"You are such a crazy woman!" Qi Nuosha was so angry that she rushed to Zhou Manchun and wanted to give him a slap.

But Zhou Manchun gave Qi Nuosha a a slap first, Qi Nuosha was beaten by her and the whole person was stunned.

The salesmen in Cartier's jewelry store are all stupid. The first-line female star is beaten by a woman of unknown origin!

Qi Nuosha's face is ferocious, the whole person is mad, she rushes up again, wants to fight with Zhou Manchun.

At the moment, there are already many people outside the jewelry store, even some people are taking videos with their mobile phones.

"Since your mother didn't teach you the rules of life, I will teach you well." Zhou Manchun's words were thin and cool, but as soon as the words fell, he turned to one side and dodged Qi nuosa's attack with his dexterous body.

Qi Nuosha's weight is not stable, and she is wearing high-heeled shoes. The smooth floor tiles in the jewelry store make her slide out. Zhou Manchun kicks Qi Nuosha's ass hard. Qi Nuosha and the earth kiss each other intimately.

Qi Nuosha was in a great state of distress. The surrounding area outside the jewelry store was full of people talking about it.

"That's a good girl."

"That's too much. She hit our sister Sasha. I'm going to fight with her!"

"That's right. Which onion is this girl? I'll tear it off with her! "

"Sister Sasa is so pitiful Sobbing. "

Zhou Manchun listened to everyone's comments and didn't pay attention to them. What she taught today is Qi Nuosha, who has no family education. What's more, Qi Nuosha started beating people first and tore off her necklace. This lesson is light.

After half a sound.

"Wrap this necklace for me." Zhou Manchun pointed to another Necklace in the counter.

"Yes Yes. " The clerk nodded his head busily, afraid not to listen to Zhou Manchun.

Qi Nuosha got up from the ground. Seeing Zhou Manchun's calf with his reddish brown fingernails, she grabbed it hard. Zhou Manchun was wearing a skirt, and her smooth calf was scratched with four very long blood marks!

Zhou Manchun suffered from pain and unconsciously kicked Qi Nuosha away. She kicked Qi Nuosha on the top of her head and almost kicked Qi Nuosha into a concussion.

The agent wanted to catch Zhou Manchun's hair, but when he saw Qi Nuosha lying on the ground in agony, he hurried to care about Qi Nuosha.

Zhou Manchun brushes the card. The necklace is 29000 yuan.

When the dark crowd outside the jewelry store saw Zhou Manchun was going out, they automatically gave her a way. No one dared to challenge Zhou Manchun. After all, they had just seen Zhou Manchun's strength.

Zhou Manchun's calf was bleeding, and the pain came quickly. She walked forward with pain.

"My friends, as you have just seen, that woman is so arrogant. I hope you will come out and help Sasha. I will take this woman to court tonight!" Qi Nuosha's agent helped Qi Nuosha to stand up and said with tears in her eyes.

"Sister Sasha, are you ok?"

"Yes, sister Sasha, how are you? Go to the hospital and have a look. "

"Sister Sasa, we have seen that the bad woman is so hateful. We will help you a little bit. I will go to Weibo tonight and scold her!"

"Don't worry, sister Sasa. I've made a video just now. I'll get justice for you!"


"Thank you." Qi Nuosha said with an embarrassed face, and bowed to the people.

Seeing the idols bow to themselves, the fans are even more distressed, and they all want to break Zhou Manchun up.

After returning to the hospital, Zhou Manchun walked into the office and met Yang Yiming.

At first, Yang Yiming didn't find Zhou Manchun's leg hurt, but he noticed that Zhou Manchun's face was not right. He quickly asked gently, "what's wrong with you, doctor Zhou?"

Zhou Manchun said with a broad-minded smile, "it's OK, Dr. Yang. Can you help me get some disinfectant?"

"Ah?" Yang Yiming was shocked and asked. He glanced at Zhou Manchun's leg and saw that there was blood on her leg. Yang Yiming was shocked.

Before Zhou Manchun opened his mouth, Yang Yiming immediately turned to Zhou Manchun's back, only to see four long and long blood marks on Zhou Manchun's right leg belly. The scarlet scars are hideous. On Zhou Manchun's bright and clean skin, it's shocking now.

"Dr. Zhou, who did this?" Yang Yiming's expression was heavy, and his eyes were full of pain, as if he wanted to find the man at any time.

"It's OK. I was caught by the fence." Zhou Manchun pulled the corners of his mouth and sat down in the position with pain.

Yang Yiming hurriedly ran to the nurse station to get the sterilized things, then squatted down and wiped the wound for Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun's legs are thin and long. If these four scars are left, it will be ugly. Yang Yiming prays in his heart: don't let Zhou Manchun leave scars.

In fact, Zhou Manchun doesn't matter. Scars will degenerate. There is a long scar on her heart and mouth. Which scar is longer and deeper than that one?

"I'll do it myself." Zhou Manchun is embarrassed to let Yang Yiming touch his leg. Anyway, he is just scratched and his skin is broken. It's not a big deal.

Yang Yiming squatted on the ground and couldn't get up. His face showed a firm mood. His black eyes were gloomy. "Don't try to be brave."

Zhou Manchun is silent, and leaves Yang Yiming to wipe his wound.

Iodine was gently rubbed on the red scars. The yellow liquid stained the red blood with a layer of color. Zhou Manchun was a very painful person, and didn't even frown in the whole process.

This matter, she won't calculate like this, Zhou Manchun bit his teeth, flashed the scene just now in the jewelry store in her mind, the fire in her heart was that Qi Nuosha humiliated her first!

Here, Yang Yiming has just cleaned her wound. Shortly after the medicine was applied, Jin Beisen's phone call came in.

Qi Nuosha's fans are very fast. She immediately published the video on Weibo, with an instant click through rate of over 100 million. There are more than 300 thousand comments on Weibo in an hour. Each one is scolded by Zhou Manchun.

Jin Beisen seldom read Weibo, but he was told by Uncle Zou by phone. After learning the news, Jin Beisen immediately went online to watch the video.

Watching Qi Nuosha being kicked by Zhou Manchun, Jin Beisen felt nothing at all. But when Qi Nuosha's hand grabbed Zhou Manchun's calf, Jin Beisen's whole heart hung.

Jin Beisen frames the video here and exposes the ferocious wound on the computer screen. Jin Beisen can't sit still. He quickly stands up and loosens the collar of his shirt. His face becomes very gloomy.

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