Zhou Tinghao sighed helplessly and looked at Zhou Manchun's bright and smart eyes, which made her understand vaguely. This time, her daughter is really grown up, she has her own ideas and ideas, and even strong enough to be heartbreaking.

520 Haibin road.

The living room is full of lights. Jin Beisen is playing chess with Jin Yumo. The father and son are playing hard. Jin Beisen's mobile phone rings.

Jin Beisen looks at the caller ID. it's a call from sumuni. He wanted to hang up, but Jin Yumo cleverly snatched his cell phone, and there he laughs and cries, "mummy."

Su Muni drank a lot of red wine. She was drunk in her mind. Her face was red on both sides. She soaked her hot body in the bathtub. When she heard the voice of Jin Yumo, she realized that Jin Beisen was not the one who answered the phone.

"Xiaomo, where's your father?"

"Dad is next to me, playing chess with me." Jin Yumo smiled at himself. When he looked up, he felt a cold line of sight coming from the bottom of Jin Beisen's eyes.

"You give your cell phone to your father. Mummy has something to say to him."

"I see. Dad, mummy has something to say to you." Jin Yumo hands over his cell phone. Jin Beisen turns his eyes and looks reluctant to answer the phone.

This son is really a kid. He worries about nothing.

"What's the matter, Mooney?" Jin Beisen asked in a gentle voice, but there was not too much expression on Junyan's side.

"Beisen, I have something to say to you. Would you like to come?" Su Mu Ni 's voice is soft and soft, and it sounds very exciting.

"It's late. Let's talk about something tomorrow." Jin Beisen refused without even thinking about it. Zhou Manchun's business has made him big enough. Now Jin Beisen is thinking about how to subdue Zhou Manchun. He has no mind to deal with other women for a long time.

"No, it's very important. Beisen, I beg you. I must come." Sumuni suddenly cried bitterly. The sound of crying was a little painful.

"Give me the address." Jin Beisen looks at Jin Yumo. He is looking at him with a smile.

Moyuan Hotel, 28th floor, 2805 presidential suite.

In the bathroom, there is a bottle of leftover red wine bottle. It's crooked. Sumuni is soaked in cold water, but he doesn't feel cold. Maybe his heart is already colder.

In the morning, the news of Zhou Manchun's return spread all over the place. Su murni regretted that she was the woman who could play the piano very well. No wonder when she was in the concert hall, Jin Beisen looked at her intently. She knew that Mackie was Zhou Manchun. Su murni would not be foolish to go to the concert with Jin Beisen.

However, it was too late. A string in sumuni's heart was tight, as if it was about to break. She was very sad. She had been drinking alone in the hotel since the afternoon. Although most of the empty wine bottles were emptied by her, she actually drank more than one bottle of red wine.

In order to create a sense of desolation for herself, sumuni has been lying in the bathtub, and now even though it is midsummer, she has also been frozen.

When Jin Beisen arrived at the hotel, it was more than nine o'clock. Su Muni had been lying in the bathtub for more than three hours. His delicate skin had been wrinkled. His lips were white with cold water and shivering in the water.

Jin Beisen looked around the bedroom, but did not find sumuni's man. Suddenly, he saw a red wine stopper on the floor. He pushed open the wooden door and went into the bathroom.

I saw sumuni lying naked in the bathtub. Jin Beisen regretted the moment when he pushed the door open. He immediately closed the door and walked out.

"Mooney, what are you doing? Put on your clothes and come out. "

After a while, there was no movement.

Jin Beisen knocked on the door again, "Mooney, put on your clothes and come out."

"Ha ha Beisen, you still care about me. " Sumuni scoffed and laughed, but two lines of clear tears rolled down from her smooth skin.

"Don't make any noise. Get dressed." Jin Beisen said it again and again. Somehow, after Zhou Manchun left, he got in touch with Su Muni again. Jin Beisen didn't like her at all, but Su Muni's existence brought him many conveniences, such as helping him to drive away those women who wanted to paste him upside down.

"I don't wear it. Come in and help me put on my bathrobe on the bed."

Jin Beisen picked up his mobile phone and called the hotel service. A minute later, a waitress in her early twenties came in.

Sumuni was drunk and heard someone open the door. He thought Jin Beisen had come in.

The soft voice is charming, "Beisen Ah, who are you? What are you doing in here? " Seeing a waitress in the bathroom, Su was shocked.

"I asked her to come in and help you dress." Jin Beisen outside said coldly.

Sumuni stamped his feet angrily. The water splashed in the bathtub. His voice was sharp: "Beisen!"

The waitress stepped forward and handed the white bathrobe to sumuni. Sumuni put on his clothes and gave her a fierce look, as if to say, you need so much!

After finishing the task, the waitress left without paying any attention to the eyes of sumuni. In the service industry, we must learn to bear the face of the guests.

"Beisen, why did you just call someone in?" Sumuni hooked Jin Beisen's sagging arm in one hand, and his voice was soft and waxy like cotton candy.

Jin Beisen's eyes sank, glanced at Su Muni, saw her white lips, frowned and asked, "how long have you been in the water?"

"Not long, just three hours." Sumuni's tone was very relaxed, and he rubbed Jin Beisen's plump chest.

Jin Beisen pushed her away in disgust and said in a cool voice, "girls should respect themselves."

"Beisen, shall we get married?" Su Muni, pushed away by Jin Beisen, pasted it up again, holding Jin Beisen's thick but warm palm with his cold hand.

"I don't want to get married now." Jin Beisen was shocked suddenly, and the cold breath on his face was obviously to refuse sumuni.

"Then when do you want to get married? I'll wait for you. " Su Muni said earnestly that the eyes of water filled eyes looked at Jin Beisen's eyes without blinking, as if they wanted to see through him.

"If this is what you are going to say to me, I will give you the answer. Xiao Mo is still waiting for me at home. I will go first." With a little effort, Jin Beisen pulled his palm out of sumuni's hand, and his movements were in perfect unison, which made sumuni's heart sink

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