Zhou Manchun gathered up his pajamas and went to the door to open the door for Jin Shuwen.

Open the door, there are three people standing at the door. Zou Shu and Kang song are like two flower protectors, one on the left and one on the right standing beside Jin Shuwen.

Zhou Manchun looks at Jin Shuwen up and down, but finds that her expression is not right. Her eyes are red and swollen like crying.

She immediately pulled Jin Shuwen's arm and found her fingers very cold. Zhou Manchun was shocked and asked, "Wen Wen, how did you come to the hospital in the middle of the night? What about the literati? "

Jin Shuwen walked into the ward, looking dejected. "Don't mention him, he's cheating."

Zhou Manchun opened his mouth wide in surprise, "how could this be possible? Did you get him wrong? "

"Wen Wen, sit down first and tell me something." Jin Beisen's face was also calm. When Jin Shuwen said that ye Junwen had cheated, his face immediately changed.

"President Jin, madam, I'll take Miss Wen with me safely. Then I'll go first." Uncle Zou said with a smile.

Jin Beisen looked up and saw that uncle Zou was still standing beside him. He said with a surprise smile, "Kang song, are you back?"

"President Jin, madam, yes, I'm back." Kang song smiled and bowed to Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun, saying politely.

"This is?" Zhou Manchun smiled doubtfully and looked at Kang song's face.

Kang song's eyes also looked at Zhou Manchun. For a moment, there was a feeling of heartbeating. Zhou Manchun stood there quietly, giving people a kind of gentle and pleasant beauty. Kang song almost couldn't help but look at Zhou Manchun more.

"This is my apprentice." Uncle Zou made an introduction with a smile.

Jin Beisen's sharp eyes looked at Kang song, who immediately returned to his senses and explained with a smile, "I've seen my wife for the first time, but I feel like I've known her before."

Zhou Manchun chuckles and takes Jin Shuwen's hand to the sofa.

Zou Shuhe and Kang song left the ward quietly. They walked in the empty corridor one by one.

"Madame is beautiful." Uncle Zou gave a tentative smile, but in his tone he was selling some secrets.

Kang song micro invisible Cu Cu Cu eyebrow, "well, really beautiful."

"She is also a legendary woman. It's not easy for me to watch her and president Jin go through the ups and downs." There is something in Uncle Zou's words, but in fact, he is reminding Kang song not to move his mind. There is no good end to Jin Beisen's woman.

"Well, handsome men and pretty women, they are a good match." Kang song hid his mind with a gentle smile and said calmly.

In the ward, Jin Shu Wen covered her stomach, and her body suddenly curled up on the sofa. She felt the pain in her abdomen. She frowned tightly. Zhou Manchun asked anxiously, "Wen Wen, what's wrong with you? Do you have any stomachache? "

She was pregnant with children in her stomach, and Zhou Manchun was frightened. Jin Beisen immediately rang the bell beside her bed.

"Well, it's a bit. Maybe it's angry. It's OK." Jin Shuwen stands up and wants to go to the toilet. Suddenly, she feels a heat flow coming out of her lower body. She subconsciously looks at it, and the red blood flows out from the root of her thigh, stained with her pure white dress.

But Jin Shuwen is suffering from abdominal pain, and she presses her stomach all the time. Zhou Manchun immediately grabs her hand and notices the shocking blood. "Wen Wen Wen, don't press your stomach, it's not good for the fetus."

The first three months, often the most dangerous period, are not yet formed and everything is said well.

There was a flurry of footsteps in the corridor. Two doctors and two nurses rushed in.

"President Jin, what's the matter?" Asked one of the doctors in a white coat.

"My sister is pregnant and bleeding. Please take her to have a look." Jin Beisen said with a black face. His brows were locked, and he was afraid.

The doctor recognized Jin Shuwen. He bent down and asked softly, "Miss Jin, can you walk? If you can't leave, I'll take you to the emergency department. "

Jin Shuwen was tired because of the pain. She shook her head in pain, and her face was pale

The male doctor immediately picked up Jin Shuwen and rushed to the obstetrics and gynecology department with the fastest speed.

Zhou Manchun also followed, trotting all the way.

Tonight's on duty in obstetrics and Gynecology happened to be a senior expert. Zhou met her when she was working in Jiaru hospital. Jin Shuwen went in for examination and Zhou Manchun followed her.

After a round of routine examination, Dr. Wang took off his mask and said with a sigh of relief, "the child has been saved for the time being, but the bleeding during pregnancy like this is very dangerous, which is a sign of miscarriage. Has Miss Jin taken anything that she can't eat during pregnancy recently? Or lack of sleep, too much stress, etc.? "

"I'm a little unhappy recently. Will this affect the fetus?" Jin Shuwen touched her belly and asked in some trepidation.

This little life in her stomach is so fragile, but still strong to survive, what reason does she not happy?

"Of course, it has an impact. The mood of pregnant women directly affects the fetus. Miss Jin, during pregnancy, you must keep a happy mood and get enough sleep. Don't think about anything. Take a good sleep first. There's no obstacle in the world." Dr. Wang smiled and said bitterly.

"Well, thank you, doctor."

"Then you have a good rest. I'll check it in the morning."

"by the way, I smell perfume recently, and I feel dizzy and abdominal pain. Does this have any effect?"

"during pregnancy, all cosmetics, including perfume, are discontinued, which can affect the development of the fetus. Some musk, if added with musk, lavender or rosemary, will cause abortion." Doctor Wang frowned and said with a heavy face.

"So it is." Jin Shuwen suddenly see light suddenly, but she doesn't know what perfume is, and she doesn't know whether Zhong Xin Lu's perfume is added to it. She will still have little contact with this person later.

After Dr. Wang left, Zhou Manchun nervously grabbed Jin Shuwen's hand and asked, "Wenwen, how are you? Does your stomach ache? "

Jin Shuwen lies on the bed, a smile appears on her pale face, "I'm ok."

"What happened to you and Arvin?" Zhou Manchun asked perplexedly, how could ye Junwen cheat when he liked Jin Shuwen for so many years?

Zhou Manchun thought that even if Jin Beisen had cheated, ye Junwen would not have cheated!

How rare it is for a man to die so many years for a woman!

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