"Really?" Zhou Manchun's eyes are still covered with tears, and the beautiful eyes are shining with pure light, full of hope, just like the peach blossom in spring.

"Of course, it is true. She is your best friend, and you are also her best friend. In a pure friendship, there is no supporting role or protagonist." Jin Beisen's face gradually faded into a calm look.

"Beisen, have you ever lost a very important person?" Zhou Manchun suddenly raised her eyes, called his name, and frowned.

Jin Beisen's eyes have been following Zhou Manchun's. she frowns, and he frowns. But this problem makes Jin Beisen's heart twitch violently. It's like walking on a flat road and suddenly being stumbled by someone. That kind of unwillingness and annoyance rush to his heart.

"Well That was a long time ago. "

"Can you tell me something?"

Jin Beisen smiled faintly, thin lips raised the lost radian, "it's not early, I'll talk to you next time I have time, OK?"

He actually changed the subject! Zhou Manchun is very upset!

I didn't expect that one of my tentative questions would poke at his sad point. Zhou Manchun didn't want to do that either. She just asked casually.

"It's only half past eight. It's not late." Zhou mantun mumbled and said, black and bright eyes purring, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall.

"You're not alone now. It's half past nine after you take a bath and wash your hair." Jin Beisen calculates the time. Zhou Manchun always grinds when she takes a bath. Although she usually does things with high efficiency, she can definitely grin in the bathroom for half a day.

"Why don't you lie to me when I don't want to tell you something about her?" Zhou Manchun looks at Jin Beisen with a fierce face, and stares at him with his beautiful eyes. The corners of his mouth twitch slightly.

"Who?" Jin Beisen's ink eyes narrowed slightly, but the thoughts in the dark eyes rolled. What did Zhou Manchun know?

Thinking of Jin Beisen's other woman, Zhou Manchun's eyebrows continued to be locked. She slightly pursed her lips. Although Jin Beisen was not her first love, she had already eliminated Zhao Tianyu from her heart. She did not expect Jin Beisen to tell her all about her past, but she did not want to hear anything from others Why?

I still remember that Shi Mingge once told her that there was a person in Jin Beisen's heart, and Jin Shuwen also said similar words. Zhou Manchun didn't know who that person was, but that person was always a knot in her heart.

"Who asked you? Did anyone you loved need to ask me?" Zhou Manchun's slightly angry voice with a little bit of irony and jealousy, her heart inexplicably tight, a tight sense of suffocation swept the whole body.

"In the past, do you have to turn over the old account?" Jin Beisen paused, but his face was cold. He asked lightly.

Asked by him, Zhou Manchun felt that he had done something wrong. Zhou Manchun didn't think she was such a small woman. She didn't like to be jealous. But the longer she stayed with Jin Beisen, the more she wanted to explore his past, especially the woman in his heart.

Zhou Manchun knows that Jin Beisen has been betrayed by that person, and she has also experienced the feeling of being betrayed, so she can understand Jin Beisen's silence, but they are already husband and wife now. Many things, if not spread out, will make her feel that he still has her in his heart.

"I'm not going through the past, I just want to know who you've loved in the past." Zhou Manchun raised his head abruptly, and said without laughing.

"Why do you want to ask this all of a sudden?" Jin Beisen looks at Zhou Manchun, and her eyes become dark.

"I I just want to know. " Zhou Manchun said that he was a little guilty, but in his heart he scolded himself for being unprofitable. How could he stutter? She clearly should say that!

"There are some things you don't need to know." Jin Beisen raised his thin lips and said in a deep voice.

"Jin Beisen, what are you talking about? Why don't I know? I'm your wife. Do you want to tell me who you used to like Zhou Manchun said more and more, and his tone was also eight degrees higher. He asked in a sharp voice.

"Not too much, but I don't want to answer. Why do you have to get tangled up in the past? In your heart, am I so untrustworthy? " Asked Jin Beisen sternly, with a serious and indifferent expression.

Originally warm atmosphere suddenly became rigid, Zhou Manchun did not answer, but there was a different feeling in his heart.

"If you don't make it clear, I won't believe you. I'm fed up with hearing about you from other people, especially about your past." Zhou Manchun said word by word, with a light frown and a heavy sense of forbearance, and the tip of his heart like a needle.

"Whose mouth? What did sminger say to you? " Jin Beisen's sharp eyes were heavy, and his whole body was full of bloodthirsty breath. He immediately reflected that no one but Shi Mingge would make trouble in Zhou Manchun's place.

"Don't be guilty. He didn't say anything to me." Zhou Manchun firmly denied that Shi Mingge didn't say it today, but he said it before.

"Xiaochun, do you really think I'm stupid? In addition to the song, who else can there be? " Jin Beisen's face was flat, and a cold emotion came out of his sharp handsome face.

The relationship between Jin Beisen and Shi Mingge is not good. Zhou Manchun doesn't want to provoke the relationship between their brothers. After all, she sincerely hopes that one day, they will make up.

"I'm tired. I'm going to have a rest." Zhou Manchun doesn't want to answer this question. Although she doesn't know what deep hatred there is between Jin Beisen and Shi Mingge, her family love is blood thicker than water.

"Well, go up." Jin Beisen's serious expression eased a little. Hearing Zhou Manchun saying that she was tired, he immediately stood up, took her hand and walked upstairs.

"Beisen Let's sleep in separate rooms. " At the door of the master bedroom, Zhou Manchun didn't go in. He said uneasily.

"Why?" Jin Beisen asked in bewilderment, how long has it been since she got married? It's really sad that the woman should share the room with him!

"I'm pregnant now. I can't sleep well. I feel worse when you're next to me." Zhou Manchun doesn't know if Jin Beisen will be hurt, but she doesn't want to sleep with him tonight. She is upset to see him.

Jin Beisen moved his lips and said softly, "OK."

Zhou Manchun breathed a sigh of relief, pushed open the door and went straight to the bathroom to take a bath.

When she came out, Jin Beisen had prepared a quilt and put it on the sofa. Zhou Manchun wiped her hair with a dry towel, stared and asked, "why haven't you left?"

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