When the car drove into the courtyard of the villa, mother Wang heard the engine and ran out in a hurry. At first sight, Zhou Manchun came back and walked away in a frenzy of joy.

"Miss Zhou, you're back at last. I'm worried." Wang Ma took Zhou Manchun's hand and said happily.

Zhou Manchun has cleared up her mood on the way to here. She smiles calmly, "Mom Wang, I'm ok. Last night, the hospital called. There was an emergency patient. I went to have an operation. My cell phone left at home. Now I come back to get it."

Wang Ma nodded, but her eyes fell on Zhou Manchun's clean neck. Wang Ma found that Zhou Manchun's neck had some unidentified marks, like those left by rolling bed sheets.

"Miss Zhou, what happened to your neck?" Wang Ma asked anxiously, frowning and holding Zhou Manchun's hand.

Zhou Manchun felt Wang Ma's difference. She had already found an excuse and said with a smile, "I've got heatstroke. I twisted it myself."

When lying, Zhou Manchun's sentence was fluent, his expression was natural, and he was not nervous at all, so he successfully cheated Wang ma.

Wang Ma took a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Miss Zhou, next time I don't twist my neck, I'll stretch it. Next time I'll stretch it for you, it's not nice to twist my neck, it will be misunderstood."

"OK, thank you, Mrs. Wang."

When she went upstairs to her room, Zhou Manchun saw that the shirt she had worn last night was still on the bed. It was Jin Beisen's shirt. It had his breath and now it has her taste. She stared at the shirt, and her mind was in a trance.

Only she and Xu Ningsheng know about this matter. As long as Xu Ningsheng doesn't say it and she doesn't say it, no one knows. Can she cheat Jin Beisen and treat it as nothing happened?

But in a flash, Zhou Manchun still feels guilty to her conscience. She can't let Jin Beisen wear a green hat. Let's break up. This kind of thing can't be concealed. In case Jin Beisen finds out, Jin Beisen will only hate her more.

However, Zhou Manchun has a little selfish heart. She doesn't want Jin Beisen to know that she has had a relationship with Xu Ningsheng. Zhou Manchun sighs, folds Jin Beisen's 185 shirt, and puts it in her bag.

This should be her last time here, and she will never come again.

Zhou Manchun has lived in this villa for more than a month. From the initial disgust to the attachment, she and Jin Beisen come step by step. There are too many memories that make her reluctant, as if every corner is Jin Beisen's figure.

There is a violin in the crystal cabinet in the bedroom. Zhou Manchun has been staring at the precious violin for a long time. His eyes are warm and tender, just like looking at Jin Beisen.

She suddenly recalled that in the morning, the figure of him playing violin in the yard was so charming. Zhou Manchun felt that Jin Beisen was excellent in everything he did, and he would not let people down. However, he seemed to be more and more distant from him.

The rain stopped, but the gloomy weather outside the window was like her mood. On a cloudy day, the sun didn't know where to go, just like Jin Beisen, who didn't know which corner of the United States at the moment.

Zhou Manchun sits quietly in front of the dresser, takes out the paper and pen from the drawer, and writes quietly.

Her handwriting is beautiful, a very short letter, but Zhou Manchun wrote for a long time, one stroke, Zhou Manchun wrote very seriously.

After writing the letter, Zhou Manchun pulls out his mobile phone card and presses it on the letter. This mobile phone is of great value. It's the same model as Jin Beisen's, and Zhou Manchun can't take it away.

There is also a diamond necklace around his neck. Zhou Manchun also took it off and pressed it on the envelope.

This is a gift from Jin Beisen. It's too precious. Zhou man loves him so much that her whole heart can't be placed. It's about to overflow.

Do not cry or make trouble, Zhou Manchun just like a walking corpse, confused out of the room.

"Mom Wang, I'm going to work." Zhou Manchun said goodbye to Wang Ma with a smile. Last night, she said that she would spend her 50th birthday with Wang ma. Unexpectedly, the accident came too soon.

All this just confirms that sentence: you never know whether the sun rises first or the accident comes first.

"OK, will Miss Zhou come back for dinner in the evening?" Mother Wang smiled kindly and looked at Zhou Manchun's eyes as if she were looking at her children. She always looked like a mother in love.

"No, I want to go home for a few more days." Zhou Manchun said with a smile.

"OK, when president Jin comes back, let him pick you up in person." Wang Ma said with a smile.

Zhou Manchun waved, a little reluctant in his eyes, and then walked out of the villa.

The car roared by, taking away a gust of wind, while Zhou Manchun only took Jin Beisen's shirt, the rest, all left in the villa.

Jin Beisen has so many shirts. She took one with her. He shouldn't have found it. Zhou Manchun just wanted to have an idea to live a good life.

On the way to work, Zhou Manchun walked into the mobile phone store and bought a new mobile phone, but didn't change the mobile phone number. The previous card number was very important. Many patients and doctors knew her number. Changing the mobile phone number was a real hassle.

When Zhou Manchun arrived at the hospital, it was already a little more. She didn't eat lunch either. She went straight to the cardiology department of the inpatient department.

"What's the matter? Why doesn't director Zhou come to work? "

"Yes, who will do the two operations in the afternoon if she doesn't come again?"

"How can we explain to the patient?"

"Or inform the dean. Doctor Zhou lost his contact."

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, Zhou Manchun saw a large group of nurses and doctors talking together. Zhou Manchun walked lightly and listened to their conversation.

"Who said I was lost?" Zhou Manchun's low tone of voice sounded from the air, frightening everyone.

"Zhou Director Zhou, where have you been? " Weng quietly turned around and saw Zhou Manchun. He was shocked. It seems that he can't talk about people behind his back. It's time to talk about Cao Cao.

"I have something at home in the morning. I didn't tell you. Isn't it coming back?" Zhou Manchun said with a humble smile.

"Just come back, director, if you are not here, we have no leader." A nurse said, small mouth very sweet flatter Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun just smiled faintly. She estimated that she would not be a director for a long time. When Jin Beisen came back and found her letter of separation, she would be laid off in minutes.

"All right, let's go." Zhou Manchun said, and then turned into the office, but also ignore the gossip of the people.

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