ahead and do it. I'll take care of it here." Zhou Manchun knows that Jin Beisen must spend some time with himself. Since he wants to go in, she will accompany him in!

Jiang Jingqi's eyes were rolling, wondering if Zhou Manchun would be in danger. Jin Beisen didn't seem to be a good host.

"Director Zhou, then I'll go." Before leaving, Jiang was reluctant to give Jin Beisen a look. After all, the God of man was in front of her. It's a pity that she didn't see much.

"Don't you say you're not a doctor in this hospital?" After Jiang Jingqi left, Jin Beisen asked in a dangerous way.

Zhou Manchun's heart beat like a deer bumping around. She pulled at the corners of her mouth and didn't reply to Jin Beisen's question.

"If you are determined to go in, I will accompany you in, but I will bear the consequences. If the patient accidentally infects the germs, it is all your responsibility." Zhou man said in pure words.

"Funny, how could it be my responsibility? Is it not the responsibility of your hospital for the patient to get the germs? " See Zhou Manchun don't want to answer, Jin Beisen didn't force, because he knew Zhou Manchun was a doctor of Jiaru hospital.

Want to scare Jin Beisen? Zhou man's innocence is the development of courage.

"How is the responsibility of the hospital? I advised you." Zhou Manchun raised his eyes to see Jin Beisen. He had big eyes and a dignified appearance. He was really handsome.

"Before I go in, I need to disinfect. If I eliminate the poison and bring the germs to my uncle, it is that the disinfection work in your hospital is not in place." Jin Beisen's tongue is sharp and smooth. Zhou Manchun fights with him. Obviously, he is not his opponent.

Zhou Manchun doesn't know where the anger comes from. She has been working smoothly in Jiaru hospital these days. Although director Li has been secretly pushing her out, she has a real ability and doesn't miss anything, so she's not afraid of director Li's small actions, but Jin Beisen gives her a strong sense of crisis.

Disinfection, changing clothes, all the movements Jin Beisen completed are very natural.

"Doctor Zhou, you seem to be sweating." After entering the ward, Jin Beisen just glanced at Shi Botao coldly, and then never went to see him again.

Zhou Manchun touched his forehead unnaturally. He was very nervous. He did sweat a little. "Is it strange that he sweats when the air conditioner is on?"

Jin Beisen didn't speak, but he thought it was funny. Zhou Manchun's performance reminded him of a sentence: a dead duck has a hard mouth.

The ward suddenly became very quiet. Zhou Manchun was not that kind of person. He could hear the clock ticking.

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