Jin Beisen suddenly laughed. He pushed open the door of the French window and went to the garden behind the villa. He sat alone on a cane chair.

The starry sky of summer night is always so bright. The bright moon is in the sky. It is like condensing all the starlight, full of light

Jin Beisen touched his pocket and took out two couple rings. Zhou Manchun had lost their wedding ring, and Jin Beisen had thrown away his own ring. He had to throw it away together. He drew a new design sketch. The two rings were made according to the original rings, but Jin Beisen made some small changes. The inner rings of the rings were engraved with the names of two people The first letter of Pinyin, Zhou Manchun's name is engraved on his ring, and Zhou Manchun's name is engraved on his ring. These two rings have been worn for a long time. When they are taken off, their initials will be left on their fingers.

This is a careful machine of Jin Beisen. Although the ring is still the same on the surface as before, it can't be seen if you don't look carefully.

The platinum ring radiates a light halo in the moonlight. Jin Beisen looks at the two rings and loses his mind.

He had been sitting alone in the garden for a long time, the night was full, the warm wind in the air was floating, and his unruly hair was disordered.

"What about mom and dad? Why don't you come? " Jin Yumo waited for Zhou Manchun to come out after taking a bath, but he did not see Jin Beisen go upstairs, shaking Zhou Manchun's arm.

Zhou Manchun looked at his son meaningfully and said with a bright smile, "Xiaomo, you watch TV for a while, and mom will go to find dad."

In fact, Zhou Manchun knew that Jin Yumo was very dependent on Jin Beisen. If it wasn't for Jin Beisen, Jin Yumo would have died long ago. In fact, she shouldn't hate Jin Beisen at all. However, there was a pimple in her heart, which was very painful.

After a while, Jin Yu Mo sat on the bed and said, "OK, mom, please call Dad up."

Zhou Manchun answered and covered Jin Yumo's quilt. Then he opened the door and went out.

First, I went to Jin Beisen's study to find a circle. It was dark in the study. Zhou Manchun turned on the light and suddenly saw a big picture hanging on the wall of the study. This was the wedding photo of the two of them three years ago.

In the photo, Zhou Manchun's smile is like a flower, and Jin Beisen's gorgeous face is also smiling. She is wearing a white wedding dress, and he is wearing a black bridegroom's suit. The two are closely stuck together, smiling at the camera.

When Zhou Manchun recalled that time, the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously. This picture touched the softest place in her heart. At that time, they were really happy. And at that time, Zhou Manchun was still pregnant with Jin Yumo. What a happy family of three of them in the picture.

But now, it's like breaking up. Zhou Manchun is obsessed with the huge wedding photo. She turns off the light and exits her study.

After a look downstairs, Zhou Manchun finally found Jin Beisen in the back garden. Jin Beisen sat alone in the dark night, his head hung down, his eyes were very deep, just like they were fused with the long night. Zhou Manchun felt sad when he saw it.

"How can I sit here alone?" Pushing open the French window, Zhou Manchun's nose was sour and his legs collapsed.

Jin Beisen didn't even turn on the light. He was thinking about something. Suddenly, he heard Zhou Manchun's beautiful voice. He was very happy. He raised his eyes and sneered. "Don't you hate me?"

Zhou Manchun bit her lip and didn't walk over. Seeing Jin Beisen's appearance, she really wanted to hug him.

However, the sensibility was defeated by her rationality. "Xiaomo is looking for you."

"I see. Go to bed first. I'll work late tonight." Jin Beisen hides the edge in his eyes. When he looks at Zhou Manchun, his eyes are shallow.

Zhou Manchun's eyes, which were thousands of miles away, made Jin Beisen helpless. He was swept by a deep feeling of helplessness. When he looked at Zhou Manchun, his eyes were at a loss.

"Beisen." Zhou Manchun suddenly called out his name gently.

"Well?" The man's lips passed a touch of surprise and his tone was slightly raised.

Zhou Manchun tightly clutched the palm of his hand across the distance. All he wanted to say was blocked in his chest. At last, he drowned in his heart, "you Take a rest early. Don't be too tired. "

Jin Beisen sighed softly, "how can I not be tired? You're not going to work at Manchun. "

"From tomorrow, I will go to work."

"Really?" Jin Beisen's body, half lying on the rattan chair, suddenly stood up, his eyes filled with joy.

"Well, really." Zhou man thought sincerely that she spent so much money on Jin Beisen today. She can't spend his money in vain.

Zhou Manchun turned around, pushed open the floor window, walked to the kitchen room and heated three cups of milk.

After she came out of the kitchen, she went to the back garden to have a look. Jin Beisen was no longer there.

Zhou Manchun went upstairs with three cups of milk, pushed open the bedroom door, and there was a burst of unbridled laughter.

The man's laughter is deep and magnetic. The laughter of the small milk bag is romantic and naive. They are sitting on the bed happily, and they don't know what to talk about. They are so happy.

"What are you talking about? So happy. " Zhou Manchun went in with a tray in his hand.

"Mom, dad and I are talking about you. Dad is showing me your two old photos." Jin Yumo got up from his bed and jumped to Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun put down the tray with a confused face, thinking, can you look at the pictures? Which picture makes father and son laugh?

She glanced curiously. Jin Beisen's mobile phone screen showed a picture of Zhou Manchun with glasses, and there were freckles on one side of her face. This picture is really full of black history. Zhou Manchun's black line.

"Why do you keep this picture?" Zhou man was so angry that he bit his lips and put his hands on his waist.

"Mom and dad are angry. It's terrible." Jin Yumo not only didn't feel terrible, but also made a bold joke on Zhou Manchun.

This photo is the black history of Zhou Manchun, who made up a very ugly makeup to avoid dating Lin Minghao!

Zhou Manchun's face in the photo is muddled. It's a real expression bag. Can Jin Yumo not laugh after seeing it?

"Well, don't laugh. When mom gets angry, she'll send us both into a cold house." Jin Beisen calmly hugged his son and locked the screen of his mobile phone.

Zhou Manchun gnawed his teeth and stared at Jin Beisen's mobile phone for a long time, thinking that she must delete the photo in Jin Beisen's mobile phone!

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