"The shirts are all wrinkled, or I'll iron them for you."

"No, I like the smell on you. It changes after ironing." Jin Beisen said simply, he looked at the shirt, it is not very wrinkled, anyway, today, he will wear this dress to work.

After that, Jin Beisen asked Zhou Manchun to wear a shirt first every night, and then Jin Beisen never competed with Yu Chen, but Yu Chen has been positioning Jin Beisen as a target and working hard silently.

"President Jin, since it's a shameful thing, let's expose it to the sun, sun and disinfect it." Uncle Zou's sneering smile rolled up in his deep eyes.

Jin Beisen turned around, his indifferent expression had been replaced by haze. "You go to tell him that you want to catch me and show evidence."

"This brother Li is a real trouble." Uncle Zou sneered scornfully, knowing that he would betray president Jin, he cut the grass.

Facts have proved that in some things, people really can't be too kind-hearted and merciful, and only harm themselves.

"Ask Jiang Jian to do that brother Li." Jin Beisen's soft mouth was filled with a funny smile, but his face had a cold and vicious expression.

Jiang Jian is Yu Chen's immediate superior. He has a good relationship with Jin Beisen. He likes to ingratiate himself with Jin Beisen. Jin Beisen is generous and has contacts everywhere, so those people like him very much.


Jin Beisen's Mo Mou narrowed slightly, turned to the office chair again, sat down steadily, and began to look at the documents, as if everything just had nothing to do with himself.

Jiaru hospital.

Zhou Manchun didn't have an operation in the morning. She went to the ward to have a look. Then she sat in the office comfortably, drank tea and looked at the medical history. When she was tired, she went online to read the news.

All of a sudden, an explosive news came out of a website.

Yesterday afternoon, the heirs of Lin's group had a car accident in a rural field in a district of a city. The car exploded on the spot, and Mr. Lin was killed. At present, Lin's group has declared bankruptcy. The police and prosecutors are fully investigating the accident. According to a prosecutor, this is a intentional homicide, not a simple accident

Zhou Manchun saw this, her eyes shrank in horror, her whole body trembled, she felt a cool feeling on her body, her fingers bent together, she turned off the web page, and quickly ran to the nurse station.

"Little Qi, come here." Zhou Manchun's face is not very good.

Jiang Jingqi is burying herself in writing. Seeing Zhou Manchun running over in a panic, she thinks something is wrong. She quickly puts down her pen and follows Zhou Manchun to the top floor of the inpatient department.

The rooftop is empty, only the sun is hanging high in the sky. Today's wind is a little strong, blowing. Zhou Manchun feels cold.

"Little Qi, you can't tell anyone about yesterday, you know?" Zhou Manchun holds Jiang Jingqi's hand uneasily. She looks around to make sure it's safe, she says.

Jiang Jingqi saw Zhou Manchun's face was a little white, but she thought something important had happened. It was for yesterday's sake. She held Zhou Manchun's hand in reverse, showing a kind smile, and said, "don't worry, I won't talk to anyone."

Zhou Manchun relieved her complexion a little. She bit her lips and said: "Xiaoqi, something happened. The cause of Lin Minghao's death may be investigated. The news in the morning said it."

Jiang Jingqi hasn't seen the news yet, but she also knows that if this matter is investigated, Jin Beisen will be dragged into the water, which is just another damage to the reputation of Jin family.

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