"What? Can you afford a Mercedes? " The man looked at Zhou Manchun with disdain on his face, with a low look.

Zhou Manchun helplessly turned a white eye and said to the man coldly, "what's the matter with you?"

"I'm telling you. It's your blessing. I think you're lucky." The man continues to say, return ruffian's smile.

"I thank you." Zhou Manchun said with a smile, and then quietly lowered his head to tidy up things and prepare to leave.

It seems that I can't listen to today's class. There is a fool sitting next to me. She was in a bad mood. What happened to the Mercedes? Zhou man is pure and unacquainted.

"Ah, my classmate, why do you do that? I'm telling you Man see Zhou Manchun take bag ready to leave, eyes.

"I don't accept it." Zhou Manchun chin slightly raised, eyes flirtatious looking at the man.

"You can't see my condition. I'm really a gold digger." When the man saw that the confession failed, he felt angry and said to Zhou Manchun at once.

Zhou Manchun holds back the volcano that is about to erupt in his heart, sips his lips, and walks toward the exit.

Who knows, that man not only did not stop, but also quickly catch up with Zhou Manchun's slender arm.

"You let go." Zhou Manchun is angry, and her eyes are sharp. She hates strangers' actions on her.

"If I don't, what can you do to me?" The man looks arrogant provocative way, thinking, Zhou Manchun is a weak woman, what can she do with herself?

"I'll give you three seconds. Let me go." Zhou Manchun said sullenly, gnashing his teeth and spitting words one by one.

At this time, the students in the classroom all look at Zhou Manchun. Zhou Manchun is pulled by a man who doesn't know where to come out. The anger in his heart has been overstocked for a long time and finally burst out

Just before the crowd had any reaction, Zhou Manchun fell over his shoulder and threw the man to the ground.

The action is quick, many people can't believe their eyes, the picture is fixed in a moment.



"Nvxia, please accept my worship."

"It's a good fight. It's a good one."

In the classroom, the students discussed in twos and threes, and some even applauded.

The man fell to the ground and cried out in pain. His brows were tightly wrinkled. Zhou Manchun was really cruel just now. He was caught off guard and felt that his left hand was about to dislocate

"I tell you, it's not my luck that you like me. It's my misfortune that you like me. Do you think you are rich? The Mercedes Benz drivers will show off everywhere. My aunt, I drive a Ferrari. Later You'd better not do this kind of forced flirting. After all, not everyone is as good tempered as me. " Words fall, Zhou Manchun simply clapped two hands, chin micro Yang, expression indifference said.

The students in the classroom were stunned. They admired Zhou Manchun very much. It has been about half a month since they started classes together. No one has guessed that Zhou Manchun, who has always been silent, is so good at it.

After leaving the classroom, Zhou Manchun walked alone on the path of camphor tree. It was dark. She walked forward in a trance, feeling a little lonely.

She has been separated from Jin Beisen for half a month. She hasn't seen him for 15 days. She has only seen his news in newspapers and financial magazines. JS International's business is booming. It has signed many single big businesses in city A. Zhou Manchun is very happy for Jin Beisen.

Walking, Zhou Manchun suddenly saw a young man and woman standing under the camphor tree not far away. She was very familiar with the figure of the man. It was Xu Ningsheng. As for the woman, Zhou Manchun had never seen her before. Xu Ningsheng was carrying herself on her back. She saw the woman's face vaguely and looked very beautiful.

From time to time, there was a burst of laughter from the two men. The women's faces danced with flying colors. Zhou Manchun couldn't hear what they were talking about. He drooped his eyes.

"Ah Sheng." Zhou Manchun slowly walked past, suddenly came to Xu Ningsheng behind.

Xu Ningsheng suddenly turned around and saw Zhou Manchun's face clearly. His face was warm and he extended his hand to grasp her slightly cool hand.

Ma Jing saw through the ambiguity of the two men at a glance and said awkwardly, "ah Sheng, is this your girlfriend?"

"I'm not. We're just friends." Zhou Manchun retracts his hand held by Xu Ningsheng and answers first.

Xu Ningsheng's smile stopped abruptly on his face, and his loss was fleeting. But immediately, Xu Ningsheng said with a warm smile, "not yet, but soon."

Zhou Manchun feels embarrassed. She looks at Ma Jing. She has short hair and beautiful eyes. She doesn't look very beautiful, but she feels like a big girl next door.

"I hope you can catch up with her as soon as possible, ah Sheng. I have something else to do. Let's go first." Ma Jing had a little embarrassment in her heart. She realized that she was a huge light bulb at the moment.

"Well, goodbye."


After Ma Jing left, Xu Ningsheng reached out to hold Zhou Manchun's hand. Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen broke up half a month ago, but she still refused to let herself hold hands. Xu Ningsheng was a bit frustrated. The more Zhou Manchun did, the more he wanted to get her heart.

"Why is the class over so soon?"

"The teacher left after a class."

"Well, that's it."

"Why are you still here?" Zhou Manchun asked as she walked, didn't she let Xu Ningsheng go home first?

"I'm waiting for you. I can't rest assured that I'll let you go home alone in the evening." Xu Ningsheng smiled softly, catching up with Zhou Manchun.

"Ah Sheng, you really don't have to. I'm not a kid." Zhou Manchun looks at Xu Ningsheng and says seriously.

"I know It's just that I want to see you off and spend more time with you. " Xu Ningsheng smiled and said, a touch of bitterness crossed his eyebrows.

Zhou Manchun still didn't accept him, but Xu Ningsheng was not discouraged. They will have a chance in the future.

Sitting in the car, Xu Ningsheng opens the music. There is a soothing love song "love your past" in the car. Zhou Manchun listens casually, remembers the theoretical knowledge that the teacher just said in the classroom, and she slowly combs it.

"Don't you want to ask me who the girl was just now?" Xu Ningsheng saw Zhou Manchun with his eyes closed, looking happy and contented. He was worried.

Why doesn't she have any interest? Don't you really care about yourself?

"What can I ask? Your ex girlfriend? " Zhou man's pure soft voice sounded in the carriage, still tightly closed her eyes. Just now, looking at the girl's eyes, she guessed it.

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