Jin Beisen took the lead and said, "the photo is fake. I'm already investigating."

Jin Zihang frowned. "Beisen, you mean you already know these photos."

"Yes." Jin Beisen can't help his anger. He's so damn sad. Seeing these photos, his first reaction is not anger, but heartache for Zhou Manchun.

He believed that Zhou Manchun was a man, not a kind of fickle woman who would make trouble outside.

Listening to Jin Beisen's very definite answer, Jin Zihang's steady voice came into everyone's ears, "OK, I'll give you a week to investigate."

"Grandpa and grandma, if I'm ok, I'll take Xiaochun back to have a rest."

Pan Sui nodded and took a look at Zhou Manchun. At the first sight, she liked this little girl very much. But who knows that such a thing happened? It really made her change a lot to Su Muni. Pan Sui thought that this thing should be deliberately framed.

Zhou Manchun hangs his head all the way, is held horizontally by Jin Beisen, and walks out of Jin family castle.

Tonight's storm is undoubtedly the most sensational news in a city, but when the sun rises the next day, everything seems to have never happened. Everyone knows that there is no wall in the world that is not airtight, so we must firmly control our mouth. Jin Zihang has already spoken, who dares to talk nonsense and who waits for death.

Zhou Manchun is probably of good character. After she was taken away by Jin Beisen, Jin Jiahe, Shi Huiqian, Jin Shuwen and other people all spoke well for Zhou Manchun in front of Jin Zihang and pan Sui, so Jin Zihang and pan Sui didn't hate Zhou Manchun either. Er Lao decided to wait for the truth to emerge.

Jin Beisen takes Zhou Manchun back to the villa. Wang Ma has already rested. When she arrives at the room, Zhou Manchun holds Jin Beisen's clothes tightly and calls for his name in a hurry.

"Beisen, Beisen I'm so afraid. I'm so afraid you don't want me. " Zhou Manchun's thin body trembled. Tonight's event caused a heavy blow to her. Even if she lost face, she would lose face to the whole Jin family.

"No nonsense." Jin Beisen's dark eyes narrowed, and his movements suddenly stagnated, covering the dark current in his eyes.

"I I really don't know why these pictures are there, Beisen, or Or let's break up. I can't lose face with you. " Zhou Manchun curled up together and said in a slightly trembling voice. Her lips were bitten and trembled gently.

Jin Beisen's heart ached. This silly woman still thinks of him now. Of course, he would not agree to break up.

"Have you forgotten? Whatever we said, we have to face it together. " Jin Beisen was a little angry and said with a strained face.

"But I don't want to see your Jin family's reputation ruined. Those photos are true. Why do you lie?" Zhou said, shaking his head

"Xiaochun, calm down. I say it's fake or not. Anyway, I'll take care of it. You can't go to the hospital to work in recent days." Jin Beisen said quietly.

Zhou Manchun is quiet. Jin Beisen's hand gently touches her hair, which makes her feel relieved for a moment. She nods and agrees.

This night, the photo gate made a sensation in the aristocratic circle of city a, but no one mentioned it again in the morning.

Jin Beisen asked Uncle Zou to investigate overnight and blocked the hotel. The manager of the hotel said that the staff had resigned a few days ago and the security department's monitoring had been taken away, so it was very difficult to investigate.

Jin Beisen, full of anger, said directly, "if your hotel doesn't give an account of this, don't open the door again, and make sure you can't get along in city A."

Uncle Zou had Xu Ningsheng kidnapped and held in a secret base.

Jin Beisen didn't tell Zhou Manchun that he had arrested Xu Ningsheng. In the afternoon, he went to interrogate him personally.

Zhou Manchun stayed up late in the villa. She didn't wake up until after two o'clock in the afternoon. When she woke up, she found that Jin Beisen had left. She thought he had gone to work.

Down the stairs, saw Jin Shu Wen sitting there, Jin Shu Wen anxiously in the downstairs back pace.

"Wen Wen Wen. Zhou Manchun is wearing pajamas and looks at Jin Shuwen in embarrassment.

"Sister in law, where is my brother? Call him as soon as you can. " Jin Shuwen knows Jin Beisen's character very well. She probably guessed what Jin Beisen would do. At this moment, Xu Ningsheng must have been caught by Jin Beisen. If Xu Ningsheng was sent to that secret base, he would not want to come out alive.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Manchun was shocked for a moment. He was happy to see Jin Shuwen call her sister-in-law again.

"Xu Ningsheng must have been arrested by my brother. I called Xu Ningsheng and he didn't answer. I'm worried about what my brother will do when he gets excited." Jin Shuwen walked with her eyebrows tightly, her eyes filled with worry.

Zhou Manchun rushed to the room to find her mobile phone.

When I called Jin Beisen, the first one, Jin Beisen didn't answer, Jin Shuwen and Zhou Manchun looked at each other, and they began to worry. Soon, Zhou Manchun called the second one.

Jin Beisen goes to the soundproof room. The secret base is the place where Jin family uses to hold rogues. Once they are caught, they will be imprisoned for life. The world evaporates. Jin Shuwen has never been there, just heard from her father.

"Hello, Xiao Chun." Jin Beisen said coldly, looking at Xu Ningsheng, who was dying in the TV set in the sound insulation room, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Beisen, where are you now? I'm so scared. Would you hurry back? " Zhou man said in a pure tone with a slight tremor.

Jin Beisen's eyes turned cold and swept the dark floor tiles. At this time, Jin Shuwen grabbed Zhou Manchun's mobile phone and said, "brother, I know you have arrested Xu Ningsheng. You can't hurt him. He must know about this. If you want to return his sister-in-law's innocence, you need to talk to him well."

"Are you in the villa?" Jin Beisen raised his eyebrows and asked unhappily.

"Well, elder brother, you light fixed point, quickly let Xu Ningsheng go." Jin Shuwen is holding her mobile phone, and there is a cold sweat behind her. I'm afraid that Jin Beisen will soon kill Xu Ningsheng.

"I have my own measure." Jin Beisen's cool voice came from the phone. Later, he hung up.

Zhou Manchun's heart tightened. She took Jin Shuwen's hand and said, "Wen Wen, do you know where your brother is now? Let's go to him. "

Jin Shuwen was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded. She immediately called her father and asked him. After a while, Jin Jiafan told her.

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