"You also wear short sleeves in your army."

"It's just that I like to wear long sleeves."

"Ha ha, I'm afraid you'll get prickly heat." Jin Shuwen turned her head and raised her eyebrows.

But Kang song didn't look at her. Instead, he said, "I'm in good health, I won't be."

Jin Shuwen takes back her sight. She really doesn't know what to say to this handsome iceberg face.

At the gate of the kindergarten, a large group of parents had already waited again. It was 3:45 after school, and Jin Shuwen came here.

Jin Shuwen swiped her card to enter the kindergarten and groped to the class where Jin Yumo was. Many parents were waiting quietly at the door.

I saw a teacher talking in front of me in the classroom. Because the door was closed, Jin Shuwen could not hear what the teacher was talking about. But the children's eyes were closely following the teacher. They were very cute with concentration.

Looking in through the glass window, Jin Yumo also listened attentively. Suddenly, Jin Shuwen touched her belly unconsciously and looked at a group of lively and lovely children in the class. She began to look forward to how her children would grow up. In terms of character, she was more like herself or Ye Junwen.

Suddenly, the door of the classroom opened.

Jin Shuwen took back her thoughts and went in to meet Jin Yumo. Jin Yumo put his small chair on his back and put on his small schoolbag. When he saw Jin Shuwen coming, his eyes lit up excitedly. He cried out in a tearful voice, "Auntie."

"Goodbye to the teacher." Jin Shuwen took Jin Yumo's hand and said with a smile.

Jin Yumo collected his drinking records and turned to the two teachers and said, "goodbye, Mr. Ren, goodbye, Mr. Yu."

The two teachers laughed at the same time and said, "goodbye, little desert."

Out of the classroom door, Jin Yu Mo looked left and right, but after a long time, he couldn't find the person he wanted to find. He was a little lost and tooted his mouth, "Auntie, why are you here to pick me up? What about mom and dad? "

"Your mother is busy, and your father can't leave when he has something to do, so I'm called to pick you up. You seem very unhappy when I pick you up, little thing."

"No, I'm very happy when my aunt comes to pick me up. Eh, how about my uncle?" Jin Yumo looks at the man next to Jin Shuwen, smiles and shouts, "good uncle Kang."

"Little desert is so lovely, little desert is good."

Jin Shuwen didn't want to answer this question, so she jumped over, "little desert, do you want ice cream? My aunt will take you to ice cream. "

Jin Shuwen shook her head and tooted her little mouth and said, "no, there are so many ice cream at home. I want to go home to see my parents."

"OK, let's go straight home."

Kang song is driving, Jin Shuwen is sitting in the back seat with Jin Yumo. On the way, Jin Yumo is chatting with Jin Shuwen.

"Auntie, today our teacher Ren told us a story about the frog prince. Have you heard of it?"

"I haven't heard of it. Can Xiao Mo tell it to my aunt?" Jin Shuwen pretends to be stupid. Unexpectedly, Jin Yumo would be interested in fairy tales. Didn't he watch world famous works for a long time?

"That's good, but I want to go home and tell it. It's good for Ren to tell a story. When he gets home, Xiao Mo will tell it to his parents." Jin Yu Mo looks at Jin Shu Wen with round eyes, and says with a warm smile.

When Jin Yumo got home, Zhou Manchun still didn't go home. At dinner time, Jin Beisen, Jin Yumo and Jin Shuwen all sat at the dinner table together. However, Zhou Manchun was still missing.

Jin Yumo is hungry. Jin Shuwen says it's OK. After she was pregnant, her appetite improved a lot. She had snacks in the afternoon, so she didn't feel very hungry at the moment. Jin Beisen glanced at the dark night outside the window. It's more than seven o'clock. Zhou Manchun still hasn't come back, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Eat first, I have something else to do." Jin Beisen went out in the dark and called Zhou Manchun.

After hitting three in a row, no one answered. Jin Beisen's fist was squeezed hard. His face was black and frightening, just like the vast night.

Zhou Manchun, are you playing so crazy with them? Even if you don't answer the phone, what do you think of me? What do you think of the desert?

In the living room, the lights are on.

Jin Yumo felt his dried stomach, but he dared not move chopsticks. His parents had not come yet. How could he eat it? Jin Yumo is outside. Although he is a little cold, he is a very tutored child. Jin Beisen has trained him very well. He knows the basic etiquette.

"Xiaomo, are you hungry? Eat first. " Jin Shuwen smilingly picks up a steak, cuts it and puts it into Jin Yumo's bowl.

"Auntie, where's my mother? Why don't you go home? " Jin Yu's handsome little face showed a little worry and a little frown, which was exactly the same as Jin Beisen's.

"Mom will come back. You eat well first. When you eat well, mom will come back." Jin Shuwen coaxed patiently, but she also felt a bit of ominous atmosphere in her heart.

Night was already full, about nine o'clock, and a black Ferrari finally drove into 520 Haibin road.

Zhou Manchun jumped out of the car in a hurry and went to the house with his bag on his back.

Jin Beisen is wearing a casual home clothes, loose light blue lattice suit, fluffy hair and a light fragrance. He lies in the yard lazily. Under a light yellow light, his skin is whiter and his face is grim.

Zhou Manchun calms down, smiles and walks over, whispers in his ear, "Beisen."

"Willing to come back?" The man's stuffy voice revealed his displeasure, even some strong jealousy.

Zhou Manchun sat down on Jin Beisen's leg, hooked his neck with one hand, and said in a coquettish voice, "where is it? I'm like an arrow, but that little girl is so clingy. I managed to get her to sleep. Today, I took her to the seaside to play. I haven't gone out crazy for a long time. I can't move. The seaside... "

"Enough, Zhou Manchun, what do you think of me? You don't have to report those things to me one by one. I don't want to hear it at all! " Jin Beisen's face was livid, his eyebrows were frowning, his fist was clenched "creak", but he tried to suppress his anger and didn't push Zhou Manchun away.

"I Beisen, I don't mean that. I haven't seen Xiaoxin for a long time. Even if I divorced Yu Chen, she is still my daughter. I can't abandon her. "

"Do you know how long Xiaomo has been waiting for you? How long have I been waiting for you! Zhou Manchun, you can bully me as much as you like. "

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