Zhou Manchun pursed his lips, looked at him in astonishment, blinked his eyes incredulously, "because you rejected your uncle's case, he designed this accident to revenge you?"

What a ridiculous reason. Zhou Manchun can't believe his ears. Isn't the intrigue between the big houses really so terrible?

"That plan is not a small business. There are several hundred million gray incomes in it. I just didn't expect that my uncle would do this to me." Jin Beisen's face was taut tightly, his eyes were drooping, and he stayed on the tombstone in Lin Xingyan's picture.

Zhou Manchun is about to faint. Her pretty eyebrows are frowning. I didn't expect that Shi Botao was so vicious. She knew that his virtue killed her good friend and almost killed herself. She shouldn't have done much in Jiaru hospital at the beginning. She should have let Jin Beisen strangle him!

In retrospect, Zhou man's innocence is beyond regret.

"My mother has only such a biological brother. My grandparents have left early. Over the years, my uncle has made a lot of money in JS international. Once, he almost made it difficult for the company to turn around. In the past, my father believed him very much. The company's financial affairs were all in his charge, but he made a fake account. The people from the tax bureau came to check it. The old man paid a lot of money and bought contacts, I just put this matter to rest. I thought he could settle down when it passed. My father promoted him to be the general manager, but he didn't care about the company's accounting. Ha ha It can only be said that my uncle is really powerful, and he is already full of greed. " Jin Beisen closed his eyes painfully, his expression was indifferent, his face was sideways, and there was a sneer between his beautiful eyebrows and eyes.

JS international is like a big piece of fat, everyone wants to take a piece of it. At that time, JS international was exposed with capital problems, and those things of the tax bureau were ready to move.

"So it is. Then What's the reason for the historian's extermination? " Zhou Manchun holds Jin Beisen's arm tightly, for fear that this matter is related to Jin Beisen. Suddenly, she has some fears. How much hatred and blood this man has touched.

"I can swear in front of Xing Yan that this matter really has nothing to do with me. I still have the text message my brother sent me. Let me show you." Jin Beisen 's dark eyes look at Zhou Manchun, and his heart is filled with unspeakable pain. Hatred and anger are like a neighing war horse, shouting in his heart.

Jin Beisen turns on his mobile phone and hands it to Zhou Manchun. Zhou Manchun's Apricot eyes are flashing with tears. Before he reads the text message, his eyes are blurred.

In the text message, Shi Mingge confessed the car accident designed by Shi Botao and his love for Zhou Manchun. Jin Beisen didn't want Zhou Manchun to see it. He was afraid that Zhou Manchun would have a psychological burden when he saw it. It had nothing to do with her. Shi Mingge's death was beyond his imagination, but Jin Beisen knew Zhou Manchun's character so well that this woman loved Hu Si I always kept it under wraps.

Zhou Manchun reads the text message sent by Shi Mingge word by word. It has been sent three years ago. It has always existed in Jin Beisen's mobile phone. Zhou Manchun can't imagine what it will be like when Jin Beisen points out this message. It must be very unpleasant!

It wasn't until after reading the text message that Zhou Manchun fully understood this matter. It turned out that the three members of Shi Mingge's family committed suicide in order to save their lives. Lin Xingyan, her and their unborn child.

"Why is he so stupid?" Zhou Manchun bit her lips, and a thin layer of mist came out of her eyes. She hung her head, and a tear fell on the screen of her mobile phone.

Zhou Manchun's vision has been blurred, but she still read the text message. The last part of Shi Mingge touched her very much. Although Zhou Manchun didn't know what happened to Jin Beisen and Shi Mingge, their blood was thicker than water, and their kinship continued to be separated.

Shi Mingge said in the message: treasure, my good brother, goodbye in the next life, in the next life, we must not quarrel, in the next life, I will be your brother, this life did not protect you well is my biggest regret.

I wish you all the best.

This is his confession before he left. With full sincerity and regret, Zhou Manchun seems to understand this man. His usual funny face is all his masks. In fact, Shi Mingge is not stupid. He is only good at disguise.

"In fact, I really appreciate him. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would happen to JS international." Jin Beisen's voice was also shaking, and his eyes were empty looking at Zhou Manchun.

"Beisen, you have changed. In the past, you used to call him by his first name, but now you will call him uncle and brother." Zhou Manchun reached out and gently covered Jin Beisen's blue tendon raised back of his hand, as if he wanted to convey warmth and strength to him.

"I'm also optimistic. In fact, there is a lack of communication between my uncle and I. if we could sit down and talk calmly many years ago, all these tragedies would not have happened." Jin Beisen smiled faintly, drawing up delicate corners of his mouth, but with a hint of self mockery in his words.

All he thought was later. How could Jin Beisen really have the ability to turn back the clock.

What should happen, or will happen, is just like that car accident, all of which are destined to be linked.

"Then why did you get close to me?" Zhou Manchun's eyes are red, and her knees are numb. She asked nervously with excitement.

"I was close to you at the beginning, but it was because of a sentence your mother said in the hospital. I remember it deeply in my mind. Besides, I felt very painful to lose Xing Yan, so Jin Beisen bit his teeth, and his eyes flashed away. He didn't dare to continue, so he stopped for a while.

Zhou Manchun stared at Jin Beisen's eyes tightly, and his brow was slightly frowned, "but it's OK to say that."

"At that time, I just wanted to revenge you, so after I got you, I was cold and hot to you, but after I got along with you for a long time, I knew what is retribution. I made the most wrong, that is, I fell in love with you, but I don't regret it. I didn't retreat, and I didn't expect to retreat. I didn't dare to tell you before, and I finally said it today I didn't mean to Jin Beisen said calmly, not knowing that his heart was already turbulent.

Today, he summoned up his courage and confessed to Zhou Manchun completely, so he was ready. Zhou Manchun may be angry, want to divorce him, or think he is good or bad, just a scum.

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