"Well, go to the hospital." Xu Ningsheng's helpless smile is like spring breeze.

Jin Shuwen drives the car and talks with Xu Ningsheng on the topic. Xu Ningsheng refuses to give his name at the beginning. Jin Shuwen laughs at him as living Lei Feng.

When he arrived at the hospital, Xu Ningsheng wanted to register, but he couldn't say his name. Jin Shuwen wrote it down in silence, thinking, "Xu Ningsheng, this name is very pleasant, quiet, rising, a very positive energy name.".

The doctor disinfected and bandaged Xu Ningsheng, and also told him some precautions. The wound should not touch water. He came to the hospital for a change of medicine in two days.

"What are you looking at, looking left and right?" Jin Shuwen found Xu Ningsheng beside him absent-minded, as if observing something.

Xu Ning returned to his mind and looked at the wound on his hand with a smile and said, "it's OK."

In Jiaru hospital, a group of doctors in white coats hurried into the elevator. Xu Ningsheng looked hard at the doctors, but did not find Zhou Manchun's petite figure.

"Thank you for sending me to the hospital. I have something else to do later. Let's leave now." Xu Ningsheng and Jin Shuwen are standing at the door of the hospital. Xu Ningsheng's handsome face shows a bright smile.

"Wait Let's add a wechat. Next time I invite you to dinner, thank you for helping me get my bag back. " Jin Shuwen said as she patted her handbag.

Xu Ningsheng hesitated for a few seconds. He wanted to refuse, but Jin Shuwen's temper had just been seen. He was typical of the Yellow River. Xu Ningsheng hesitated for a while, and then he agreed. He took out his mobile phone and asked Jin Shuwen to scan QR code.

When Jin Shuwen arrived at Xu Ningsheng's wechat, she was in a bright mood and said with a bright smile on her soft face, "that's the deal. I'll invite you to dinner then. You can't be a rip off."

Xu Ningsheng nodded, with a refined expression, "yes."

After Jin Shuwen drove away, Xu Ningsheng suddenly turned around and walked towards the inpatient department of Jiaru hospital.


Zhou Manchun just arrived at the hospital. Today, Jin Beisen would not let her work, but Zhou Manchun was bored and had nothing to do while staying at home. There was a gap between her and Jin Beisen. If she didn't go to work, I'm afraid the rumors outside would spread even more.

Xu Ningsheng pushes open the door of the doctor's office and sees Zhou Manchun, who is sitting by the bed and reading the information carefully. He opens his legs and walks in the direction of Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun didn't look up. His doctor's office was full of people all day. His family members, nurses and so on had trampled on the door of the office.

"Doctor Zhou." Xu Ningsheng comes to Zhou Manchun. Because there are others in the office, he calls her in a flat voice.

Zhou Manchun thought it was the patient's family. He put down the folder and raised his head, but his voice stuck in his throat.

"Ah Yes. " Zhou Manchun's eyes mingled with light doubts, thinking, how can Xu Ningsheng call himself doctor Zhou?

What a strange name! Doesn't he call himself Xiaochun?

"Are you free?" Xu Ningsheng asked after sipping his lips.

"Come with me." Zhou Manchun stands up. Her sight probably falls on Xu Ningsheng's chest. Xu Ningsheng and Jin Beisen are about 186.

In the hallway of the hospital.

Zhou Manchun put his hands in his white gown, and her expression was slightly embarrassed. She didn't expect that Xu Ningsheng would come to Jiaru hospital to find her. Xu Ningsheng stood on her side. Zhou Manchun noticed that Xu Ningsheng's right hand was wrapped with gauze, which seemed to be just wrapped, and the gauze was clean.

"What happened to your hand?" Zhou Manchun's eyes are heavy. After all, Xu Ningsheng is also a person she cares about.

Many things in her childhood, Zhou Manchun still remembers that when she was a child, she was Xu Ningsheng's bride every time they played family.

Children don't have the same mind as adults. They recognize who they are and have fun with. They will continue to find that person next time. Zhou Manchun and Xu Ningsheng are just like this. When Zhou Manchun was the most naive, Xu Ningsheng was her best friend.

However, I didn't see them for many years. Suddenly, Zhou Manchun felt strange when I ran into them. Until recently, they gradually became familiar with each other.

"Nothing." Xu Ningsheng shrinks his right hand. He doesn't want Zhou Manchun to worry about himself. His hand is just a little hurt. He is worried about Zhou Manchun.

"How?" Zhou Manchun pinched his finger, as if there was a backlog of breath in his heart. In fact, Xu Ningsheng's character is similar to her. Both of them are good at forbearance and won't say their own voice easily.

"I robbed a man's bag in the morning and was cut by the thief." Xu Ning raised and lowered his head. He scratched his hair with embarrassment, and his eyes were still a little introverted.

"Ah Sheng What are you doing so much to help others? Your own safety is the most important. What if the thief stabbed other parts instead of your hand? Don't do such a stupid thing next time. " Zhou Manchun's eyebrows twisted, and suddenly took out his hands from the bag of the white gown, and took Xu Ningsheng's hands and looked again.

Seeing her observing her wound so carefully, Xu Ningsheng felt warm in his heart. They have known each other for many years. This kind of relationship is like the integration of blood and flesh, which is inseparable.

"I'm fine Are you all right? I saw you yesterday... " Xu Ningsheng raised his head abruptly. His brown eyes were not deep enough. He deliberately stopped here. I believe Zhou Manchun knew that.

At the moment when they looked at each other, Zhou Manchun seemed a little cramped, and there was an instant of embarrassment in the air.

"I'm fine." In order to cover the scar on his leg, Zhou Manchun specially wore wide leg pants for a day today.

"Xiaochun Is that what you said last time about your sweetheart? " Xu Ningsheng Dun, but there is a hint of alienation in the eyes.

"I Ah Sheng, I don't know what to say about it, but I still want to answer you. Yes, I like Jin Beisen, very much. " At the beginning, Zhou Manchun was a little embarrassed, but when he mentioned Jin Beisen's name, all the embarrassment seemed to disappear.

"Do you know him?" Xu Ningsheng didn't move, for example, a touch of worry appeared on the handsome face of the engraving plate, and his eyes became dim, which seemed to be a little lost

Zhou Manchun shakes her head. She knows nothing about Jin Beisen's past, and she also knows that Jin Beisen has secrets in her heart, but these are not important. As long as they are well together now, Zhou Manchun will not regret even if they will be separated in the future.

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