"When can my father come out?" Zhou Manchun frowned and worried. Jin Beisen was like a gentleman when he was good and a schizophrenic when he was not. Zhou Manchun was afraid of Jin Beisen's entrapment.

"Zhou Manchun, it depends on when you promise me. If you promise me now, your father will come out now." Jin Beisen squinted and played with an important document in his hand, which was the one that sent Zhao Tianyu to prison.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the phone, interrupting Zhou Manchun's wandering thoughts. For a while, Zhou Manchun was too nervous to speak, and her hand holding the mobile phone trembled slightly. She whispered, "don't you want me to be willing?"

"But you are not willing now, are you?" Jin Beisen smiled shallowly. His delicate lips made a charming smile. Everything was in his plan. He was the master of the game, and naturally controlled the progress of the game.

"I promise you, whatever it is, as long as my father can come out at once." Zhou man closed his eyes painfully, and under his thick lashes was the sadness that could not be turned away.

"Well, move out tomorrow and live with me. Your father can go home before 10 a.m. and your mother and daughter can also go back to the famous city garden." Jin Beisen suddenly lies down and drills into a comfortable and soft sofa. Over the years, he feels that he has nothing to lose, the only woman who can walk into his heart.

Perhaps, Zhou Manchun's fate as early as four years ago has been closely linked with him.

Zhou Manchun was shocked. Her eyes showed reluctance. She bit her lips, but she didn't dare to say "no".

"OK, but how can I get there?" Zhou man bites his teeth, but in the flashing eyes, she is confused. For her father and the Zhou family, she agrees.

"I'll send someone to pick you up. You and your parents have agreed that I'll give you a night." Jin Beisen's words are more like an official language, without any human feelings.

Zhou Manchun touched her heart with her hands. Her heart was shaking violently. She breathed heavily, but it was hard to hide her uneasiness.

Once cohabiting, she will become his mistress completely!

Zhou Manchun thought it was a mockery. Once upon a time, she expected a pure love and hated the kind of person who betrayed herself for the benefit of others. Now, she also fell to this point.

Jin Beisen is a man who abides by the agreement very much. Before ten o'clock in the morning, Zhou Tinghao went home.

Zhao Lizi and Zhou Manchun are waiting in the famous city garden. In order to welcome Zhou Tinghao, Zhou Manchun specially asked for half a day off.

At the moment when Zhou Tinghao opened the door, Zhou Manchun couldn't stop her tears. She cried and fell into Zhou Tinghao's arms.

"Dad, you're back at last." Zhou Manchun cried bitterly, her heartache seemed to vanish in a moment.

These days, her life has undergone tremendous changes. Zhao Tianyu 's betrayal, Zhou family' s downfall, meeting Jin Beisen, and even becoming his woman are all unexpected.

"Silly girl, why are you crying? Didn't dad say that? Dad will come back. " Zhou Tinghao is very moved. His mouth has no bruise, but his eyes are full of heartache and tenacity.

He is the pillar of this family. For so many years, this has never happened to the Zhou family. These days, they have suffered for their mother and daughter.

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