"Nana, I've liked you for four years. From senior three to senior three, I've been afraid of being rejected by you. You know what I mean to you, Lin Qiaoqiao, I really don't like it. I know you're tangled up, but if you're not with me because of her, it's really unfair to anyone. I hope you can think about it well, and I'm not in love with Tang Xiarou. " Yu Shen breaks up Yu Yina's body, and the long, narrow, dark eyes stare at Yu Yina closely, with deep affection in them.

"Lin Qiaoqiao and I have broken up." Yu Yina said sullenly, unexpectedly the friendship of these six years can only come here.

"What's the matter?"

"She framed me in the bar and made me poison, and was wrapped up and raised by an old man. How can such a person with three wrong views be a friend?" Yu Yina raised her bright eyes to look at Yu Shen, and her lips flashed a sneering smile.

"Nana." Yu looked at Yu Yina with deep pain and held out her hand.

"I'm fine. I think I'm blind. I've kept a dog for six years." Yu Yina smiled, and Yu Shen, the back of her hand, tightly surrounded her palm, did not shrink back.

"And would you like to be with me?" Yu Shen is sitting in a critical position, with a smile on his thin lips. He has a warm flow in his heart.

Since all the misunderstandings have been solved, Yu Shen believes that Yu Yina will promise herself!

His heart has been restless noise: finally until you, fortunately I did not give up!

"Will we get married?" Yu Yina doesn't answer questions. She has always been cautious about her feelings, because her parents' failed marriage left a deep shadow in her heart, which is one of the reasons why Yu Yina has always avoided Yu's feelings.

"Yes, in another year, when we graduate, I will marry you." Yu nodded excitedly, his voice mingled with joy. As long as Yu Yina was willing to marry him, he could take her to marry now.

"But..." Yu Yina gnawed her lips at a loss and looked at the man in front of her with sparkling eyes. "My parents, one in prison, one in the drug rehabilitation center, your parents won't accept me."

Yu Shen's heart suddenly quivered, and his heart beat strongly in his chest. "I don't care. You are the one I like, and you are the one who wants to spend a lifetime. If not you, what's the meaning of all this? You should not be responsible for your parents' wrongdoing. Do you believe me? "

"Even if you don't care, but outsiders will point out, I don't want you to be ashamed for me."

"Life is just a few decades in a hurry. In these decades, the time with the loved one is not very long. Why care about others' eyes? I don't care. I only care about you. I can't hear what others say. " Yu Shen looks at Yu Yina unswervingly and holds her hand tightly for another three points.

"I......" Yu Yina is in a dilemma. Yu Shen's family background is an officer's family. Yu Shen didn't apply to the military academy just for her. Does she want Yu Shen to be ashamed for herself?

Yu Yina swallowed her saliva and said in a hard voice, "ah Shen, I like you, but I can't watch the people I love bear the gossip for me. What's more, your Yu family is so aboveboard and aboveboard. You won't do any good if you marry me."

Yu Shen suddenly became silent. He felt that what Yu Yina said was absurd. He smiled, "even you think so?"

Yu Yina nodded, her eyelashes were light, and she didn't dare to look up to Yu Shen's eyes. She was afraid to see his disappointed eyes, which would make her feel less.

"If anyone dares to talk about you behind his back, I will tear his mouth." Yu deeply gnawed his teeth, and her eyes burst with a resolution that Yu Yina had never seen before.

Yu Shen thinks that girls are born to be protected, especially the girls he likes. He has liked Yu Yina for so many years. If he didn't fall in love with her sincerely, he would have already moved away from her, but he didn't. He is also a kind of one track man. For Yu Yina, Yu Shen can even abandon the whole world!

"Ah Shen, don't do that." Yu Yina's eyebrows locked. Unexpectedly, this gentle and elegant man has such a violent side.

Looking at Yu Yina, Yu Shen's sharp eyes are more gentle, and the expression on his face also eases three points, "am I scared of you?"


"Nana, will you stay with me? Don't refuse me. If you refuse me again, my heart will break. " Yu Shen looks at Yu Yina in a pitiful way. These days, he can't eat well or sleep well. His mind is full of Yu Yina and he is going crazy.

"Well, I can promise you, but if one day, I become your burden, I want to end, I hope you can let go."

Yu Shen's eyes brightened, he stretched out his strong arm and put Yu ina in his arms. "There will never be such a day."

Nestled in her strong chest, Yu Yina's red lips raised a smile. She also hoped that Yu Shen would accompany her for the rest of her life.

In the afternoon, Zhou Manchun went to Jin's old house.

Jin Jiahe, Shi Huiqian and Jin Yumo are sitting on the carpet in the living room. The floor is full of building blocks and toys. Jin Yumo is crazy. He runs around the living room with a remote control car in his hand.

Zhou Manchun enters the living room, looking at this harmonious scene, and casually brings up a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Dad, mom, desert." Zhou Manchun put down his bag and shouted politely.

"Here comes Xiao Chun. Sit down." Shi Huixi saw Zhou Manchun coming, her eyes and eyebrows were curved and smiling. She really didn't look like a rich lady at all.

"Mom, I miss you so much." When Jin Yumo saw Zhou Manchun, he immediately lost the toy car in his hand and ran to hug Zhou Manchun's neck.

One side of Shi Huixi looked straight and shook her head, thinking, this little thing, when she saw her mother coming, she forgot that they were both old and white to him.

Zhou Manchun holds his son and rubs his smooth face. "Xiaomo, are you good at my grandparents' house these two days?"

Jin Yu Mo nodded his head cleverly and put his little hand on Zhou Manchun's neck. "Well, I'm pretty good."

"You don't think so. I want to ask grandma."

"Grandma, is Xiaomo very good these two days?" Jin Yu Mo looks at Shi Huiqian and smiles.

"Darling, our little desert is the best."

"Mom, where's dad? Why didn't I come with you? " Jin Yu desert looked left and right, but did not find the trace of Jin Beisen. He was still lost.

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