"I don't know what happened to Nana." Lin Qiaoqiao mumbles, a little uneasy in the heart.

"185 grams of goods, directly sentenced to death, baby, you don't hate her the most? Now it hurts? "

"I didn't. I wish she had died earlier." Lin Qiaoqiao turns a white eye, disdainful cold voice says.

The driver's uncle shook his head helplessly, "it's the most poisonous woman."

Lin Qiaoqiao is not happy to hear this. She pushes away the driver's uncle. "Hum, I'm vicious. Stay away from me. Be careful not to be poisoned by me."

The driver's uncle holds Lin Qiaoqiao's waist in one hand. "Little thing, I've learned to play hard to get. Let's see how my brother cleans you up tonight."

"Brother, it's a pity that the package was delivered tonight."

"That's no way. No matter what happened to us, we're just intermediaries, and we don't lose money. Recently, city a has been very strict in drug inspection. We'd better have a good safety point."

"Hahaha Isn't it, brother, will you love me forever? " Lin Qiaoqiao's white arm wrapped around the driver's uncle's head and kissed him in the face.

"Little thing, what do you want me to say to you? I risked being found out by my wife to spend the night with you. "

Lin Qiaoqiao's eyes suddenly turned over vaguely, riding on the driver's uncle, the eyes of the person illuminated by the light on his head were confused, "then tell me with your actions whether you love me or not."


In the morning, everything was quiet, and a faint light rose on the eastern horizon, gradually illuminating the whole sky.

Last night, Zhou Manchun didn't sleep for almost a night. The huge mental pressure had forced her to collapse. One night, her brain was in a mess. I wish everything had never happened last night.

Next to Yu Yina turned over and woke up. She also had some pressure, so she woke up early.

"Good morning, sister." Yu Yina's soft mouth outlines a smile and says softly.

"Nana, you take care of Xiaoxin for two days. I'm going to America today." Zhou Manchun sat up from the bed and casually lifted a handful of hair. The expression on his face was calm.

Yu Yina also sat up with her, holding Zhou Manchun's hand with long fingers, and said softly, "OK."

Then, Zhou Manchun jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to get dressed.

Around seven o'clock, Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen had just finished breakfast. Zhou Manchun's face was not very good. He said quietly, "ah Chen, you come to the study with me. I have something to say to you."

Yu Chen took a close look at Zhou Manchun, and there was a smile between the eyes and the eyebrows of Junyi

As soon as they got up, Yu Yina quickly picked up Yu Xin and said with a smile, "little Xin, how about going to the toy room with your aunt?"

Yu Xin said with a pure smile, "OK, auntie, dad just bought me a Barbie doll two days ago. I'll show you."

In front of bieyuan on the left bank, a black Bugatti slowly stepped on the brake. The man opened the door and stepped out on a pair of shined leather shoes.

When the doorbell rang, Mrs. Li went to open the door. Jin Beisen said nothing and walked into the villa indifferently.

Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen look at each other. Yu Chen looks at Jin Beisen who is not invited. He sneers and says, "president Jin, what are you doing? Do you break into private houses? "

Jin Beisen scoffed at Yu Chen's eyes and said, "I'll take my wife home."

"Jin Beisen, who is your wife? You and Xiaochun have been divorced for a long time. " Yu Chen gnashed his teeth and said that he took Zhou Manchun's hand and protected her behind him.

Yu Chen thought Jin Beisen wanted to rob Zhou Manchun, so he subconsciously protected her. Unexpectedly, Zhou Manchun pulled his hand and shook his head.

"Funny, Xiaochun, haven't you told him yet?" A bunch of cool eyes stared at Yu Chen closely. Jin Beisen was light, arrogant and indifferent.

"What? Xiaochun, what did you hide from me? " Yu Chen realized that things were not good. He grabbed his body and put his hands on Zhou Manchun's shoulders. His fingertips were white with effort.

"Aachen, I asked you to go to the study just to talk about it with you. Let's divorce." Zhou Manchun bit his lips and said with trembling.

"Xiaochun, what do you say? You said you would never leave me? Did he force you? Jin Beisen, what are you threatening her with? " Yu Chen angrily raised his fist and strode towards Jin Beisen.

Jin Beisen's eyes were sharp. He pinched his fist with one hand, opened his lips lightly and smiled coldly: "three years ago, you stole her from me, you should have thought of such a day."

"I won't agree to divorce Xiaochun, please leave now, or I'll call the police," Yu said unconvinced

Jin Beisen's eyes were pale, and his lips were full of sarcastic smile. He suddenly released Yu Chen's fist, his hands were round, and his chin was slightly raised. "What can I do, Xiao Chun? He said to call the police. "

"What kind of man are you, Xiao Chun? You don't have to be afraid. I won't leave this marriage." A touch of anger appeared on Yu Chen's elegant face. He walked back to Zhou Manchun again and held her tightly with one hand.

In fact, Yu Chen also has a premonition in his heart. If Zhou Manchun doesn't hold fast this time, maybe she will leave

Therefore, Yu Chen was particularly afraid.

"Yu Chen, you have to leave. If you don't want to see YC group go bankrupt, you can do it to your heart's content. Divorce Zhou Manchun immediately. I can think of letting you go." Jin Beisen sneered.

"Hum! I don't believe that Jin Beisen has such a great ability. Can I be afraid of you? " Yu Chen clenched his fist with one hand, and his face was full of pride. He and Jin Beisen were completely separated.

"I have some very good brothers working in the tax bureau, but they are very interested in the tax situation of YC group. Yu Chen doesn't make so much money if he wants to make money. He is good at being down-to-earth." Jin Beisen said coldly.

Yu Chen hugged Zhou Manchun and tightened his hand. He was obviously guilty, and a faint anger appeared on his face. He thought to himself, how could he know?

"YC group is open and aboveboard. Don't take this as a threat to me." Yu Chen was pale and pretended to be calm.

"Is it? But as far as I know, YC group leaks a lot. " The man's eyes narrowed and his eyes were cold. Then he said, "it's not easy for you to set up YC group. For the sake of taking care of Xiaochun for many years, I promise I won't do anything to you, but if you don't appreciate it, don't blame me for being cruel."

"Jin Beisen, what do you want?" Yu Chen asked with a hoarse voice. His voice was low and depressed. He felt as if he was being pressed by a heavy stone. He was helpless.

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