"Jin Beisen, if you want to humiliate me, just say it. Anyway, what bad words have you not said?" Zhou Manchun suddenly chuckled twice. Her laughter rang out in the dark room. The atmosphere became very strange.

"Since you also know that you are so mean, why do you have to dress up in front of me now, and take off your clothes while I'm in a good mood?" Jin Beisen said in a frivolous tone, and there was a similar arc in the face of the evil man.

Zhou Manchun's petite body shivered for a while, and her goose bumps were all standing up. She bit her lips, raised her head, and would rather die than surrender.

After waiting for a long time, I saw that she didn't respond at all. Jin Beisen was impatient. He simply carried Zhou Manchun to the bed, just like throwing a pillow, it was very casual.

Zhou Manchun wanted to escape in panic, but before she could sit up, Jin Beisen had already bullied her.

The kiss fell on her lips. Jin Beisen put out his tongue, picked her clothes in one hand, and slipped behind Zhou Manchun. Jin Beisen suddenly felt it.

When he felt the touch of a line, Jin Beisen's nerves were tense. The woman actually wore T-shirts and pants, which made Jin Beisen's animal hair grow.

Jin Beisen lost his mind completely. His desire has revived. Zhou Manchun clearly feels the abnormality of his lower body. She knows what he wants to do, but she can't at the moment.

"Wait, I have something to tell you." Zhou Manchun suddenly stopped for a moment, and did not resist, but quietly lying in bed.

"You said." Jin Beisen's cold voice sounded in the room.

"I've had a relationship with Xu Ningsheng. I'm dirty. Don't touch me." Zhou Manchun shook her head desperately. The scene of that night was clearly played back in her mind. Zhou Manchun was afraid.

Jin Beisen is silent. The air seems to be suddenly exhausted. He is still above Zhou Manchun, but they keep a vague distance. Jin Beisen looks at her with a kind of deep eyes, as if to see through her.

Tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes. Even she despised herself, let alone Jin Beisen? But only in this way can Jin Beisen be prevented from touching himself. This is the only way.

"Say it again." Jin Beisen suddenly froze for a moment, the low and magnetic voice sounded, the warm breath sprayed on her neck.

There was a flash of panic in his eyes. Jin Beisen stared at the people under him with unbelievable face. The first reaction in his mind was that Zhou Manchun was joking?

"Really, it's all true. Xu Ningsheng and I got better when you went to America. That's why I broke up with you. Jin Beisen, please don't pester me anymore." Zhou Manchun is crying and letting the tears slide down. His eyes are swollen.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? " Jin Beisen seems to be crazy. His dark eyes are dyed with scarlet, and his expression is ferocious and terrible in an instant.

"I don't know I don't know. " Zhou Manchun crazily shook his head and tears came out like spring water.

She never knew that she would have a relationship with Xu Ningsheng. In fact, the memory of that night was very vague and unreal in Zhou Manchun's mind. She only remembered some fragments, vaguely. She remembered that she kissed Xu Ningsheng.

Jin Beisen couldn't accept it for a while. He recalled the mark on her neck when he saw Zhou Manchun that day. It turned out that it was the mark left by love, not heatstroke!

"Zhou Manchun, your lies are perfect. Since you lied to me at that time, why do you say it now?" Jin Beisen calmed down and asked word by word. His heart was too painful to breathe.

Just when Zhou Manchun told him that she had already had a relationship with Xu Ningsheng, Jin Beisen had the heart to kill people. He wished he had shot Xu Ningsheng right now!

Zhou Manchun is silent, and her thin choking voice comes from the air

Jin Beisen was upset by her tears. "Tear" broke Zhou Manchun's valuable evening dress.

"Do you think I won't touch you if you said it? Zhou Manchun, listen to me. No matter what, you will never leave me again. "

Jin Beisen bullies and goes up with his words. He has been entangled with Zhou Manchun for a long time with his consistent bullying

Two hours later, Zhou Manchun was hugged tightly by Jin Beisen. They were lying as before, but this time, they all cried.

When Zhou Manchun saw Jin Beisen's tears, he finally couldn't help it. He told Jin Beisen about the cause of the incident. Jin Beisen heard it more and more strangely, and finally found the clue.

"Did you feel any pain that night?" Jin Beisen held her tightly and asked with a frown.

"I don't know. I went into the hotel and smelled a special fragrance. Then I fainted. I woke up the next day and found that I had some marks on my neck, but I didn't have any pain." Zhou Manchun reached out his fingers to wipe Jin Beisen's tears. After so long with him, he saw him cry for himself for the first time.

"Is there anything else?" Jin Beisen suspects that Zhou Manchun was framed by someone. Every time he and Zhou Manchun finish that kind of thing, he will ask Zhou Manchun if it hurts. He is afraid that he will hurt her.

The mark on the neck can be pinched out, but the feeling of the lower body can't be deceiving.

"I still remember me and Xu Ningsheng I kissed him. " Speaking of this, Zhou Manchun's lacrimal gland can't be stretched again, and tears flow down together.

"Xiaochun, after what you just said, I think of a kind of fragrance. I haven't tried it. I'll send someone to look for it tomorrow. Then you can smell it and see if it's the same." Jin Beisen's mixed store has heard of some things, such as the aromatherapy mentioned by Zhou Manchun. He suspects that there is a problem with aromatherapy.

"Beisen, in case What if I really had a relationship with Xu Ningsheng? "

"No, the memory may change, but the physical reaction can't deceive people. I'll check tomorrow, you fool, why don't you tell me in advance?" Jin Beisen looks at Zhou Manchun with a spoiled face. Today, she is wronged.

These days, Jin Beisen has been investigating the reason why Zhou Manchun broke up with herself. That night, she drove out of the villa without her mobile phone, so Jin Beisen didn't know where Zhou Manchun had gone. The investigation was very laborious. Moreover, it rained again that day, and the monitoring of many roads in city a was broken, so the clue was broken.

Zhou Manchun doesn't know. When Jin Beisen saw her with Xu Ningsheng, he was mad.

"I don't think I'm worthy of you because I feel dirty." Zhou Manchun lowered his head and buried his head tightly in Jin Beisen's strong chest.

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