Zhou Manchun hung his head and bit his teeth. He seemed to be holding back a little bit in his grievance. "I'm not afraid."

"Of course, you don't have to be afraid. My main purpose in this lawsuit is to sue Yu Chen. Then he will be a traitor." Jin Beisen jokingly said that his slightly cocooned finger belly gently crossed Zhou Manchun's smooth porcelain like cheek.

Zhou Manchun raised his head, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes, "you You are mean. "

"Zhou Manchun, my patience is limited. Don't try to challenge my endurance limit, and the matter of that piece of land. Don't try to be smart. You understand?" Jin Beisen turned sideways, his face gloomy.

Zhou Manchun frowned and pressed her lips tightly. Naturally, she understood the warning from Jin Beisen. However, she was unwilling to accept it. Three years later, the sovereignty of the game is still in his hands. It's time to reshuffle, isn't it?

"If Jin always has the ability, he will buy that piece of land and do not have ideological education with me here." Zhou Manchun frowned discontentedly and hissed.

Jin Beisen paused, and a chill appeared on his cold features. "Don't play tricks on me, Xiao Chun, you are not cute."

Zhou man's pure heart is tight, his chest is hard to hold, and his eyes are moistened instantly. How could she be like this if she didn't have too many worries in her heart?

"No matter what I become, it's none of your business." Zhou Manchun steps forward with a light sneer in his soft tone.

Jin Beisen looks at the back of her leaving, frowns slightly, and there is some helplessness in the three-dimensional facial features of Qing Jun. Zhou Manchun obviously hates him more than he imagined. However, all hatred is due to love, how deep love is, and how deep hatred is.

In the early morning, the sun is bathing in the earth, and birds are chirping outside the window. Yu Shen's past life rules are very healthy, but since his birthday party, he has degenerated. He doesn't like drinking very much, and he also falls in love with the day when he drinks.

On this day, the sun was already in the sky. Yu Shen had not yet got up. Yu Hanmo sat in the living room and looked at the newspaper. At this time of the day, Yu Shen had already got up and ran with him in the morning.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Yu Hanmo is about to get up and go upstairs to see what Yu Shen is doing. Lu Wanyu knows a little about the reason why Yu Shen can't get up. He quickly stops him.

"Calligraphy, what are you going to do?" Lu Wanyu stared at Yu Hanmo's bad expression and frowned slightly.

"What happened to ashen these two days? Why don't you get up? "

"Ah Maybe he's not feeling well. Calligraphy, sit down and I'll go up and have a look. " Lu Wanyu said good words for her son with an embarrassed face. On the night of the end of his birthday party, Tang Xiarou had already called and cried for her.

It was quiet in the room with ash as the main theme. Lu Wanyu went upstairs with anger and lifted the big quilt on the bed. Yu Shen curled up on the big bed, looking pitiful

"What are you doing? It's more than eight o'clock before I get up. " Lu Wanyu's face, which is well maintained, has a few more wrinkles and a locked brow, which has become a "Sichuan" character.

The Yu family has always lived in the army's work and rest time. Yu Shen gets up at six o'clock every day, runs in the morning with his father and exercises. This is also true in school. He hardly enjoys staying in bed.

Yu Shen continued to lie still, pretending that he didn't hear him. He was tired physically and mentally, and he was not interested in anything.

Yu Yina's words hit him a lot. Why does she like Xu Ningsheng? Yu Shen wanted to break his head and couldn't think of a reason. He just felt very tired. He chased girls for the first time, but ended up like this.

Lu Wanyu, with her hands akimbo, saw that her son didn't respond at all. She bent down and grabbed Yu Shen's ears.

"Do you hear me? Get up for me! " Lu Wanyu roared angrily, obviously like a shrew.

"I'm so tired. What do you shout in the early morning?" Yu Shen turned over impatiently and frowned.

"I dare to talk back to your mother. I'm really ambitious Ang! "

"Mom, can you be quiet? I'm really upset. " Yu Shen, who is always gentle and elegant, said angrily.

"What are you bothered with? What's bothering you? I'm not bored. Why do you refuse Tang Xiarou? You grew up together. What's wrong with Xia Rou? Ah Shen, do you have a brain? Your brother married a second-hand product. Fortunately, he was not born to me, so I pretended to open one eye and close one eye, but you? You're so depressed all day now. You're playing lovelorn with me. "

Yu Shen can't stand Lu Wanyu's words. He is even more than Tang monk. He sat up in bed with a carp and said, "I'm just lovelorn, can't I?"

"Hum That little girl didn't accept you, I knew. " Lu Wanyu snorted coldly, and said angrily.

Yu Shen rolled his eyes. "Mom, you can go out and let me be quiet."

Words fall, Yu Shen continues to lie on the bed, a pair of life can not love.

"If you don't want to get up, what's good about yuina? I have investigated her. My father gambled away his family property. My mother took drugs. Both of them were out messing with each other. What kind of daughter could such a family have? " Lu Wanyu sneers at coldly and says that there is a strong contempt in her eyes.

"What does that matter? I just like Nana. Love has nothing to do with these external relations. Mom, do you want me to be with Tang Xiarou, so I will be happy? " Yu deep dissatisfied frown, tone also increased a few points.

"That's better than that yuina, isn't it? When you graduated from high school, you said you didn't want to go to military school. I compromised. How did you promise me at that time? You said you didn't disobey me from childhood. That's the only time. Now I want to ask you, did what you said count? If it doesn't count, I'll jump out of the building at once. "

"Mom, please, give me some freedom, will you?" Yu deep helplessly sighed, the eyes of lax son did not have the vitality of the past.

"If you marry Tang Xiarou, you will have a great future. You don't have to struggle in your life, do you know?" Lu Wanyu sat on Yu Shen's bed and suddenly said calmly.

"Ha ha Mom, do you think your son is a waste and needs a woman's food to live? Why do you always worry? It really makes me sad that you don't believe me so much. "

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