Zhou Manchun said with a smile, "what is the law? Such a tyrant clause is not afraid of being accused? "

"Our shop is always like this. Do you want to do it or not? Yuina, what are you still waiting for? Hurry to work for me. " The store manager looked at Yu Yina coldly with a commanding tone.

Yu Shen, who was standing beside him, was very upset. He suddenly raised his head and gave the store manager a cool look. The man who looked warm and sunny in the ordinary days, today's cold eyes are so penetrating. The store manager was scared and scared.

"I'm a law school student. You can bully people who don't understand the law. But if you don't want to make trouble today, you should settle all the wages of Nana before." Yu Shen grabs the store manager's arm. He has practiced Sanda since he was a child. He is very good at it and has great strength. The store manager who pinches it shouts.

"You let go You... You can let me go. " The store manager said intermittently in pain, with cold sweat on his head.

"Do you pay?" Yu Shen asked with threats and lures, and the strength of holding his arm was heavier.

"Knot, I'll knot her now." The store manager begged for mercy. He couldn't even speak completely.

Yu Shen just let him go. The store manager ran to the counter in a panic and took out a small book from the drawer. In a short time, he was able to clear up Yu ina's salary, which was 1500-20 in total.

Yu Yina took over the pile of old banknotes, but her heart was a kind of bitterness. This is her first time to work for money. It's not easy to be a waiter in a coffee shop. It depends on other people's faces. Sometimes she meets several guests who are very difficult to deal with, and she has to deal with them.

The three walked out of the cafe. Zhou Manchun took Yu Yina and Yu Shen to the nearest dessert shop for dessert.

"Sister, are you really back?" Yu Yina lies on Zhou Manchun's body and cries. She can't control her tears. A hot liquid falls from her eyes.

"Silly girl, I'm back. Why do you want to work in a coffee shop? How tired it is to work. Our family is not short of money. " Zhou Manchun gently stroked Yu Yina's shoulder to comfort her.

"I know that. I just want to earn some money by my own efforts and prepare for my graduation trip next year." Yu Yina said with a simple and innocent face, who knows that the store manager is such an unreasonable person? I didn't see that in those days before.

"Where do you want to go? My sister gives you money. " Zhou Manchun releases Yu Yina and hands her a napkin.

"Provence, France." Yuina said happily.

"Silly girl, you can stay at home well. You don't have to worry about money. You don't have money to tell me." Zhou Manchun rubs Yu ina's head, and she knows that Yu ina is also a very strong person, which is really similar to her.

"It's boring to stay at home all summer vacation, so I want to work and earn some money."

Zhou Manchun's Apricot eyes moved, and the lying silkworm got a smile. He deliberately explored: "how could it be boring? Nana, college life is very precious. After leaving the society, it will not be so easy. Take advantage of the present and find a boyfriend quickly. It will be a memory you will never forget. "

Yu Yina lowered her head, pinched her finger, and said, "I'm not in a hurry."

Zhou Manchun is also an understanding person. She knows that Yu Yina is due to Yu Shen's presence, so she doesn't have a good idea to say. Well, wait for Yu Shen to leave. She will ask again.

Three people sat in the dessert shop chatting all afternoon, Zhou Manchun with a smile all the way, she has not been so happy for a long time, it's nice to come back to city a, everything here is so familiar.

Gradually, half of the sky turns red from a hundred, and there are many pink and orange clouds floating in the light blue sky. The sunset glow is like a cluster of spark, blooming in the air

The radio station in the car is playing a song "appreciation of the refined and the common", and Yu Yina is humming happily with the rhythm, "they say, write a love song to enjoy the refined and the common, and it's easy to sing when writing it to convey the spirit..."

Zhou Manchun said with a light smile: "so many years, or so like your family love beans!"

"He's exactly my type, sister. I went to see his concert in s city two years ago."

"It's a little flower maniac."

"Ouch, I'd love to have a crush on him."

"Why not stay with Yu Shen? He has loved you for a long time. " Zhou Manchun asked casually, looking straight at the vehicle ahead.

"If your best friend and you like a person at the same time, what would you do?" Yu Yina bit her lips and asked thoughtfully. She still didn't know the real reason why Zhou Manchun left.

If I had known, I would not have asked that stupid question.

Zhou Manchun swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but there was a dense touch in her heart. She smiled and took a deep breath, "I will give that man to her."

"I think so too, elder sister. Qiao Qiao also likes Yu Shen. I can't argue with her." Yu Yina sighed helplessly. She was really confused about her feelings. At the beginning, she thought selfishly. If Lin Qiaoqiao didn't go to the same university with her, maybe she would be with Yu Shen.

"But Nana, friendship is important, but it depends on who is in the man's heart. Yu Shen, the child, is full of you. Can't you understand? " Zhou Manchun said that although she didn't meet Yu Shen many times, Yu Chen, Yu Shen's brother, is not a bad person, so his brother must not be that kind of bad person. He can like a person for such a long time, which can't be achieved by persistence.

"Sister, since high school, I have loved him for six years. How can I rob him?"

"If love can be measured by time, it's not love. Love doesn't come in any order. Ask yourself, if you miss him, will you regret it?" Zhou Manchun looks at her with a smile. She is worried about Yu Yina. Nana is still young and has no experience in emotional matters, which is her weakness.

Zhou Manchun laughs at Yu Yina, but also at herself. If Lin Xingyan is still alive? Will Jin Beisen still love himself? Zhou Manchun is afraid that she will always be her substitute. She does not want to live like this. Until now, she still loves Jin Beisen in her heart, but she will never be with him again.

"Maybe, Yushen is a good man." Yu Yina said with a sad face.

"If I were you, I would hold on to her now, Nana. There are not many people in the world who are in love with each other." Zhou Manchun laughs and drives into Mingcheng Garden community. This is her home. No matter how long time goes by, she can find it.

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