Zhou Tinghao took over the operation consent and signed it all at once.

"Well, then ask the family to pay the fee quickly." Said the doctor.

Zhou Tinghao took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to secretary Wu, explaining the situation. Secretary Wu immediately went online to pay for the operation.

"What to do? What about my daughter? " Tang Sisi knelt down on the ground with a thump, tears streaming down, like a broken pearl. Zhou Tinghao signed the operation consent, which means that the heart belongs to Zhou Manchun. What about Xing Yan?

"Think, don't worry. While it's too late, please transfer the child to another hospital. Maybe another hospital has a suitable heart. If you need money, we can lend it to you." Zhao Lizi wanted to comfort her, but Tang Sisi didn't get her love at all.

Tang Sisi's eyes suddenly burst with hatred. She pushed Zhao Lizi aside and said, "hum, borrow money? Why didn't you just say lend me the money? Why don't you let your daughter transfer? Why did you sign the operation consent? " Asked Tang Sisi with emotion.

Zhao Lizi is also angry. Who is it? She is kind enough to lend her money. She is not only ungrateful, but also speaks to her with this attitude. What a psychopath!

What's more, in such an emergency, of course, Zhao Lizi has to protect her daughter first. As a mother, she has no wrong idea.

"If your daughter dies, it's all your responsibility, because you don't have money, you deserve it!" Zhao Lizi retorted angrily.

"Lizzie!" Cried Zhou Tinghao angrily. What Zhao Lizi said just now is a little too much.

Zhao Lizi also realized that she was a little over zealous, but she couldn't bear to make amends for Tang Sisi. She turned away from Tang Sisi's crying face.

"Yes, it's our fault, because we are poor and can't afford the expensive medical expenses!" Lin Shao said word by word, there was a kind of firmness in his tone.

"Wife, let's transfer the children. Even if the house is sold, I will change the heart for the children!"

Tang Sisi immediately stopped crying and looked at Lin Shao with a dull face. Is there any hope?

A few hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the tense operating room suddenly broke into a tall, gloomy looking man.

Jin Beisen panicked completely at the moment of receiving the phone call. Today was the day he and his girlfriend agreed to meet, but Lin Xingyan had a car accident. Jin Beisen ran many red lights all the way to the hospital.

"Is Lin Xingyan in or not?" Jin Beisen asked gasping. His thin hair was stuck on his forehead because of sweat.

Zhao Lizi looks up and down at Jin Beisen strangely, thinking who is this man? Look at his dress, it's not like ordinary people. How can poor people like the Lin family know such people?

"She's transferred to another hospital. Is that you?" Zhao replied.

"Transfer? Where did you go? " Jin Beisen didn't answer Zhao Lizi's question, but he grabbed Zhao Lizi's two arms and asked.

"I don't know where she turned. My daughter and Lin Xingyan had a car accident together. Lin's parents had no money and couldn't afford to have a heart replacement operation. So they transferred her to another hospital. It's true. What kind of family is the poor man? Is it useful to transfer?" Obviously, Zhao Lizi just said a few more words in front of Jin Beisen.

Jin Beisen's mind is blank. What happened to Lin Xingyan was a car accident! The doctor who called said if he didn't change his heart in two hours, he would have to wait to die.

"No, it won't, a Xing. She won't die." Jin Beisen shook his head at a loss, and his black and bright eyes lost their luster and became very dim.

Zhao Lizi didn't talk to Jin Beisen again. She was a little upset at the bottom of her heart, so she gave a faint cold snort.

Jin Beisen called and ran out of the hospital.

When I asked Uncle Zou, I knew that Lin Xingyan had been transferred to Jiaru hospital. Jin Beisen hurriedly drove to Jiaru hospital.

But there was a traffic jam on the road. Jin Beisen pressed the radio in the car impatiently.

The soft voice of the female anchor came from the car: now I want to broadcast a news for you. At 9:10 this morning in our city, there was a car accident on Ningxing road. A taxi collided with a van, and the driver died on the spot. The van driver has fled the scene of the accident. Two women in the taxi were seriously injured. One of them was sent to Jiaru hospital On the way to the world forever

Memories come to an end, and Jin Beisen's heart has made a strong brand

Jin Beisen raised his eyes, his calm face was a bit sinister, his eyes were misty, he suddenly pinched the Gemini brooch in his hand and stared at it closely. It was because of the sarcastic words Zhao Lizi said to him at the door of the operating room that Jin Beisen remembered so much.

Originally, Lin Xingyan had a car accident, and he was sad enough, but Zhao Lizi was still there to fuel the fire. He said that Lin's parents had no money and could not afford to have heart replacement surgery. This was the sour taste of the poor people. These words were like pouring gasoline in the fire, which deeply planted the seeds of hatred in Jin Beisen's heart.

Jin Beisen hated Zhou Manchun's mother and also hated Zhou Manchun. At that time, if he could get to the hospital earlier, Lin Xingyan might not have died. Jin Beisen really hated himself at that time.

After a long time, Jin Beisen was very closed to himself. Later, after taking over JS international, he vaguely heard a rumor that Lin Xingyan's car accident on that day was related to Shi Botao. Jin Beisen has been investigating. A year ago, he finally found the driver who caused the accident at that time, but the driver who caused the accident looked dead as if he was going home and refused to say anything. Jin Beisen was angry And put him in a mental hospital.

The person he loves can't die in vain. The real murderer behind the accident will surely pay the corresponding price.

Shi Botao can't be forgiven, and Zhao Lizi's acerbity at that time was also deeply impressed in Jin Beisen's mind. He was in a bad mood, and Zhao Lizi wanted to stimulate him, but Jin Beisen was angry and determined to revenge.

Later, I don't know when Zhou Manchun went abroad. Jin Beisen didn't know that Zhou Manchun went abroad. He had been looking for her in China, just like looking for a needle in a haystack. After a long time, he still had no news of Zhou Manchun. Jin Beisen was about to give up.

It wasn't until that day that Jin Beisen heard Zhou Manchun playing the piano in the bar that he woke up like a dream. The man was Zhou Manchun, so at that time Jin Beisen immediately asked the bartender to send Zhou Manchun to his room.

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