"Get out of here." Zhou Manchun angrily pushes Jin Beisen and tries her best in her life.

But Jin Beisen stands still. This is his home. He will not leave, nor will Zhou Manchun.

"Don't go, do you? OK, I'll go. " Zhou Manchun bites his teeth and prepares to cross Jin Beisen and leave here.

Jin Beisen grabbed her slender arm. "You know, as long as I don't want you to go, you can't leave here."

Zhou Manchun bowed his head and smiled. It was a beautiful smile, but at the moment it seemed very penetrating. "Is it interesting that you are so involved with me? Jin Beisen, I don't love you anymore. I don't love you anymore. "

"You have to stay here if you don't love me. No one can change my decision."

"You are a complete scum. What's the point of forcing me to stay? Since you love Lin Xingyan so much, why don't you go to find Liu enxun? She is as like as two peas. She is looking for her. Zhou Manchun was so excited that he felt a sharp stabbing pain on his stomach.

Jin Beisen also noticed that Zhou Manchun's face was not right. The abdominal pain made her frown tightly, and her face became pale for a moment. Jin Beisen panicked for a while, and her expression became dignified.

"Xiaochun, what's the matter with you?" Jin Beisen's sharp and sharp face is full of anxiety. He is always calm and calm. When he sees Zhou Manchun's painful forehead sweating, the whole person is not calm.

Jin Beisen immediately took out his mobile phone and called his personal doctor.

"No Don't worry about it. Don't worry. I'm dead Not dead. " Zhou Manchun put her hand on her abdomen, and she even had dysmenorrhea again.

Before long, Chen Jinhua took a medicine box and stepped into the villa.

In the master bedroom, Zhou Manchun sweats with pain and curls up on the bed. Jin Beisen looks at her. She has red eyes, like an angry deer. Her eyes are full of vigilance.

"Xiaochun, do you still stare at me even if you are ill?" Jin Beisen has no choice but to hook his fingers and lift Zhou Manchun's hair clip behind her ears.

"First, I'm not sick. Second, I'm not staring at you." Zhou Manchun replied angrily that since she was pushed down the lake by Lin Xingyan three years ago, she has lost the root of the disease. In every physiological period, Zhou Manchun will have some dysmenorrhea at least.

"Dong Dong." Chen Jinhua knocked on the door.

"Come in." Jin Beisen's mellow voice sounded.

Zhou Manchun saw Chen Jinhua coming, frowned and said stubbornly, "I'm ok. I just have dysmenorrhea. I'll be fine later."

Jin Beisen gave her a complicated look in his eyes. Hearing the woman's tone, she has not suffered from dysmenorrhea once or twice. Has she come here like this in recent years?

"Dr. Chen, please show her." Jin Beisen gave way and looked humbly at Chen Jinhua.

Chen Jinhua used to be a surgeon, but these years, he studied traditional Chinese medicine alone and talked about it with great interest. Now he combines Chinese and Western medicine, and his medical skills are more excellent than before.

"I said no more." Zhou Manchun subconsciously retracts his hand and doesn't want Chen Jinhua to feel his pulse.

Zhou Manchun has not seen a doctor, but no matter how many drugs he takes, the problem of dysmenorrhea is better. Zhou Manchun has given up.

Wang Ma cooked ginger and brown sugar water at the right time and brought it up. She put ginger and brown sugar water on Zhou Manchun's bedside table with light steps. Seeing the heavy atmosphere in the bedroom, she immediately backed out.

Chen Jinhua stood there with an embarrassed face. He didn't know what kind of temper the couple were having. The news that Zhou Manchun had come back made the city stormy. He also heard about it.

Jin Beisen has finally come to the end of her life. She has been abstinent for three years. Now, good days are coming.

Zhou Manchun stubbornly put his hand in the quilt and refused to take it out to let Chen Jinhua feel the pulse. Chen Jinhua could not help but look at Jin Beisen helplessly.

Jin Beisen sat on the edge of the bed, took Zhou Manchun's hand out, tightly imprisoned in his own hand, turned to Chen Jinhua and said, "Doctor Chen, look."

Chen Jinhua carefully stepped forward to pulse Zhou Manchun, only to see his face getting darker and darker. The result of this pulse is very unpleasant.

Zhou Manchun turned back with cold face. Seeing Chen Jinhua's face, she knew that her condition was not very good. She didn't care. She sat up and took the brown sugar water and began to drink.

"How is it? Dr. Chen, let's talk outside. " Jin Beisen saw Chen Jinhua's expression for the first time. In order not to stimulate Zhou Manchun, he wanted to take Chen Jinhua out to learn about the situation.

"Doctor Chen, you can say it directly. My body is mine. I have the right to know." Zhou man said in a poor tone.

"President Jin, madam, let me just say that madam's physiological period is very unstable, and it has been three years, which is closely related to her last production. If she continues to develop like this, the condition may directly lead to her infertility. Now the treatment of this situation is somewhat complicated. I will give her a month's prescription to recuperate her body, and then I will see it in a month's time Look at the effect, Mr. Jin In this month, you two can't round the house. " Chen Jinhua said cautiously.

"Can she be cured? Will it hurt in the future? "

"If you want to cure this disease thoroughly, you need to drink at least three months of traditional Chinese medicine. Do you still want a second child? If you want to, you have to have it in a year's time. "

"I don't want it."

"We want it."

Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen said one before and one after another that Zhou Manchun's answer was no, and Jin Beisen wanted children very much. They said together, Chen Jinhua was embarrassed in an instant.

"Well These are all aftereffects. I'll go back tomorrow and take care of the traditional Chinese medicine and send it back to my wife. "

"Hard work, Dr. Chen."

"It's OK, that's what I should do." Chen Jinhua smiled and left with the medicine box.

"Jin Beisen, I'll tell you that even if Dr. Chen brings the medicine tomorrow, I won't take it. It's good to go on like this. If you are so bad, I won't give birth to your child even if I die." Zhou Manchun sneers and looks mercilessly at Jin Beisen's face.

"It's OK not to have children, but you must cure your dysmenorrhea." Jin Beisen's voice was indifferent and his eyelashes were slightly drooping.

"I would rather die of pain than take medicine." Zhou Manchun stares at Jin Beisen fiercely, and refuses to yield in a stubborn tone.

"Zhou Manchun, don't be so headstrong!" Jin Beisen is angry. Why is this woman so unreasonable? He treats her for her good. Does she have to be angry with herself?

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