Sumuni recalled that four years ago Jin Beisen was a model for himself. He always wore a white shirt and walked on the beach half sexy and half lazy. He played the violin on the beach. His loneliness made people cry.

At that time, sumuni didn't know why Jin Beisen played such a sad tune. She didn't know everything until she accepted Liu enxun.

Sumuni turned his head and looked at Liu enxun. There was a flash of jealousy in her heart. The flames flashed angrily in her bright eyes, which could not be hidden.

Jin Beisen at least once loved the woman named Lin Xingyan, but never loved Su Muni for a second. Su Muni saw Lin Xingyan through Liu enxun's face.

What kind of woman is Lin Xingyan?

The lights at night are unpredictable. A red Ferrari shuttles through the crisscross streets. The blooming neon lights and the noisy people on both sides of the street constantly retreat, interweaving the prosperity of the city.

Losedemon bar.

Tonight, ye Junwen has a very important contract to talk about. Qianhui group has an island land. Ye Junwen wants to buy and build a resort as a gift for Jin Shuwen's fifth wedding anniversary.

Ye Junwen asked Qianhui's person in charge to talk about the contract. If it goes well, he can sign the contract tonight.

There are a lot of people in the bar tonight. All kinds of men and women wear different styles. They shake their bodies on the dance floor crazily, one by one, as if they have knocked medicine.

Ye Junwen looked at them and felt that he was really old. He liked to play when he was young, but now he can't play. His eyes were light, and he glanced over the scenes on the dance floor nearby and the goblets on the nearby card seat. He didn't feel too much.

I don't know who the contract negotiator is today. Qianhui group is very mysterious. Ye Junwen is very busy these two days. His assistant is arranging all these things. He is not in a good mood tonight. He didn't let his assistant accompany him. His assistant just got married last month. As a boss, he can't dominate other people's off-duty time and won't let him go home to accompany him Wife charming!

Ye Junwen takes out his mobile phone and looks at it. There are three missed calls, but none of them are from Jin Shuwen. It seems that she is really angry. Ye Junwen sent her more than 20 wechat messages and made more than ten phone calls today. Jin Shuwen is like the evaporation of the world. There is no movement.

However, ye Junwen has seen the monitoring at home. Jin Shuwen is at home. She just doesn't answer the phone on purpose.

At the thought of this, ye Junwen is a little angry. Although Jin Shuwen is pregnant now, he should be considerate to her, but this woman can't lose her temper inexplicably!

No matter how good tempered you are, you can't stand the sudden indifference of the other side!

All day long, ye Junwen didn't have the heart to go to work, and his work efficiency was very low. In addition, he didn't sleep well last night, and his whole head was dizzy.

It's noisy DJ sound by the ear. The music with extremely fast rhythm is deafening, which makes people seem to forget all the troubles. Ye Junwen purses his lips and rubs his temples wearily.

The red Ferrari stopped steadily at the door of the bar. Zhong Xinrui's long fingers picked up the handbag and documents on the front passenger's seat. Before getting off, he made up a special makeup.

Zhongxinrui especially likes red lipstick. She is wearing a red suspender dress tonight. The length of the skirt is 10 cm above the knee. She is sexy but lovely. On her feet, she steps on a pair of new Chanel high heels with thin heels. She walks into the losedemon bar with confident steps.

The lights confused people's eyes. Instead of going directly to Ye Junwen, Zhong Xinrui greeted the manager here and asked him to switch the music to a slightly softer song. Ye Junwen didn't like the lively atmosphere. His character was a little cold, just like Jin Shuwen.

Ye Junwen slowly pressed his temple. Suddenly, he heard the music switch in his ear. He suddenly opened his eyes. There was a little confusion in his long and narrow cold eyes. He didn't look up, but he saw a woman standing in front of him.

A pair of white and slender legs make people think lightly. Ye Junwen calms down and looks up at people.

Zhong Xinrui smiled gently, with a smile hidden in her eyes, and her attractive red lips moving. "Mr. Ye, can I sit here?"

Ye Junwen looks at Zhong Xinrui a little sluggish, and his thin lips move after a long time. "How can you be here?"

"Are you waiting for someone?" Zhongxinrui does not answer the questions. Before ye Junwen agrees, she has already sat beside him.

Ye Junwen moved to the side, deliberately and Zhong Xinrui opened the distance, "well, I'm waiting for customers."

Zhong Xinrui smiled mysteriously, and the charming eyes stared at Ye Junwen. "That man has come."

Ye Junwen doesn't speak a word, just looks at her with light eyes. Zhong Xinrui is so sexy. She comes to the bar at first sight. How can she talk about business with herself?

She must be joking

However, in the next second, zhongxinrui opens the contract of the land transfer book in her hand, and ye Junwen's indifferent eyes stare at her.

When did Zhong Xinrui become the manager of Qianhui group?

According to Ye Junwen, Zhong Xinrui has never been to a class since she graduated from university. She has a good family and is born into a famous family. She doesn't need to go to work at all.

"And your manager?" Ye Junwen is sitting precariously, pulling his shirt collar. It's very hot in the bar. He unbuttoned two buttons, revealing a large area of strong muscles.

Zhong Xinrui's eyes followed Ye Junwen's slender ten fingers and looked at his clothes, laughing shallowly. "Arvin, you still like wearing blue shirt so much."

Ye Junwen raised his head and looked at her expressionless. "Can you decide this?"

Zhong Xinrui nodded and said proudly with a smile, "of course."

The two finally ended the non question answering process and began to enter the theme.

But Zhong Xinrui refused to sign the contract so quickly. Instead, she opened a bottle of wine. Her fingers were holding the glass, and her ten green fingers were painted with shiny cat's eye manicure. "Arvin, we haven't seen each other for so long, don't you want to talk to me?"

Ye Junwen, half smiling, looked up at her. "What do you want to hear?"

"Just hear your voice." Zhong Xinrui holds up his glass, drinks all the foreign wine in it, and smiles freely.

But ye Junwen was not happy. His brow was locked deeply. He asked directly, "do you want to sign this contract?"

"I can sign, but you have to give me something." Zhongxinrui went to the cup to drink some foreign wine, directly said.

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