Yu Yina was almost framed by Lin Qiaoqiao, but she didn't choose to confront Lin Qiaoqiao face to face. Instead, she ended all this in a peaceful way. Her six-year friendship was like quicksand in her hand

When the sun is in the sky, the light of the sun makes people feel particularly dazzling. Yu Yina is walking in the street in a trance, and her mood is particularly depressed. She looks up at the sun in the sky, and suddenly uses her hands to block the dazzling light.

It has been said that there are two things in the world that can't be seen directly. The first is the sun, and the second is the human heart.

Read 7 charity foundation.

Zhou Manchun has just stepped into the foundation. The mobile phone rings immediately. She looks at the caller ID. it's from mirabili, and she answers it right away.

"Hello, Molly." Zhou Manchun answers the phone with a smile.

"Zhou Manchun, it sounds like you are very happy." Qian Molly stood in the corridor of the hospital with her mobile phone, facing a window, with malice in her voice.

"Molly, what do you mean?" Zhou Manchun is confused. Did she do anything wrong? Why does mirabili have this attitude!

Qian Molly's voice was cold, and her tone was full of anger. "Aachen's stomach is bleeding. Now in the hospital, she vomited several blood last night. She is still half dead and reciting your name. Why did Pei Haoran call you yesterday and shut down on purpose?"

"I didn't. when did assistant Pei call me?" Zhou Manchun is confused and confused. What's the matter?

"No, then don't lie."

"How is Aachen doing now, in which hospital?" Zhou Manchun did not enter the office, and immediately turned to go outside.

"If not, it's hard for you to care about his life and death." Thousand Molly's tone is cold and sour, the words fall, then ruthlessly hung up her phone.

Zhou Manchun frowned, hurriedly replayed one more time, but the phone rang twice and was hung up by thousand jasmine.

Looking through the address book, Zhou Manchun calls Pei Haoran. After a long time, Pei Haoran picks up the phone.

"Assistant Pei, how is Aachen now? In which hospital? " Zhou Manchun pursed his lower lip, frowned again and asked anxiously.

"Zhou Manchun, don't call. Aachen doesn't want to see you now. Just live a good life with your Jin Beisen. The work of the foundation and the piano firm has also quit. It's the last good thing you did for Aachen." Who knows, the sharp and indifferent voice of the thousand Jasmine comes back to the phone again, mixed with a little sneer.

"Molly..." Before Zhou Manchun finished speaking, she was hung up by mirabili again.

Zhou Manchun stood at the gate of the foundation and walked back and forth. After about a quarter of an hour, he walked in helplessly, handed over his work to the Secretary, and left after saying goodbye in a hurry.

After handing over the work, Zhou Manzhen plans to go to JS international to find Jin Beisen. He is worried about Yu Chen's illness. However, there are so many hospitals in city A. Qian Molly refuses to say that she will go to them alone. When will she find out? Fortunately, thousand Molly likes Yu Chen. She will take good care of him.

Sitting in the car, Zhou Manchun's mobile phone sends out a series of prompts, and all the major video website apps downloaded from her mobile phone send messages.

The title is: the president of YC group is drunk in the middle of the night, picking up the dog blood love history of a city's rich circle!

People have always been interested in gossip, not to mention the handsome and rich rich people. Zhou Manchun points in this video and finds that the number of videos has exceeded 100 million.

The video shows Yu Chen's life experience, including his illegitimate son, her mother's death from jumping off the building, how Yu Chen transformed from a prosecutor into a successful businessman, and who his ex-wife Zhou Manchun was, even Zhou Manchun's first love Zhao Tianyu was honored on the list.

Zhou Manchun and Zhao Tianyu fell in love early. Zhao Tianyu cheated on others and abandoned Zhou Manchun. After Zhou Manchun's misbehavior, he got in touch with other people's boyfriend and stayed with Jin Beisen. During that time, he was found to have an ambiguous relationship with Xu Ningsheng and abandoned by Jin Beisen. After Yu Chen left the country, he became Mrs. Yu and changed his English name, Mackie, After returning to China, he abandoned Yu Chen and was willing to become the stepmother of Jin Beisen's adopted son.

Yu Chen was drunk in the middle of the night. At last, he vomited blood and entered the hospital. This period attracted many people's sympathy.

The whole video is to set Zhou Manchun's character as a shameless and despicable woman. She worships money and has power. Whoever has money will follow her. Zhou Manchun gives a brush of comments. Many of them are scolding her. Even her family members have been pulled out, including her sister, Yu Yina's parents. Zhou Manchun shivers with rage and turns off the video with headache.

The video is full of pictures and texts, and some people specially say that the voice is processed in the later stage. Zhou Manchun's photos in various periods are all taken, and the main body of the photos is Zhou Manchun. Moreover, these photos have one common feature, that is, Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen, Xu Ningsheng and Yu Chen all smile very flatteringly when they are together.

Netizens hate Xiaosan the most. Zhou Manchun's reputation has been completely destroyed by such a pickpocket.

Zhou man is so angry that he gnashes his teeth. These are not facts at all. Which bastard framed her here?

Many people said that they would not listen to Zhou Manchun's concert. I hope someone can clean up the splashing woman and the landlord can hold on.

Zhou Manchun can't sit down. She shivers and calls Jin Beisen with her mobile phone.

Jin Beisen is holding an emergency meeting. Just now, in the half hour when the video burst out, JS International's share price plummeted by five points, losing nearly 200 million yuan. Until now, the share price has been falling. This is the biggest crisis of JS international since Jin Beisen took office.

In the conference room, Jin Beisen is sitting in the main position with a dark face. The video still has a great influence. Jin Beisen immediately asked the people in the technology department to delete the video. However, within ten minutes, the video burst out again. In a rage, Jin Beisen simply manipulated the computer and hacked all the websites that exposed the video.

All the senior executives of JS international just sit in the conference room and stare at Jin Beisen's website. The employees of the investment banking department try their best to control the stock price, but the effect is not so optimistic.

"Mr. Jin, it must be someone who deliberately hacked our company. Although the spear of the video is aimed at the madam on the surface, it is not so simple in fact." Uncle Zou sat on Jin Beisen's left hand and said with a heavy face.

"Well, I'll check it right away. I must catch the man behind the scenes and release the video. He's dead." Jin Beisen's expression was calm, but under his dark eyes, it was turbulent.

"I have informed the lawyers that these websites will be sued." Said uncle Zou succinctly.

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