"Well, after the examination, your heart has no problem at all. Take a good rest after you go back. If you still find any pain, come back to the hospital for further consultation." Zhou Manchun's simple and clear account shows that Jin Beisen is here to play with him, and he doesn't care.

She is a doctor, a doctor with medical ethics!

"Is it? Are you sure my heart is OK? " Jin Beisen said suddenly with a serious face.

Zhou manchundun, suddenly solemnly nodded: "well, sure and sure, your heart is very good."

Having seen patients like Jin Beisen, Zhou Manchun felt that his heart was going to have problems.

"Then why do I feel heartache? It must be lovesickness. " Jin Beisen said with a cynical smile.

Zhou Manchun naturally doesn't take it seriously. She hasn't been with Jin Beisen for a long time, but she has already seen Jin Beisen's true face, that is, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Zhou Manchun is too lazy to continue to pester Jin Beisen, and brush his card again to see off guests.

But Jin Beisen obviously didn't let her go so easily. He suddenly covered Zhou Manchun's back with his big hand and sent a warm touch. Zhou Manchun was shocked and quickly pulled away his hand.

Insert the magnetic card into the book, Zhou Manchun said with a smile, "president Jin, you can go home."

Jin Beisen didn't even button up his shirt, so he was exposed in front of Zhou Manchun. He smiled thoughtfully and said, "you're in such a hurry to drive me away?"

"I have a lot of patients behind me. Please don't be so headstrong."

"But as a doctor, you didn't find out what was wrong with me."

"What? Are you not convinced? " Zhou Manchun felt that Jin Beisen had quarreled with her. She put away her smiling face and accentuated her tone.

"Of course."

"After my examination, your heart has no problem at all. If you really want to have nothing to do, I mind you take a chest film first."

"How did you get into this hospital because of your poor medical skills and bad attitude?" Jin Beisen asked defiantly, and his long fingers began to button up.

Zhou Manchun stared at the computer screen and said coldly, "I suggest you go to the psychiatry department, or I'll help you turn around now?"

Jin Beisen didn't get angry. Instead, he said with a smile, "I can go to the dean and complain to you right away."

"I can't get it." Zhou Manchun said.

"You look so cute when you are angry. Don't worry. As your future husband, I won't embarrass you. I'll have dinner together at night, so it's settled."

"Hello, I didn't promise. I'm afraid I'll throw up when I eat with you."

It turned out that Jin Beisen made a big circle to invite him to dinner. Zhou man was really sweating.

"It doesn't matter if you puke. I can take care of you. I'll open another room by the way."

Zhou man's pure face was blue. He took Jin Beisen's medical record book and put it into his arms and said, "get out of here, get out of here!"

"At 5:30 p.m.," Venice restaurant "will wait for you." Jin Beisen left and left.

Zhou Manchun gasped for breath in the original place and was shocked by the pressure of saliva.

At the end of the outpatient service, Zhou Manchun went to the inpatient department to see the patient before work.

A lady in Chanel's new autumn dress was running in the corridor with high heels and a string of tears on her face.

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