Zhou Manchun was suddenly mocked by him. She was so angry that she couldn't speak. She shook her hands and said angrily, "Oh, Jin Beisen, who do you think you are? I just wanted to praise you. Your mouth is so vicious. You deserve to be single. My sister and I have been studying hard for many years before becoming a doctor. If you don't understand, don't talk about it. If you're not born at the end of someone else's life, if you don't have Jin's family, you're nothing, so don't be arrogant there! "

Jin Beisen's face is livid. He is obviously angry. His thin lips are slightly invisible. His eyes are gradually cold

I haven't seen him for three years. This woman's mouth is really more and more like him!

Jin Beisen, who is vicious, has a personality and is more flirtatious, cannot stop.

Usually, anyone who dared to talk to Jin Beisen like that would have been dragged out and killed.

"Go on, what are my shortcomings?" Jin Beisen's face changed and his hands circled with interest.

Zhou Manchun bowed his head and said, "no more."

"Where is that righteous courage just now? I have the ability to continue to talk. " Jin Beisen has a cold breath all over his body. The sound line is steady, but it's amazing.

"I don't have the ability, do I? Jin Beisen, I'm going home! " Zhou Manchun lifted his feet from his thighs, just put on his slippers, and Jin Beisen held him down again.

"Take off your clothes." All of a sudden he said without expression.

Zhou Manchun's facial features are tense, and there is a sense of uneasiness in her heart. She holds her body tightly, and her apricot eyes are shining. She asks warily, "what do you want?"

"Miss Zhou thinks she's charming. I want to do it, don't you?" Jin Beisen reached out, grabbed a bathrobe on the sofa, and stuffed it into Zhou Manchun's arms.

Holding that white bathrobe, Zhou Manchun's face is burning hot, which is a shame. What's the strength of being amorous just now? Now I'm laughed at by Jin Beisen!

"Mr. Jin is not interested in me. It's better to think about it. You won't like this Um... Third hand! " Zhou Manchun said sarcastically, I don't know whether she was laughing at herself or Jin Beisen. She only had a relationship with Jin Beisen!

Jin Beisen glanced at her coldly, and the corners of his lips were disdained. He turned his back, took off his clothes and pants, and put on the white bathrobe.

After Zhou Manchun changed clothes, Jin Beisen picked up her clothes and went to the laundry room. He put their clothes on the dryer.

"What would you like to eat?" A low voice sounded in her ear.

"I'm not hungry." Zhou Manchun sat on the sofa in embarrassment. Because of the tension, he held his bathrobe gently with his fingers.

"There's only noodles at home. Do you want spaghetti?" Jin Beisen continued to ask, as if he had not heard the saying "I am not hungry".

"Good." Zhou Manchun happens to be hungry. How can he fight Jin Beisen if he doesn't have enough to eat!

Jin Beisen walked into the kitchen, and before long, he brought out two plates of spaghetti. It was fragrant, and Zhou Manchun flew down three thousand feet in an instant.

Zhou Manchun walked towards the dining table, the noodles made by Jin Beisen gave people a very delicate feeling, full of color and fragrance. Before, she had also tasted his cooking skills.

A man, no matter what he does, is so serious, so perfect, such a man, who will fall in love with it!

After a while, Jin Beisen took two forks, took out one of them and handed it to Zhou Manchun. With a little smile on his face, "eat it."

Although there is a very strange feeling in their hearts, they can sit down face to face again to eat, which is a dream haunted by Zhou Manchun for many years, but they really watch him in front of themselves, Zhou Manchun is still nervous.

Fortunately, Jin Beisen's noodles tasted very good, and Zhou Manchun was quite happy. She licked the corners of her mouth, looked at the man opposite who was eating noodles gracefully, and suddenly asked, "what's the matter with you bringing me here?"

Jin Beisen looked at the noodles on her plate, and there was a smile on yinglang's face. "I'll tell you after eating."

Zhou manchunnu nuzui, the heart is very uncomfortable, did not expect that this man also betrays, it is really annoying.

Soon, Zhou Manchun ate up the whole bowl of spaghetti. She touched her stomach and felt comfortable. However, Jin Beisen on the opposite side hasn't eaten all. He ate slowly and didn't worry at all.

"Hello, you are a big man. Why are you eating so slowly?" Zhou Manchun glanced down at Jin Beisen and asked at the corner of his mouth.

"You think everyone is like you? Did the starving ghost give birth? " Jin Beisen said without raising his head.

In a word, Zhou Manchun was very angry again. She restrained her impulse to wave her hand and said in a good voice, "OK, you can eat slowly, but it's cold and there's no nutrition."

Jin Beisen didn't pay attention to her and didn't know whether he was deliberately delaying time. Anyway, he could stay with her for another second.

Finally finished! Zhou Manchun stands up happily and wants to wash dishes, but Jin Beisen grabs the dishes.

Looking at his busy figure standing in front of the dishwasher, Zhou Manchun even had some impulse to cry. This picture was her fantasy life.

Jin Beisen was also very kind to her, especially when Zhou Manchun was pregnant. He really treated her as her ancestor and pitied her dead son.

If their son didn't die at that time, it would be nice. Zhou Manchun was moved to think about something. The sound of the water stopped suddenly, and Jin Beisen washed the dishes and came out.

Seeing Zhou Manchun in a daze, he goes to take her hand. Zhou Manchun quickly shrinks his hand back and sits quietly on the sofa.

Jin Beisen's cell phone rings, and Jin Yumo makes a video call.

Without hesitation, Jin Beisen immediately answered, and the lovely face of Jin Yumo appeared on the mobile screen.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Jin Yumo holds his mobile phone, and his two round eyes seem to laugh.

"Dad's at work. What about desert?" As soon as he spoke to his son, Jin Beisen's attitude relaxed.

"Xiaomo is thinking about Dad. When will dad come back?"

"I'll be back in a moment. It's time for you to go to bed, desert."

"Well, listen to my father."

After hanging up the video phone, Jin Yumo turned to Su Muni and said, "mummy, daddy is in Jinwan apartment."

Su Muni rubbed Jin Yumo's head, took his head and gave him a big kiss. "Thank you, Xiaomo. He went to bed earlier."

"Well, thank you." Jin Yumo waves his hand and says goodbye to Su Muni.

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