On the way to work.

Jin Beisen put an "actor" in the car. The atmosphere in the car was a little dull.

"In fact, I'm the only audience under the stage. In fact, I can see that you are a little reluctant..." Zhou Manchun hummed along with the song involuntarily, with a trace of sadness in the gentle voice line.

Jin Beisen lifted his eyes under the sunglasses and looked at Zhou Manchun slightly. I don't know what the silly woman was thinking.

He turned off the music a little upset, and his lips opened slightly. "What did Wen Wen talk to you last night?"

"Nothing, just talk." Zhou Manchun turned to look out of the window. Under the apricot eyes, she was a little guilty. She didn't want to talk about Xu Ningsheng with Jin Beisen.

"Wen Wen is my sister. I know her mind best." Jin Beisen's thin lips were slightly lifted, and he said with a happy look.

Yes, Jin Shuwen and herself have talked about Xu Ningsheng, let alone Jin Beisen who grew up with her!

Zhou Manchun looks out of the window and gradually turns back. He looks at Jin Beisen seriously.

The soft red lips of the rose opened at a loss, and then bit gently, wondering if Xu Ningsheng, Jin Beisen, and so on would be angry?

After a lot of complicated consideration, Zhou Manchun still decided to say that she had almost no reservation in front of Jin Beisen. She trusted Jin Beisen very much, only Zhao Tianyu, Zhou Manchun didn't want to say.

It's mainly because Zhao Tianyu is Zhou Manchun's first love. Even in the past many years, the old lover still can't get rid of this identity.

Zhou Manchun and Zhao Tianyu have already ended, so it's better not to say those things. Moreover, Zhao Tianyu has gone abroad now. Zhou Manchun doesn't know where he is now, only knows that everything is OK.

However, Xu Ningsheng is different. Xu Ningsheng likes himself, and Jin Shuwen likes Xu Ningsheng. This relationship naturally becomes awkward.

"Beisen, Xu Ningsheng and I are just friends." Zhou Manchun's words fall, and the bright eyes darken.

She regards Xu Ningsheng as a friend, but Xu Ningsheng doesn't just regard her as a friend. Maybe he should ask Xu Ningsheng for a talk as soon as possible, so that he can give her a thorough heart.

Jin Beisen's handsome face, like a knife cut, is expressionless. He purses his thin lips. It seems that he doesn't care about Zhou Manchun's answer at all. Xu Ningsheng can't rob him anyway.

"I know." Jin Beisen smiled faintly, but his tone suddenly turned cold as ice.

Zhou Manchun bit his lips and raised his head in surprise to say something more, but he was startled by Jin Beisen's sudden indifference and closed his mouth.

Jin Beisen is a very domineering person. He doesn't allow anyone to think about his woman. His things would rather be destroyed than be touched by others.

"Why do you say that other people's products are not good in front of Wen Wen?" Zhou Manchun frowned and paused for a while.

"Casually speaking, the gap between their two identities is too big to be together." Jin Beisen's thin and cool face was gently moved by the breeze outside the window, with a deep look of mind.

Zhou manchunmeng raised his head, a self mockery appeared on her face. She pulled at the corners of her mouth and said: "two people with too big identity difference can't be together. What about us?"

Jin Beisen raised his eyebrows, held his right hand on the steering wheel and gently held the soft hand of the copilot's seat last week.

"The world is a strong man and a weak woman. We just happened to be the two of us." The sun came in from the top of the car window and shone on Jin Beisen's black hair. His noble temperament set off him more vividly.

"Love doesn't care, does it?" The back of the hand is tightly surrounded by his gentle palm. Zhou Manchun just feels a warmth. She smiles lightly.

After hearing this, Jin Beisen said with a strange smile, "love doesn't divide these things, but it depends on whether it's love. If it isn't, it should be clearly divided."

Zhou Manchun is a smart man. He can understand Jin Beisen's meaning. If Xu Ningsheng really loves Jin Shuwen, everything can be ignored. If Xu Ningsheng doesn't love Jin Shuwen, the situation will be different.

"Everything is unknown, so Beisen, you'd better not make a conclusion so quickly." Zhou Manchun shook his head. He felt the sun outside the window shining on him a little blazing, so he raised the window.

Jin Beisen laughs but doesn't speak. A smile of sarcasm is outlined on his handsome face

"Beisen, have you noticed that mother Wang's memory is getting worse?" Zhou Manchun looked at the sunshine outside the window, feeling an unspeakable taste. In order not to embarrass the atmosphere between the two people, she said calmly.

"What? Tell me. " Jin Beisen said the temperature and.

"This morning, I found out that mother Wang went in and out of the kitchen several times. Later, I asked her what she wanted to take. She thought for a long time before patting her head and saying she wanted to take milk." Zhou Manchun frowned and thought that Wang Ma was very strange recently. Looking at her walking back and forth in the living room and kitchen room, she thought that Wang Ma was more like a patient.

"So It seems that her old problems have recurred again. Every autumn, when it is approaching, Mrs. Wang's memory will become very poor. " Jin Beisen raised his eyebrows, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Is there anything else like that?" Zhou Manchun frowned involuntarily. She was a doctor. She had only heard of selective amnesia, but had not heard that memory would get worse in a specific season every year.

, "I also know before," Wang Ma was sold to a casino when she was very young. She went through a miserable period. Later, she married a husband with a family violence. Three years ago, Wang Ma had a car accident. Since the accident, she often had problems with her memory, and sometimes she remembered that she was born son, and sometimes thought she was self. She has a daughter and sometimes says her husband sold her to the casino. " The expression on Jin Beisen's face was solemn and serious, with a thick sadness.

Zhou Manchun turns his head and moves his eyes to Jin Beisen's face outside the window. So it is. Wang Masheng is a son. Last month, Wang Ma was talking with her and said that she had a daughter. When she was 17 years old, she found out that she had leukemia or something. It was because of the memory disorder of Wang ma.

"That Wang Ma is so pitiful." Zhou Manchun looks at Jin Beisen's handsome face and frowns slightly.

"Other things Wang Ma remembers clearly, only those things in her past, she will have memory disorder, did she tell you that she has a 17-year-old daughter with leukemia?" Jin Beisen drives the car seriously, with a smile on his thin cool face.

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