Tang Sisi is a rational person. After such a long time, her daughter was lost and recovered. In fact, Tang Sisi is not sure whether the person in front of her is her own daughter. A few months ago, she suddenly rang the doorbell of their house. At that moment, Tang Sisi's heart, which has been dead for many years, suddenly revived.

Even if she had a grudge with Zhao Lizi in the past, it was all in the past. The previous generation should not involve the next generation. What's more, in the past, their family Xing Yan and Zhou Manchun had such a good relationship.

When she entered the room, the heating came to her face. Lin Xingyan helped Zhou Manchun to sit on the sofa and smiled at her and said, "I'll pour a glass of water."

"Auntie, is Xiaoyan amnesic?" Zhou Manchun asked curiously.

Tang Sisi's face stiffened and nodded: "well, she forgot all the past things."

"Ah How could that be? " Zhou Manchun sighed quietly, his face a bit sad.

"Come on, drink water." Lin Xingyan holds two cups of hot tea, one for Yu Chen and the other for Zhou Manchun. She smiles lively.

"Thank you." Zhou man said politely.

"Mom, I saw her picture in the room. We must have been good friends in the past. Can you tell me something?" Lin Xingyan asked with a warm smile.

Tang Sisi sighed helplessly, and Lin Shao in the study also came out. At the moment when he saw Zhou Manchun, his old face was a little shocked.

"Good uncle." Zhou Manchun stood up immediately. Although she was inconvenient to move, her heart was burning at the moment.

"Little Xiaochun, how can you come here? " Lin Shao also stares at Zhou Manchun's belly curiously. Zhou Manchun's appearance doesn't change much, but she thinks she is more mature than before.

"I came to find Xing Yan. I didn't expect that she was still alive." Zhou Manchun said happily, happy in the heart.

Lin Shao's face was not cold or hot. He was a little embarrassed. He sat down quietly.

Tang Sisi told them all about the past. Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen got up to say goodbye until after nine o'clock.

"Xing Yan, have you ever been to city a?" Asked Zhou Manchun.

"Yes, I work in a city. Recently I asked for a few days off to come back to see my parents. My father is not very well recently." Lin Xingyan said with a filial face.

"That's great, Xing Yan. I'll go back to city a tomorrow. Will you join me?"

"OK, Xiao Chun, don't leave tonight. Stay and sleep with me. There are guest rooms at home, and your husband can stay and sleep together." Lin Xingyan's warm invitation made her smile like a flower.

"He's not my husband, he's my senior," Zhou explained awkwardly

"Ah? Isn't it? You look like a good match, hehe. "

Yu Chen's cold face smiled a little. It was a beautiful misunderstanding. He hoped that Zhou Manchun and he would be right and right.

In the room, Zhou Manchun comes out after taking a bath and just receives Jin Beisen's call.

"Xing Yan, my husband is calling. Don't say it first." Zhou Manchun holds the mobile phone, flustered in his heart.

"Well, I'm in for a bath." Lin Xingyan took her pajamas and said with a smile.

Jin Beisen just arrived at the hotel. He went to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the Eiffel Tower not far away. The floor of his room was on the thirtieth floor. Looking down from this place, there were moving cars and horses, small as ants, but with a floating light.

Paris is a romantic city. Since taking office, Jin Beisen has come here every year. Next time, he must bring Manchun last week.

"Wife, what are you doing?" He had a deep, mellow voice on the phone.

"Ready to go to bed." Zhou Manchun is holding the mobile phone with a smile and touching the ball on his belly.

"Are you good at seven?" Jin Beisen asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, she's very good."

"Then you can have a rest earlier. I'll be back in two days."

"OK Beisen, you should also pay attention to rest in France. Don't work too hard. " Zhou Manchun said with a clear smile.

After calling Jin Beisen and waiting for Lin Xingyan to take a bath, Zhou Manchun is asleep.

Lin Xingyan's chin is slightly raised. She looks at the quiet sleeping woman on the bed, but her lips are full of cool smile.

What's so good about Zhou Manchun? Can make you like it so much! Lin Xingyan is too lazy to pretend to be friendly. She smiles, stretches out her right hand, pinches Zhou Manchun's neck through the air, and looks hateful in her eyes.

It took about four or five seconds for Lin Xingyan to turn around and fall asleep.

When the sun rises in the morning, she still has to pretend to be in front of the public. In order to make her and Shi Mingge's plans succeed as soon as possible, she must disguise herself and call the two people she doesn't know parents at all. But it has to be said that Lin Shao and Tang Sisi are really good to her.

The eastern sky gradually revealed a red glow, and the sun showed half of its face. The colorful clouds in the sky were illuminated by the soft light. The golden light penetrated the clouds and covered the whole sky with sparse light

Zhou Manchun, Lin Xingyan and Yu Chen went on the road after having breakfast at the Lin's house.

On the way back to city a, Zhou Manchun was in a good mood, just as gorgeous as the clouds floating freely in the sky. The harvest of coming to City C was really great. She found her lost good friend for many years.

"Xing Yan, where do you work now?"

"I'm at JS international."

"Ah? JS international? The president is Jin Beisen's? " Zhou Manchun said a little muddleheaded, and even felt a bit of thoughtlessness.

"Yes, do you know our president?" Lin Xingyan asked with a smile.

"Well, yes, he is my husband."

Lin Xingyan, who is drinking water, almost spouted out a mouthful. She pretended to hear it for the first time, and pulled her mouth awkwardly. "You say, Jin Beisen is your husband?"

"Well, don't lie. Which department are you in JS international? I'll let Beisen take care of you. "

Lin Xingyan screwed on the bottle cap, blinked her eyes and said, "I am in the investment banking department. People in the Department are very nice to me

"Is it? That's good. We'll have dinner together another day. "

In city a, Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen first sent Lin Xingyan back to the apartment. On the way to send Zhou Manchun back to the villa, Yu Chen drove a car, but he was worried.

"Senior, are you tired? Or I'll drive. " Zhou Manchun smiled at Yu Chen and thought he was tired of driving.

"Xiaochun, did you sleep well last night?" Yu Chen stopped by the side of the road and asked seriously.

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