"That's not the same."

"It's nothing different. Maybe Jin Beisen used to have some frivolous news, but as you know, it's hard to be high. In this circle, in that upper class society, it's normal for him to play on occasion. There's no need to worry about some things. When a man is outside, as long as he can grasp the right size, it's OK." Zhou Tinghao went to the sofa beside Zhao Lizi and sat down, blocking her waist with big hands.

So many years have passed, the couple's affection is still enhanced. Zhao Lizi's parents left early. Her father died when Zhou Manchun graduated from primary school, and her mother left when Zhou Manchun graduated from junior high school. Zhao Lizi thought her parents had left, and she could no longer rely on her in the world. However, Zhou Tinghao is getting better and better for her, which makes her feel very warm.

"I know the truth, but I'm worried." Zhao Lizi said, holding her forehead in a headache.

"Aziz, do you believe my vision?"

"I believe." Zhao Lizi nodded with conviction.

"Listen to me. In fact, when Jin Beisen first came to our house, I played go with him, and I realized that he was making me, but the performance was very lifelike. At that time, I felt that the child's mind was delicate, and a man could think of these, indicating that he was not a stupid person. Xiaochun would not suffer losses if he married him."

"I just don't think our family is compatible with Jin's family. How can we deserve it?" Zhao Lizi sighed helplessly. Her heart was empty like a balloon.

"You are just too easy to be bothered by those worldly eyes. Men look at men accurately, just like you women look at women. I don't think Jin Beisen is a bad man." Zhou Tinghao's calm face shows an elegant smile. On some issues, his mentality is much better than Zhao Lizi's.

Zhao Lizi was born with a good reputation, but she was a small family. She didn't like to take too many risks, but the biggest risk she took in her life was to marry Zhou Tinghao.

"Really?" Zhao Lizi lies in Zhou Tinghao's arms and raises her head in disbelief.

"Yes, let's see people for a long time." Zhou Tinghao smiled and hugged Zhao Lizi with a happy face.

No.1 Middle School of city A.

The sunshine at ten o'clock in the morning is a bit hot. Although it is autumn, it will still make people feel that they are still in the summer when the sun comes out.

In a thin shirt, yuina rolled up her sleeves and stood on the 400 meter playground.

It happened to be a physical education class. The students around me were bustling with each other. Before I thought of the bell, the physical education class of senior three was in the same class as Yu Shen.

Many girls in Yu Yina's class are very happy. Yu Shen just returned home yesterday. Everyone is wondering if he will come to class today.

"Jingling bell..." The class bell rings.

Wearing ADI's sportswear, the PE teacher appeared from a corner of the playground. The students quickly stood in four lines. Yu Yina, the PE teacher of her class, surnamed Zhu, was a 28 year old male teacher.

Yu Shen's PE teacher is a female teacher in her early 30s, surnamed Wang. She is beautiful and has a good figure. She is very good to her students. She has a lot of free time in every class. She is not as hard as Yu Yina's students. A PE class starts with a long run, and in the middle, she has to leap frog. At the end, she is fast Run.

The students of class five, grade three, cried bitterly. When they saw the PE teacher coming out, they straightened their backs.

On the other side of the playground, in a shady place, the students of grade three and grade one have already lined up. The students of class five look enviously at the class standing in the shady place and think about each other.

Across most of the playground, Yu Yina looked through the crowd. Because of the distance, she did not see Yu Shen.

After Zhu took the students to do the warm-up exercise, he asked them to run 800 meters and finish it within the prescribed time.

On the playground, there are many complaints

"I envy class one."

"Yes, they are still standing in the shade. Look at them. They are already free."

"That's right. They are free in every class. How can we run long in every class?"


Students, you talk about me one after another. Such a PE class is undoubtedly terrible.

"I'll run as soon as I tell you to. Who can make you not do as well as others? Class one is a key class. I'm so tired from studying at ordinary times. Of course, I need to make people relaxed. You don't do well. I'm training you now, and I'll have more strength when I move bricks in the future." Mr. Zhu whistled and straightened out the discipline.

Yu Yina rolled a white eye, as the monitor, hurriedly took the lead to run.

When running to the shade where class one of grade three was in, Yu Yina suddenly saw a familiar figure. Yu Shen was bending over to pick up basketball. Although the girls in their class had already surrounded him, Lin Qiaoqiao, who was running beside Yu Yina, was excited when Yu Shen stood up.

"Nana, it's Yushen. He's back." Lin Qiaoqiao said excitedly as he panted.

In everyone's student days, there is a God in every grade. Yu Shen is the God in the eyes of many girls. He is 185 in height, has a beautiful face, fair skin, and is enviable.

"What are you excited about?" Yu Yina doesn't think so. She and Yu Shen have passed each other many times. From senior one to senior three, they met quite a lot. For example, Yu Shen often sat in front of her in those exams, but even so, they never said a word.

"My God." Lin Qiaoqiao's sports cells are not very good. The 800 meter long run is hard for her, but at the moment, she seems to be full of power in an instant.

"You can pass the 800 meters first. I won't wait for you later." Yu Yina murmurs, but every time, she will wait for Lin Qiaoqiao. In fact, Yu Yina is absolutely excellent at running 800, but in order not to let Lin Qiaoqiao alone, she will reach the end with her.

"Old Zhu is a pervert. He makes us run 800 every day. I hate PE most now."

"You hate to see your God? Old Zhu may be creating opportunities for you to see more of the gods. " Yu Yina said jokingly, not forgetting to tease Lin Qiaoqiao.

If not, Lin Qiaoqiao's face is bloody red when Yu Yina teases him. Now he has run several tens of meters away from Yu Shen. Yu Shen is behind them. In order to see Yu Shen again, Lin Qiaoqiao speeds up his steps.

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