But now, Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen are married. At the thought of this place, Jin Beisen is jealous. What should he do with Zhou Manchun? Is she desperate to stay around or just let it go? On his condition, we can find a woman 100 times better than Zhou Manchun. How can he be so persistent?

Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen spend more time together than Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun. Jin Beisen feels sad. Have there been many stories between them in the past three years?

Maybe people can't force her to do something about her feelings. When Zhou Manchun kissed him just now, Jin Beisen mistook her strangeness for indifference. Jin Beisen was upset. How many times has Yu Chen kissed her in the past three years? How many times have you kissed her? All these problems are in Jin Beisen's mind. His eyes are deeper and deeper.

But this time, anyway, Jin Beisen will take Zhou Manchun. Let the past go. Anyway, people have to look forward. It's useless for you to tangle.

After washing her face, Zhou Manchun has freshened up a lot, but it's not hard to see that there is still some uneasiness on her face.

Jin Beisen didn't know why she was so afraid of herself. He was not a tiger. He wanted to eat people!

Once, he also held her in the palm of his hand!

Sitting in his car, it was a black Bugatti. There was no miscellaneous decorations in the car, but there was a yellow safety sign on the rearview mirror that attracted Zhou Manchun's attention.

Isn't this talisman exactly what she hung on Jin Beisen's Aston Martin four years ago? Did he keep this talisman all these years?

Zhou Manchun's eyes tightened, stretched out his fine and beautiful fingers, and touched the Yellow Safety talisman. I still remember what Zhou Manchun said when he gave it to Jin Beisen. You are more important than me, so I gave you this safety talisman. It's more than four years since Jin Beisen hung it in his regular car.

The promise of that day was like the setting sun about to set in the West. They sat in the carriage, but the atmosphere was not as relaxed as usual. After three years, Zhou Manchun once again sat in Jin Beisen's passenger seat.

In the past three years, I don't know how many women have sat in his passenger seat, and Zhou Manchun doesn't know why she should suddenly think of these things. She stretches out her hand to lean on the car window and rubs her temples.

On the way, neither of them spoke to each other. Jin Beisen was driving at a constant speed. It was the rush hour of work. The city was very crowded. Zhou Manchun took out his mobile phone to see the time, but found that the mobile phone had run out of power and turned off automatically.

I don't know if Yu Chen is crazy at home now. Zhou Manchun wants to ask Jin Beisen to borrow his cell phone to call Yu Chen, but finds that she can't carry his cell phone number at all. She only remembers Jin Beisen's number, his number, which hasn't been changed in more than ten years.

Jin Beisen cherished the time alone with Zhou Manchun, and didn't even play music in the car. He wanted to feel the existence of the woman more clearly.

520 Haibin road.

Zhou Manchun didn't expect to step into this familiar place again, but it was because Xiaoxin was kidnapped. Although she missed it a little, she might not come here again if it wasn't for Xiaoxin.

Entering the living room, the decoration inside has been renovated, which is more luxurious than before. Zhou Manchun is careful when walking, for fear of damaging some precious vase of Jin Beisen, and then he blackmails himself.

Suddenly, there was a piano sound in her ear. Zhou Manchun immediately heard that it was a piece played by four hands. She looked in the direction of the piano. The position of the piano did not change. The piano was bought by Shi Mingge three years ago. Zhou Manchun later went to the United States. Yu Chen said that the Shi Mingge family had died. Zhou Manchun felt very sad.

The heartless man who laughs is like a wind when he comes and a rain when he goes. He is quiet and leaves no trace. No one thought that Siming song would end his life in this way and end the grudges between the Jin family and the previous generation of the Shi family.

Just, what Zhou Manchun doesn't know is that part of the reason why Shi Mingge committed suicide is because of her!

When Shi Mingge died, Jin Beisen held a vigorous funeral for his family. He held his ashes with his own hands. At that time, the search and rescue team had not given up looking for Zhou Manchun. It was the time when Jin Beisen was in the lowest mood. He even forgot how he came back then.

As if God heard his wish, he gave Zhou Manchun back to him. The scar in Jin Beisen's heart is slowly healing.

On the long piano bench, sat a pair of golden virgin girls. Their backs looked very harmonious. Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen did not interrupt their performance.

Jin Beisen looks at the woman with a smile at the corner of her mouth. A similar smile appears on her sharp face.

"Little Xin." Zhou Manchun whispered the name of Shengyu Xin.

Yu Xin suddenly turned around and blinked her big, watery eyes. Her face was still muddled. She jumped off the piano stool in a hurry. "Mom."

Zhou Manchun walked quickly and hugged Yu Xin tightly in her arms. She must be scared. Yu Xin is only a three-year-old girl. She never left Zhou Manchun since childhood.

But instead of crying, Yu Xin said brightly, "Mom, my brother and I are playing the piano."

Zhou Manchun was confused and murmured to himself, how could these two children get on well?

Yu Xin's character is careless. Growing up in the United States, she was not afraid of strangers. She raised her eyes and shrank in Zhou Manchun's arms at the moment when she saw Jin Beisen.

Zhou Manchun rubbed Yu Xin's head and said with a smile, "little Xin, don't be afraid. Uncle is a friend of mother."

Yu Xin is biting her lips, and there is a thin layer of doubt in her eyes. She dare not even look up at Jin Beisen's eyes.

On that day in the zoo, didn't mom and dad quarrel with that uncle? Why are you friends again? I don't know what happened between adults.

"Dad." Jin Yumo also jumped up from the piano bench, but he didn't ask Jin Beisen for a hug. Instead, he stood like a little man.

"Xiaomo, two days ago, didn't you say you wanted your aunt to be your piano teacher? Today, my father brought my aunt. " Jin Beisen said with a smile, the deep bottom of his eyes is mixed with some complex emotions. His implication is that, son, Dad can only help you. Next, it depends on your own creation.

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