Jin Beisen drives sumuni to the nearby supermarket. Sumuni buys some fresh ingredients that Jin Beisen likes, such as chicken, steak, cauliflower and so on.

In recent years, only sumuni has put his preference in his heart and really likes himself. Other women are only interested in his money.

Married to Jin Beisen, she doesn't need to work in her life and can enjoy a very luxurious life. This is the dream of every woman. Sumuni doesn't care about money because her family also has a lot of money. Compared with other women, she loves Jin Beisen more.

Jin Beisen suddenly thought, what does Zhou Manchun like about himself? What do you like about Zhou Manchun?

They were together because of an accident. Jin Beisen had been looking for Zhou Manchun for many years, but he didn't find her. When he was about to give up looking for her, she appeared.

Fate is such a repeated joke with them that no one would admit defeat.

520 Haibin road.

Zhou Manchun walks into the luxurious villa. Although she feels at home, Jin Beisen is not here at the moment. She feels empty in her heart. She is used to Jin Beisen's company.

Entering the kitchen room, Wang Ma is busy. Wang Ma doesn't know that Jin Beisen won't come to dinner.

Zhou Manchun leaned on the door frame and said with a smile, "what's Wang Ma doing to eat?"

"Chicken wings with coke, hot and sour potato shreds, braised sweet and sour fish..." Wang Ma enthusiastically reported a large list of dishes that she and Jin Beisen liked to eat.

Zhou Manchun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that her taste and Jin Beisen's taste were so similar.

City a is a coastal city. People here like to eat seafood, but Zhou Manchun's taste is tricky. She doesn't like to eat any steamed seafood. She finds that Jin Beisen, too, likes to eat braised seafood, and they don't like Spicy Seafood.

Zhou Manchun's eyes drooped, and his brows frowned slightly. "Mother Wang, Beisen won't come to dinner tonight. He works overtime in the company. Let me help you cook together."

Wang Ma's hands were in a daze when she was cutting vegetables. The sound of the knife and chopping board rubbing stopped abruptly. Jin would never come to dinner. How could she feel that Zhou Manchun's words were lost?

"President Jin is so busy at work. It's normal to work overtime." Wang Ma put down the kitchen knife, turned to Zhou Manchun and said with a smile.

"Yes, so I want to make a bento and send it to him." Zhou manchunshu unfurls her frown. She's a little like Jin Beisen.

Zhou Manchun knows that Jin Beisen will not be hungry, but she just wants to see him. Even if he is working overtime, as long as she can watch him.

"Well, Miss Zhou, you're really thoughtful." Wang Ma praised Zhou Manchun's carefulness just shows that she loves Jin Beisen deeply.

Love a person will be considered for each other, will always think of each other.

Zhou Manchun walked towards the kitchen room and took out two warm Bento boxes from the cabinet. He smiled at the corners of his mouth and put the food in the bento box gently with his hands.

"Miss Zhou, would you like to eat in the company, too?" Wang Ma saw Zhou Manchun prepared two copies and asked with a smile.

"Yes, Beisen shouldn't have eaten yet. I'm in a hurry." Zhou Manchun's smile is warm, his eyes are crooked, and his long eyelashes cover his eyes, which makes people feel very beautiful.

"Miss Zhou is very kind to Jin." Wang Ma sighed and was very happy with the feelings of Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen.

Zhou Manchun is driving her own car. Along the way, there are pink and orange sunset in the sky. She is in a good mood. She never goes to JS international to find Jin Beisen without saying hello. I wonder if Jin Beisen will be surprised to see her later.

JS international.

Because Zhou Manchun has been to JS international several times, the company's security guards all know her and let Zhou Manchun in.

Zhou Manchun, carrying a bento box, went directly to the top floor of the company.

In the elevator, Zhou Manchun's mood was still a little exultant. At the thought of meeting Jin Beisen later, she couldn't restrain her excitement. She walked out of the elevator with a smile on her lips.

In the Secretary's room, there are three secretaries working overtime. Zhou Manchun walks to a secretary with short hair and smiles and asks, "Secretary Li, is Beisen in there?"

Secretary Li looked up and saw that Zhou Manchun had come. He quickly stood up seriously.

"Hello, Miss Zhou, Jin President Jin He's not here. " Secretary Li stammered, afraid that he might have said something wrong.

"Didn't he work overtime at the company?" Zhou Manchun said doubtfully that Jin Beisen Mingming had sent himself wechat saying that he worked overtime in the company.

"Well Mr. Jin was working overtime just now, but he took a phone call not long ago and went out. Maybe there was a contract to talk about. " Secretary Li looked nervous for fear that Zhou Manchun might see that he was lying.

Zhou Manchun looks at Secretary Li up and down. She probably knows something. She doesn't say anything more, just pinches the paper bag in her hand silently.

"Secretary Li, you've worked hard. Haven't you got off work so late?" Zhou Manchun is very smart. She laughs and changes the subject.

"I'll be off work soon."

"Then I'll go first."

"Miss Zhou, slow down."

After Zhou Manchun left, the only three secretaries left in the Secretary's room began to talk about it.

"Zhou Manchun is so pitiful. He has only been with president Jin for a few days and has been dumped."

Another secretary said, "that's because she can't help herself. Who can blame? How many women in the world can match us, president Jin? "

"I think Miss Su is quite suitable. When she and president Jin come out of the office together after work, I think they are really talented."

"Yes, Miss Su's temperament is very good. She is very suitable for president Jin. And she stayed in president Jin's office all afternoon. What did you say they did?"

Secretary Li frowned and said impatiently, "OK, close your mouth and work in JS international. The most important thing is to pay attention to your mouth, or you won't have to come to work tomorrow."

The two hot secretaries covered their mouths with their hands, looked at each other, and then continued to work overtime.

Zhou Manchun is walking back in the car, driving alone to the shallow water bay.

In the evening, when the wind was cool, Zhou Manchun opened the window and let the wind blow on her face, which made her skin warm.

Jin Beisen lied to her, but he was not working overtime. Zhou Manchun didn't want to ask who Jin Beisen was with and what he had done. Anyway, he decided to hide it. Even if she asked, the answer he said would not be true.

After getting off, Zhou Manchun walked along the long wooden corridor of Repulse Bay alone for a long time. Repulse Bay is a big lake. It's quiet here. There are few people. It's far away from the noise of the city.

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