Jin Beisen was satisfied with Zhou Manchun's answer. He smiled silently, and the corner of his lips raised a beautiful arc.

"Four years ago, there was a big storm in JS international, and the company almost closed down. At that time, my father gave half of the company's business to me, which was a transitional period for me to take over JS international. From JS international, he embezzled hundreds of millions. As for the specific money, it has not been found out yet." Jin Beisen shakes his head helplessly and says that Shi Botao has made hundreds of millions of money from JS international in recent years? Since he took office, he dismissed all the old employees of JS international who were close to Shi Botao, and the company gradually returned to normal operation.

Now JS international has long been Jin Beisen's world.

"Ah? Didn't your father even notice? " Zhou Manchun turned his head and looked at Jin Beisen in surprise.

"Shi Botao is a cunning man. At that time, my grandfather had a serious illness. My whole family's mind was on Grandpa. The company's business was very small. Who would have known such a mistake?" Jin Beisen said coldly.

"That's bad enough, then." Zhou manchundu lips, she is really wrong about him, the first time she saw him, she thought he was a good man.

"Over the years, he has been buying luxury houses, sports cars and even wanted to start his own company in the United States. My father didn't say anything, but he had a bad heart, his son didn't compete, and his business mind was not as good as mine. He finally gave up and just lived in JS international."

"You say that Siming song is not winning?" Zhou Manchun was once again refreshed three views. Shi Mingge seems to be a very smart person with the potential to be a businessman.

"All his time is wasted on women. I've seen it. One month after he returned home, he came to JS to work. He was late and left early every day. He didn't swipe his card again tonight." Jin Beisen is disgusted. He has to talk to Shi Mingge tomorrow. Even his cousin can't do this. If he goes on like this, he will have to be dismissed.

JS international, even an aunt who sweeps the toilet, goes to work on time and loves her job very much. No one like Shi Mingge, as a manager, is often out of the office.

"It's too much. I don't want to be a personal doctor for him when you say that." Zhou Manchun's lips are blankly, showing a sense of justice on her beautiful face.

Jin Beisen smiled faintly, "go, why not? You should be paid a lot when you are a private doctor."

"Yes, he gives me fifty thousand a month." Zhou Manchun didn't know why he was so rich before. Now he understands that he has money.

"Twice a week, fifty thousand a month. It's a good money to earn."

"Don't satirize me." As soon as Zhou Manchun thought that she was going to have a physical examination for Shi Botao tomorrow, she had some inexplicable annoyance. How could she not like the father and son so much?

"Xiao Chun, I'd like to remind you not to talk with Shi Botao. This man is very deep in the city. You can check him and leave immediately, OK?" Jin Beisen also has a little worry. After all, Shi Botao is not easy to deal with. On the surface, he looks very kind. In fact, he is a man eating tiger.

Zhou Manchun nodded seriously, "well, don't worry, I have my own discretion."

Jin Beisen drove happily. He shouldn't have told Zhou Manchun about these things with Shi Botao, but Jin didn't want to involve Zhou Manchun in this dispute, let alone make her a target.

Zhou Manchun is beside Jin Beisen. It's morning and night that she becomes the target of public criticism. There are too many people envious of her. So Jin Beisen has specially customized lovers' mobile phones that can be located. Even if the mobile phone is turned off, it can be successfully located. As long as the mobile phone is around, Zhou Manchun can know that Jin Beisen is in danger.

The warm wind is slow.

Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun are sitting on the balcony, and the tablet computer on the round table is playing a song.

"Beisen, I read on the Internet that the water park has opened. Let's play together when we are free." Zhou Manchun brushes the micro blog, two white and sexy thighs are sitting on the French reclining chair, looming in the night, intriguing.

"Well, when we get back from Las Vegas." Jin Beisen happily agreed. As long as it's Zhou Manchun's question, he can all agree.

Besides looking at the stars is his taboo.

With the bright moon in the sky, there are not many stars in the sky tonight. Jin Beisen raised his head slightly and looked at it. His eyes were shining like stars. The night wind gently brushed his cheek, making him feel tender.

This summer night, quiet and peaceful, with a lovely woman around, looks very happy.

"Ah? Am I going too? " Zhou Manchun turns down the music on the tablet and looks up at him.

"Of course, I want you to accompany me to witness the game." Jin Beisen's calm face raised a smile that was inevitable.

"But I haven't got a visa." Zhou Manchun has turned her back. She has never been to Las Vegas.

"I've got someone to do it for you. After work tomorrow, we'll go by private plane."

"No, Beisen, you don't have my passport. How do you get a visa?" Zhou Manchun was confused, but he adored Jin Beisen more and more.

"Mountain people have their own tricks."

Zhou Manchun chuckled and said: "ah It's nice to have money. "

Jin Beisen has the same idea with her. He rolls up a smile at the corner of his mouth. Money is really a good thing, which can satisfy people's vanity and desire. But money is too much, sometimes it is not a good thing, which will blind people's eyes. In this world, there is no one who does not like money. Once there is a lot of money, he will want to have more money.

At first, he worked in JS international as general manager, with an annual salary of 30 million yuan, which is a very considerable figure. Later, Jin Jiahe would raise his salary every year, but he just didn't know how to meet his needs, and his desire became more and more strong. Later, when he was out of control, he didn't go back.

"Wife." Jin Beisen's lazy voice suddenly came from his side.

"Well? Who... Who is your wife? " Zhou Manchun blushes in the dim night. Jin Beisen is really strange. Sometimes she calls her wife unexpectedly, and she subconsciously responds to him.

"Who else is here besides us?" Jin Beisen got up, and his long legs came to Zhou Manchun before he took two steps.

He bent down and stared at Zhou Manchun's Apricot eyes with eyes as vast as stars. His hands suddenly made a gentle effort to hold Zhou Manchun's soft body.

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