"Let you go? Why do you say that? " Jin Beisen's shining eyes were hurt. He smiled faintly, but his smile was not clear.

"I don't love you. I never do." Zhou Manchun chin slightly raised, expression serious said, her eyes only a determined ruthlessness, no hesitation.

"And who do you love?" Jin Beisen asked with a sneer.

"I've been with Zhao Tianyu for three years, and of course I love him." Zhou Manchun thinks about it. He can only move Zhao Tianyu out as an excuse. Zhao Tianyu doesn't know where he is now. He should be OK.

"I don't believe it." Jin Beisen said lightly.

"OK, Jin Beisen, stop making trouble. We're finished. It's really over." Zhou Manchun said very seriously.

Jin Beisen stood there for a while, then turned around smartly. Wei'an's handsome figure strode forward and disappeared in the night

He is also a dignified person. Zhou Manchun has said this kind of words. It's because Zhao Tianyu and Jin Beisen feel that their hearts are broken.

Zhou Manchun panicked, watching Jin Beisen disappear in the night, tears fell silently

She wants to rush to hold Jin Beisen. She has made an impulsive step under her feet. Zhou Manchun knows that she must control her mood at the moment. Otherwise, all the efforts just made are wasted.

Zhou Manchun dragged his tired body and walked home numbly. His heart was in a mess. When Jin Beisen was there, Zhou Manchun forced him to leave. Now Jin Beisen really left, but Zhou Manchun wanted him to come back.

But what face does she have to face him?

When entering the apartment, the dazzling lights and heating hit, Zhou Manchun felt a little warm. Compared with the sudden cooling weather outside, Zhou Manchun felt his heart was even colder.

"Sister, you are back." Yu Yina, who is sitting on the sofa, saw Zhou Manchun's desperate appearance and ran to help her.

Zhou Manchun waved and said coldly, "I'm ok."

"Eat first." Zhao Lizi took a look at Zhou Manchun and knew that Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen had finished, otherwise she would not be so sad.

"Yes." Zhou Manchun squeezed out a smile, and didn't know who was smiling for.

At the dinner table, Zhou Tinghao looked at his daughter as if she was absent-minded and didn't care about anything. She was in great pain. He picked up his chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of braised pork for Zhou Manchun, all of which was pure meat. Zhou Manchun didn't like fat meat.

From small to large, Zhou Tinghao ate fat meat, Zhou Manchun ate lean meat, while Zhao Lizi didn't like meat. The three members of the family seemed to have agreed. Zhao Lizi liked seafood, but still made a table of good dishes for them every day for more than 20 years.

After eating, Zhou Manchun went back to his room and took a bath. I think Jin Beisen has seen her letter to break up with him.

From then on, there will be no more him at night, no more his phone call. It's over

520 Haibin road.

Jin Beisen hurries all the way back to the villa, where the lights are bright. As usual, mother Wang makes a table of good dishes at home and waits for Jin Beisen to bring Zhou Manchun back.

But I didn't expect that Jin Beisen came back alone, and he was furious, as if someone owed him 50 million yuan.

"Jin President Jin, how about Miss Zhou? " Wang Ma looks puzzled as Jin Beisen rushes into the living room and asks.

"Dead." Jin Beisen took several steps and replied before going upstairs.

Wang Ma opens her mouth and stands in the same place, dead? What kind of nerves does Jin always have?

Wang Ma looks at the good dishes all over the table dejectedly. It's estimated that she has eaten alone again tonight. It's a waste.

Jin Beisen rushes into the room. He kicks the door open

On the dresser, there is a mobile phone, a necklace, which is the one around Zhou Manchun's neck, and a piece of folded white paper.

Break up letter, ha ha!

Jin Beisen picked up the letter from the dresser with a sneer, turned it over twice and opened it. Zhou Manchun's beautiful regular script came into view.

Beisen, I've thought for a long time and decided to break up with you. I love you, but this kind of love is too humble. I don't deserve you. I hope you find a woman who really loves you. Forget me.

The signature is Zhou Manchun's name. The beautiful handwriting is like her gentle eyebrows and eyes, but at this moment, it is particularly hateful.

Congratulations to Zhou Manchun for breaking Jin Beisen's record again. This is the first time that Jin Beisen has been broken up since she was so old. She has received the legendary breaking up letter for the first time. This woman can really come up with many strange ways to torture him.

Jin Beisen was holding the hateful breaking up letter. Suddenly there was a "tear and pull" sound in the air. Then there were several "tear and pull" sounds. The breaking up letter was torn to pieces. Jin Beisen raised his hand and threw the pieces into the air.

The white paper end fluttered down, like snowflakes, in the late summer night.

Jin Beisen rushed out of the room and walked downstairs.

"Mr. Jin, do you have dinner?" Wang Ma asked with concern.

"No, you can eat it." Jin Beisen said with a straight face and a very ugly face.

Mrs. Wang's face moved when she heard this. She estimated that Mr. Jin had quarreled with Miss Zhou for the most part. Alas, it seems that it's not a peaceful night.

Jin Beisen drives to Ye Junwen's house. Ye Junwen is now playing car racing in his room. Although he runs a large company, his interest is childish.

Lamborghini drove all the way to Ye's house with superb driving skills. Jin Beisen put out the fire cleanly, pulled out the key and rang the villa doorbell.

The servant quickly came up to open the door. When he saw Jin Beisen's angry face, he didn't dare to say more. Anyway, Jin Beisen is an acquaintance here.

"Jin is always good." The servant said with a bow.

"What about you, Mr. Ye?"

"In the room." The servant still lowered his head and said that she had just glanced at Jin Beisen's face, which was really terrible, even more terrible than the hungry wolf in the forest.

Jin Beisen rushed upstairs and kicked Ye Junwen's door open in the same rude way.

Ye Junwen is having a good time at the game. He is shocked by Jin Beisen's sudden violence. He turns his back and thinks that a big man in his family dare to kick his door!

Just when ye Junwen wanted to get angry, he gave Jin Beisen a particularly penetrating look and quickly shut down the game without saying a word.

"Beisen, what's the matter with you?" Ye Junwen stood up from the sofa with a concerned face and walked to Jin Beisen and asked.

"Drink with me." Jin Beisen was standing by the door frame and didn't come in.

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