"Molly, come in." Zhou Manchun dials Qian Molly's cell phone number and says with a pale face.

When Qian Molly received the call, she came in immediately. She was wearing a standard lawyer's suit and high-heeled shoes, and came to Zhou Manchun with a smile.

"What's the matter with calling me in in such a hurry?" Qian Molly sat down without any politeness. Seeing the cheese biscuit on Zhou Manchun's table, she took one.

"Eat, eat, and eat every day. Molly, look at this." Zhou Manchun hands the summons to Qian Moli.

Thousands of Molly looked at her innocently and smiled heartlessly, "you can't work until you're full This... Did Jin Beisen take you to court? "

Zhou Manchun nodded heavily, his face numb.

"They say that one day husband and wife Bai rien, you two used to be birds in the same forest, you really love each other and kill each other!" Thousands of Molly playfully took the summons and suddenly joked.

"You girl, do you have a conscience? Please help me to solve this problem." Zhou Manchun is holding her temple in a headache. Jin Beisen and her lawsuit must not be known by the outside world. Otherwise, those reporters will write about her reputation and Yuchen's reputation. YC group has finally listed in city a and its business is on the rise.

"Yes, I'm ready for my eldest lady, the notice of response and the notice of proof. But I'll tell you in the first place. In this case, I only have a 50% chance to win. After all, you didn't report your divorce agreement to the court at that time, so it's a tough thing to deal with."

"What if I lose?" Zhou Manchun asked with a frown.

"Don't worry," she said, with a solemn expression. "I'll be in prison for two years. Come out two years later. You're still a hero."

"Are you crazy? Two years in prison, it's a case to keep! What do you want me to be? "

"I told you before that it's better to find Jin Beisen for private. Why don't you listen?"

"And if he will, will he take me to court? Call... Zhou Manchun sighed helplessly and felt unhappy for a while.

Thousands of jasmine delicate lips into a line, after a long time, said with a smile: "so, he means, want you to go back?"

Zhou Manchun nodded. There was a flash of displeasure in her eyes. She would rather go to jail than go back to Jin Beisen!

"Xiao Chun, listen to me. We have a very small chance of winning this lawsuit. If it's the last resort, you and Jin Beisen will take a soft suit. Don't be so stubborn, OK?"

Zhou Manchun said angrily, "to be soft for him means that I want to divorce Aachen. I can't do it."

"But this is our fault. If Jin Beisen knew that it was a well-designed trap for you to leave, he would not stop."

Zhou Manchun changed his face slightly and said with a wry smile, "yes, but what can I do? Molly, you don't understand. I really don't want to come back to him. I'm very disappointed with him. I'm so disappointed. Otherwise, I wouldn't have left. "

Qian Molly grabs Zhou Manchun's palm and firmly holds it. She nods seriously: "Xiaochun, don't worry, I will do my best to help you."

All day long, Zhou Manchun was very depressed. In the evening, she was invited to a wine party held by the Music Association.

Zhou Manchun's arrival is undoubtedly a hot spot of the whole reception. However, the process of the reception is very boring. Zhou Manchun just returned to city a soon, and the people of the Music Association don't know a few of them. The teachers in her piano industry are all invited, and Zhou Manchun can only talk with them.

Zhou Manchun got up to go to the toilet after drinking some wine. She has never been a person who likes to join in the fun. Such a wine party really makes her feel bored. Those musicians wore the clothes inside and smiled at her. Zhou Manchun had to accompany them to laugh.

On this trip, Zhou Manchun was directly named as the vice chairman of the music association by the Music Association. Many people were envious. Some people worked hard for half their lives, but they could only be a small group leader. However, just after Zhou Manchun returned home, he became the vice chairman, which attracted a lot of envy.

Zhou Manchun sat on the toilet cover and took out his mobile phone to send a wechat message to Yu Chen. Yu Chen has had a lot of social activities recently. Because of the relationship just returned to China, Yu Chen has received all the big customers one by one.

Suddenly, there was a sound of high-heeled shoes walking in the bathroom. They trampled on the ground. Two women hurried to the washing table. One of them made a sound of vomiting.

Zhou Manchun locks his eyebrows and doesn't care. He continues to text Yu Chen.

"Xiaoning, I told you not to drink so much, you drink so much, now you vomit." A middle-aged woman in her early thirties gently patted Gu Ningning on the back with a little reproach in her voice.

"Elder sister, I just don't like it. I could have been the vice president of this session. Where did you say Zhou Manchun come from? What Mackie, it's all bullshit!" Gu Ningning angrily clutched the palm of her hand, turned on the tap, and the running water was flowing. She took a breath, and then took out cosmetics from her bag to start makeup.

"Yes, it's bullshit. You don't have to deal with that woman. She has a backstage. When we see her, we'd better go far away. Zhou Manchun is Jin Beisen's ex-wife. She has a big head. A woman who has been abandoned by Jin Beisen enough to play, can actually catch Yu Chen when she turns around. She has two brushes." The woman disdains to raise the lip angle, in the eyes is all indifference, sneers cold to say.

"Didn't she fall off the cliff? Why are you back? This woman is really scheming. Why doesn't she die when she falls off the cliff? What's more, I heard that Yu Chen is a bastard. He was not born by Yu Hanmo and Lu Wanyu at all. What's the scenery? Zhou Manchun and the illegitimate son really match. " Gu Ningning said unconvinced. It's weird.

"It turns out that it's not surprising that he came back three years ago, but he and his brother are quite similar."

"It's the same father, isn't it? You say that there are several good men in this world. They all love one another, especially those rich people. They can play happily. " Gu Ningning snorts coldly, obviously with contempt in his tone.

Zhou Manchun sits in the toilet cubicle and clearly hears the conversation between the two people. She's very upset. If she had changed her mind, she would have rushed to find their two theories. But now Zhou Manchun has become more calm and has a long mouth on others. Let others talk about it.

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