Wang Ma is smiling with her eyes narrowed. Her eyes exude a kind of love. She likes Zhou Manchun from the bottom of her heart. She regards her as her daughter. Until Zhou Manchun sings the birthday wish song, Wang Ma says with a smile, "Miss Zhou, you are so nice."

Zhou Manchun is a little embarrassed by Wang Ma's praise. She says gently, "Wang Ma, it's just a small idea. Make a wish quickly."

Then, Zhou Manchun used the remote control to turn off all the lights in the villa, leaving only the birthday cake on the table shining.

The light in the dark makes people feel very happy. Mother Wang makes a wish for the cake with her hands folded.

With a shout, mother Wang blew out the candle.

Zhou Manchun turns on the lights with the remote control, and then hands them to Wang Ma with a plastic knife, indicating that she can cut the cake.

Although Mrs. Wang is very old, she hasn't had a few serious birthday like this. So today, Mrs. Wang is very happy.

"Mom Wang, this is my gift for you. I don't know what you like. I read the news that it's very cold in winter in city a this year, so I bought you a wool shawl. You can use it in winter." Zhou Manchun takes the gift bag and hands it to Wang ma.

With tears in her eyes, Wang Ma nodded her head and said, "thank you, Miss Zhou."

Zhou Manchun is so happy to see Wang ma. He is also very happy. Happiness seems to be contagious.

The dinner ended in laughter.

After dinner, Zhou Manchun went upstairs to take a bath early. She came out of the bathroom wearing Jin Beisen's shirt. The white shirt sent Jin Beisen's usual smell. Zhou Manchun sniffed hard as if he was right beside him.

Before long, Jin Beisen's call came. Zhou Manchun was rolling around on the soft bed, answering his call.

"Xiaochun, what are you doing?" Jin Beisen's magnetic voice came from his mobile phone, which was very kind.

"Lying in bed, waiting for your phone call, Beisen, I just gave Mrs. Wang a birthday, and she looks happy." Zhou Manchun said proudly.

"Tell me how you made mother Wang happy." Jin Beisen asked with interest, and there was a smile on the handsome face that could make countless women fall for it.

"I bought a cake and gave a shawl to Ma Wang. The old people are afraid of the cold. I don't know what to give." Zhou Manchun touched his head and smiled with his eyes closed.

"Mrs. Wang is a very contented person. She must be in a bad mood today." Jin Beisen said calmly, as if he could think of Zhou Manchun's birthday scene for Wang ma.

"Yes, mother Wang is so happy Beisen, it would be better if you were here. " Zhou manchundundun, with some missing in her eyes, began to think of Jin Beisen.

"I'll be back in three days." Jin Beisen's Mo eyes are slightly fierce, and they begin to be deep. Why doesn't he want Zhou Manchun?

"Well, I'll wait for you." Zhou Manchun said with a sweet smile.

Tonight, Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen have talked for a long time. Zhou Manchun's cell phone is not very powerful. Until the battery is only 3%, she and Jin Beisen say good night to each other.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Manchun gets up with the data line on the head cabinet and prepares to charge the mobile phone. A strange number suddenly calls in. Zhou Manchun worries that it's a hospital call, and immediately answers it.

"Hello, is that Miss Zhou?" There was a loud music on the phone. Zhou Manchun heard a man's voice faintly.

"I am, who are you?" Zhou Manchun asked with a frown.

"I'm the waiter of night bar. Your good friend Xu Ningsheng is drunk here. His cell phone is out of power. We asked him who he remembered and he gave you your number and name. Would it be convenient for you to come here?" The waiter said loudly through his cell phone.

"Can you let me hear him?" Zhou Manchun was very alert for fear that it was a fraud.

Before long, Xu Ningsheng's intermittent drunk voice came from the phone, "I I'm not drunk. "

Zhou Manchun is convinced that it's Xu Ningsheng. Just when she wants to say something, her mobile phone turns off automatically because she has no power.

Without any delay, Zhou Manchun took off Jin Beisen's shirt, put on a dress, put his mobile phone at home to recharge, and hurried out of the villa.

Along the way, it was stormy. Fortunately, there was no traffic jam in city A. It took about 20 minutes for Zhou Manchun to arrive at the night bar.

The DJ in the bar is loud and deafening. The typhoon outside has not affected the business here at all. Zhou Manchun soon finds Xu Ningsheng at the bar.

Xu Ningsheng was unconscious. Seeing Zhou Manchun coming, he was still drunk and said: "little Xiao Chun, are you here to drink with me? "

"Ah Sheng, you can't drink any more. I'll take you home." Zhou Manchun grabs Xu Ningsheng's wine bottle, and the expression on his face is angry. Xu Ningsheng is not the kind of person who likes to get drunk. How could this happen today?

"No, I'm not going home. I'm going back to you." Where is Xu Ningsheng willing to listen to Zhou Manchun's words and continue to play the fool.

"Good. If we don't go home, let's get out of here first." Zhou Manchun had no choice but to pull Xu Ningsheng away from the place with heavy smell of tobacco and wine.

There is only one Shangri La Hotel near the nightfall bar. Zhou Manchun drives Xu Ningsheng there.

"Hello, open a standard room for me." Said Zhou Manchun.

"Please show me your ID card." Said the front desk.

Zhou Manchun frowned, thinking that she was lucky to have her ID card. She quickly took out the ID card from her bag, paid the room fee, and dragged Xu Ning up.

As soon as the door opened, Zhou Manchun smelled a special fragrance. He saw a scented candle burning in the room. The smell was good, not very pungent.

"Xiaochun, I like you so much. I really like you. Can you not leave me?" Xu Ningsheng began to play wine crazy, slightly red face with drunk, eyes slightly narrowed, regardless of the embrace on Zhou Manchun.

"Ah Sheng, don't do that." Zhou Manchun was so scared that he pushed him away and stepped back.

"Why Do I like your mistake? " Xu Ningsheng is beating his heart with a painful look, which looks very pitiful.

"Ah Sheng, I can't tell who is right and who is wrong about the emotional affairs. You are good to have a rest here. I'll go back first." Zhou Manchun felt her head and felt heavy on her eyelids, and her brain was very dizzy. It was like drunkenness, and even more amazing, her body began to float gently.


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