The private restaurant is opened by a middle-aged couple. It has been around the shallow water bay of a city for more than 20 years. Zhou Manchun remembers that when he was a child, Zhou Tinghao liked to bring her and Zhao Lizi here for dinner every holiday.

It's the peak time of eating. There are many customers in the restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is busy. The owner and a young man are cooking in the kitchen. The owner's mother and her daughter are outside to greet the guests.

The landlady has a good memory and has the ability of never forgetting. Seeing Zhou Manchun, she squinted and smiled.

"Miss Zhou, you haven't been here for a long time." The landlady said with a gentle smile, still holding a order book in her hand, wrinkles on her face, sending out a lingering charm after years of precipitation.

"Yes, bring your friends to dinner today." Zhou Manchun was surprised and smiled politely. Unexpectedly, the owner of the restaurant knew her. She had been here for dinner for five years.

Customers remember that a restaurant is very normal. As long as it tastes good, people will often go there. But people come and go in the restaurant. It's not easy to remember a customer.

"OK, Miss Zhou, how are your parents?" The owner's wife took Zhou Manchun and Jiang Jingqi to the box in the restaurant, laughing and chatting with Zhou Manchun.

"Very good." Zhou Manchun's beautiful face showed a smile, which was moving.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I remember that ten years ago, almost every week your family would come here for dinner." The landlady opened the door of the box and lit the light.

In front of us is a bright scene. The furnishings in the box have been completely new, not old-fashioned many years ago.

"Yes, dad likes to eat fried screws and chicken. I'll pack one for him and bring it back for supper before I leave."

"Miss Zhou is so filial. In a blink of an eye, you are so big. It's really nice." The landlady said happily, as if she had met an old friend who had been reunited for a long time.

"You're welcome, Madame. Next time I'll bring my parents here for dinner."

"OK What would you like to eat today? " The landlady picked up the pen and ordered the meal book, smiling clearly.

"Chopped chicken, clam with scallion oil, salted duck, fish ball..." Zhou Manchun reported many dishes at once. There are so many restaurants in city a, which are neither the most expensive nor the best. But the flavor here is the most authentic, which makes her keep in mind. Maybe it's because this private restaurant has more feelings of one family than the restaurant outside.

"Good." The landlady took up the pen and wrote on the paper, then with a big stroke, it stopped abruptly.

Before leaving, the landlady closed the box door gently.

Only Zhou Manchun and Jiang Jingqi are left in the elegant decorated box.

Jiang Jingqi didn't speak, just thought in her heart, Zhou Manchun was very happy even when she was a child. Through the conversation between the landlady and her just now, she learned that Zhou Manchun's father would bring his wife and daughter to eat here every week. Isn't it a kind of family warmth?

Jiang Jingqi envies Zhou Manchun very much. She looks at her quietly. Zhou Manchun is sitting opposite her, but they have two different lives.

If Jiang Jingqi's family background is also very good, maybe her life is another way!

It's a pity that there are not so many assumptions in life. Jiang Jingqi can only think about it. She doesn't want to be rich, she just wants her parents to be healthy.

"It's not as big as the western restaurant, but every dish is authentic. It won't be like the restaurant outside, with some special seasoning." Zhou Manchun opened his chair and sat down, laughing.

"Xiaochun, your life is like a princess. I envy you so much." Jiang Jingqi said with a moving face, with a smile of true feelings in her eyes.

Zhou Manchun is a princess in high position, and she is just a little girl beside the princess.

"Little Qi, why do you think so?" Zhou Manchun's eyes moved, his head raised slightly, but the corners of his mouth did not rise.

"I'm telling you the truth. You are beautiful, have a good family background, have a good heart and strong working ability. You have no shortcomings." Jiang Jingqi praises Zhou Manchun one by one. These words are from her heart, without any false elements.

Zhou manchundun smiled at Jiang Jingqi, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, but it sent out a strange feeling.

"If you exchange your life with me, you will surely envy your present day. What you see in me is just a superficial phenomenon." Zhou Manchun is not exaggerating at all, said with a calm face.

"Why? Do you have any worries? " Jiang Jingqi frowned. In her eyes, Zhou Manchun didn't have a good time in the past. Her first boyfriend fell in love with her and her company went wrong again. But when she met Jin Beisen, her life turned. Nothing bad happened.

"Xiaoqi, everyone's life is half sweet and half bitter. I'm just good at hiding my mind and don't want to say it." Thin cool eyes set off a sad mood, Zhou Manchun with a wry smile, this world, except that person, no one understands her.

She really miss her. What a real good friend is, she just needs a look and can understand each other's thoughts immediately. But Jiang Jingqi is different. Zhou Manchun has to tell her everything clearly, so she can understand.

"No matter how tired you are, I'm not tired. Ha ha..." Jiang Jingqi, full of worries, sat in the chair uneasily and didn't know how to face Zhou Manchun.

The tangle in her heart is like thousands of ants gnawing at her. Jiang Jingqi feels that she has walked into a misty forest and can't walk out. She reaches out her hands and can touch nothing but a scene of nothingness.

"Xiaoqi, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me, I can enlighten you, and In terms of money, you don't need to avoid it. Just tell me if you need it. We are good friends. It's right to help each other. I also need your help. I'm not Superman. I need your friend very much. " Zhou Manchun reaches out and holds Jiang Jingqi's palm. She knows everything, but she doesn't want to break it. Jiang Jingqi is a good girl and a face loving girl. Zhou Manchun knows how to be measured.

If she tells Jiang Jingqi about the photos so directly, Jiang Jingqi will feel guilty and feel that she can't hold her face. She may resign from Jiaru hospital. Zhou Manchun considers the consequences and decides to give Jiang a chance.

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