Jin Shuwen's smart eyebrows flashed a strange smile and said elegantly, "I will work hard." she touched her flat belly and deliberately showed it in front of Zhong Xinrui. "Even if I was not a son, it doesn't matter. My father-in-law and mother-in-law are very kind to me, and Arvin and I are also very kind. We will have many children in the future."

Zhong Xinrui's eyes stared, and the smile on his face suddenly stopped. His expression was still awkward. "You have to take good care of Arvin during this period of time. Men are most likely to cheat when a woman is pregnant."

Jin Shuwen smiled, not angry but happy, and his mouth was filled with a sneer. "Don't worry, even if you take off in front of him, he won't come to you."

said, Jin Shu Wen rubbed his temples, and did not know what Zhong Xin Rui added in the perfume. She smelled the smell, and the stomach produced a strong reaction. At the moment, she was very sick and her head was faint.

Zhong Xinrui purses her lips, squints her eyes in flattery, and leans her lips to Jin Shuwen's ear and says, "how do you know he won't come to me? To tell you the truth, we both have done it many times. There is a mole on his buttock. I have touched it. "

Jin Shuwen bit her lips, and her eyes were wide open. Zhong Xinrui's words came as a bolt from the blue. A Wenming said that he didn't touch Zhong Xinrui. How could they have done it many times? Moreover, ye Junwen does have a mole on his ass, but he can't see it. Jin Shuwen once asked him with a smile, saying that it's his secret.

Seeing Jin Shuwen's surprised face and dark face, Zhong Xinrui raised her red lips defiantly and said, "ah Wen is just bloody. You have to take good care of him."

"Bah, you are shameless." Jin Shuwen stared at her angrily, his hands clenched, and he was trembling with anger.

"I don't want face? How cheeky of you! At the beginning, I was engaged to Arvin, and you still got a foot in it. Jin Shuwen, you are going to end up here today. You deserve it, you know? When your husband and I were together, everything had been done. Do you really think Arvin is so pure? Are you engaged to me, and you can make me return to the best of luck? " Zhong Xinrui raised her eyebrows and raised a disdainful arc at the corner of her mouth. She forbear for three years. This time, she was determined to fight hard. Even if she could not get Ye Junwen in the end, she would disturb the life of Ye Junwen and Jin Shuwen.

Jin Shuwen was silent for three seconds, and suddenly smiled. She lowered her head, turned over her purse from her handbag, took out a pile of thick notes and hit Zhong Xinrui, "is that enough money? Thank you for waiting on my husband. I'll contact you again if he needs more next time. "

The red hundred yuan Bill flew down Zhong Xinrui's skirt and splashed on the ground. Jin Shuwen was very clever to humiliate Zhong Xinrui. The implication of what she said just now was that Zhong Xinrui was a chicken.

Zhong Xinrui's face suddenly sank, black as inverted ink. She stood in place, breathing angrily, and could feel the smoke on her head.

At this time, more and more people gathered around. Jin Shuwen took out a pair of sunglasses from her bag and put them on gracefully. The Brown Sunglasses almost covered half of her face.

Jin Shuwen looks up in the eyes of all the people and leaves. The peaceful heart lake is disturbed by people, but she still bites her teeth and swallows the grievance and anger back to her stomach.

In the twinkling of an eye, the weather tonight is not very good. The dark clouds are pressing the city, and thunder and electricity are mingling outside the window, just like Jin Shuwen's mood at the moment.

A thunderstorm is coming. Jin Shuwen stands in front of the floor to floor window and draws heavy curtains.

Thunder resounded through the sky, and the hearts of the noisy people were restless.

After taking a bath, ye Junwen happens to see Jin Shuwen walking back and forth in front of the floor to floor window, but he doesn't know if it's because of the weather. He quietly steps forward, hugs her from behind, and touches her soft skin. Ye Junwen's whole body is shocked, and his desire to wipe the deep sleep seems to wake up.

Warm light sprinkles on her smooth porcelain like skin, which is more quiet and beautiful. Jin Shuwen struggles twice, and her eyelashes brush gently over her eyes.

Realizing that the woman in her arms is a little unhappy, ye Junwen bends down to hold her up and puts her directly on the bed. He lies beside her, with his head supported by one hand, and his thick fingertips across her soft skin. "Wenwen baby, how unhappy?"

"Don't touch me. I'm tired." Jin Shuwen grimaced, stretched out her hand to pull the quilt beside her, and went in.

Ye Junwen is very confused, frown slightly, how Jin Shu Wen suddenly this attitude? What's wrong with him?

"Who offended you?" Ye Junwen also follows into the quilt, and Jin Shuwen's body tightly intertwined.

Jin Shuwen stretched out her hand and pushed his strong abdominal muscles with a disgusted expression. "Go away, I said don't touch me."

"No, I didn't mess with you, did I? Why is this attitude suddenly? " Ye Junwen's deep and magnetic voice sounded in the room, but a particularly depressed feeling lingered.

Jin Shuwen's mouth was curled, and she was angry. She didn't want to say anything. Zhong Xinrui knew that ye Junwen had a mole on his ass. to say that they had never been to bed, Jin Shuwen absolutely didn't believe it. Ye junwenming slept with other women. Why did she cheat herself!

She turned over and left Ye Junwen with a unhappy back, then closed her eyes tightly.

"Wen Wen, you have to tell me the reason all of a sudden. Don't hold your mind in your heart. It will hurt your body." Ye Junwen doesn't give up, and he still tries to persuade each other.

Jin Shuwen suddenly opened her eyes and smiled, "yes, do you think everyone is like you? I don't admit what I've done. You're good at turning black and white. "

Ye Junwen is confused by Jin Shuwen's words. He doesn't have any thoughts at all. His eyebrows are frowning. "What are you stimulated by? Where did I get black and white? "

"Well, stop talking. I don't want to hear it. Don't touch me later." Jin Shuwen's attitude was cold, and she hated her teeth.

"You are my wife. Why can't I touch you?" Ye Junwen is a little silent. Turning over, he frowns at Jin Shuwen's cold eyes. His thin lips move gently. "Even if you want to have a cold war with me, there must be a reason."

"There is no reason, I just suddenly tired of you, do not want to live with you."

"Wen Wen." Ye Junwen helplessly called out, but in his voice with the prestige that can not be refused, "do you think marriage is a joke? From the moment you married me, I never wanted to let go of your hand. "

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