In fact, after the accident, Zhou Manchun had doubts, but at that time, Xu Ningsheng said it was so lifelike, plus those broken memories in her mind, Zhou Manchun really believed it, but later, when she calmed down, the more she thought about it, the more strange it became.

Now think about it. Zhou Manchun was stupid at that time. Maybe she believed in Xu Ningsheng too much.

As soon as the memory in his mind turned, Xu Ningsheng recalled the scene that night.

"Xiaochun, what is Jin Beisen good about? Would you mind not being so stubborn? So dark people are not suitable for you at all. " Xu Ningsheng sees Zhou Manchun's face is red and his body is a little shaky. He looks at the fragrant candle on the cupboard. It seems that the candle is working.

Sumuni told him that this kind of scented candle was imported from India. It is specially used for women, and men will not have any reaction if they smell it. As long as 10 seconds, it can make people hallucinate. The initial reaction is dizziness.

Zhou Manchun frowned and held his heavy head in his hands. He didn't know what was wrong with him. There was a heat coming from his body, as if the hot sun was directly shining on her.

"Don't worry, Beisen. He's very kind to me." Zhou Manchun smiles. Although she is mentally distraught and a little confused, but vaguely, she hears Xu Ningsheng saying that Jin Beisen is not good. She immediately stands up and refutes for Jin Beisen.

Zhou Manchun's words in the case of unclear mind are like a sharp steel bar, straight into Xu Ningsheng's heart. Her appearance seems so unreal, but she still speaks good words for him, which shows how deep she loves him.

"You can't see him at all. Are you sure he loves you?" Xu Ningsheng hugged Zhou Manchun, who was falling, and hugged her tightly in his arms. He was drunk, but he pretended to be drunk just now.

Zhou Manchun couldn't hear Xu Ningsheng's words at this moment. She even began to have hallucinations in her mind, as if she had feelings and desires. She hooked Xu Ningsheng's neck and thought that Jin Beisen was standing in front of her.

This kind of fragrance has such a magical effect and is also a kind of overpowering drug. It can make women have hallucinations when they smell it, even the hallucinations that they actively seduce the man. Moreover, this hallucination will not disappear and will remain in her mind all the time.

"Beisen, I love you. Do you love me?" Zhou Manchun is lying in Xu Ningsheng's arms. Under the dazzling light, her soft body is like marshmallow, which turns into a pool of spring water in Xu Ningsheng's arms.

Xu Ningsheng has a look of pain in her eyes. Even though Zhou Manchun is delirious, she can clearly call Jin Beisen's name. If she really takes advantage of this time, how much she will hate him!

I'm afraid I'll never forgive.

Xu Ningsheng smiled humbly, lowered his head, looked at Zhou Manchun calmly, stroked her eyes gently, and there was more care and love in her eyes.

He said quietly in the bottom of his heart: don't worry, Xiao Chun, I will never hurt you.

So unwilling to let her belong to himself, Xu Ningsheng would not, he can be a bad man, but never a bad man!

Su Muni, hiding behind the curtain, closely observed Xu Ningsheng's every move and found something wrong. Why did he suddenly hold Zhou Manchun and keep still? Does he want to terminate the plan?

Seeing that Zhou Manchun had fainted with his eyes closed, Su Muni leaned out from behind the curtain.

"Mr. Xu, what are you waiting for?" Sumuni could not wait to say, with a SLR camera in his hand.

"I can't help you. Take some pictures. I'm afraid the video can't help you." Xu Ningsheng bends down and gently pushes Zhou Manchun to the bed. The whole process is calm and calm without any regret.

If you do take a video, maybe Zhou Manchun will be ruined in his whole life. Xu Ningsheng won't do such a thing. After all, the persuasiveness of the video is greater than that of the photos. Although Zhou Manchun sleeps in front of him at this moment, it is undoubtedly a great temptation, but Xu Ningsheng feels that he must be able to bear his conscience at this moment.

Sumuni took the camera hand tight, a face of unwilling, whispered: "OK."

Monitoring has been installed in the hotel room. Sumuni wanted to record the scene of Xu Ningsheng and Zhou Manchun rolling the bed sheets. At first, Xu Ningsheng agreed, but now, Xu Ningsheng refused to cooperate. He only asked sumuni to take photos. The foolproof plan was destroyed again. Sumuni turned his head and looked at the monitoring picture. There was a flow of hatred in his eyes 。

If there are only photos, Jin Beisen may not believe it, but it is better to have one than none.

Xu Ningsheng took off his coat, put Zhou Manchun under his body and posed in various positions. Su took the opportunity to take many photos.

In the past, it seems to be a kind of effect of stealing photos from all angles, but it still retains the authenticity of the photos.

These photos are absolutely flawless.

Sumuni's trick was successful. After taking the picture, she left. When she was ready to leave, she didn't give up a word to Xu Ningsheng.

"Mr. Xu, that's the chance. It's up to you." Sumuni's soft corners of the mouth raised a strange smile, which was very insidious and cunning.

Xu Ning turned his back and said, "come here and take off her skirt."

Su Mu Ni's eyes narrowed and he said with a smile, "this kind of thing doesn't need me. Mr. Xu, you are a man."

"If I ask you to take off, why do you take off so much nonsense?" Xu Ningsheng is a little angry. He doesn't want to take off Zhou Manchun's clothes, but he is a man of conscience. He can't do anything that goes against his moral bottom line.

Su Muni is scolded by Xu Ningsheng. She looks at Zhou Manchun and Xu Ningsheng. Her eyes are deep

But sumuni still put down the camera and went to the bedside to help Zhou Manchun take off her skirt. She took a close look at Zhou Manchun's figure. The woman's figure was not bad. In order to create a false image, sumuni pinched Zhou Manchun's neck severely, which is the legendary "strawberry planting".

Xu Ningsheng has been carrying his body all the way. He is very upright. He has some palpitations in his heart. He wants Zhou Manchun very much, but not in such a case. This kind of thing requires you to love me.

"All right." Su Muni helps Zhou Manchun to cover the quilt. There are little red marks on her neck. It's impossible to tell whether it's strawberry or not.

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