"Xiaoqi, don't think about it. Li Zeyuan is such a person. Who is he seeing with a black face? Besides the Dean, when do you think he has a good face for us? " Zhou Manchun doesn't care about Li Zeyuan at all. She has a bit more domineering tone. She likes the way Li Zeyuan doesn't like herself but can't help it.

"Well, Xiaochun, it's good to have you."

JS international.

In the afternoon, Jin Beisen quietly returned home, which shocked the staff of JS international.

Their eldest brother came back ahead of time. It's hard for us to relax for a few days. Now, our nerves are tense again.

When he works under Jin Beisen, he is not allowed to make any mistakes. He is a man with a very hard hand and a strong demeanor.

"President Jin, if you look at this land, it will definitely appreciate in less than two years." Uncle Zou took a confidential business document and sat opposite Jin Beisen.

"Who is competing with us now?" Jin Beisen squints his eyes. He has been interested in this land for a long time. No one is allowed to rob it with him.

But this land is like a delicious meal. Everyone wants it. Jin Beisen knows that it's not so easy to get him.

Some time ago, the vice mayor talked with him, but the price offered by the vice mayor was not low, so Jin Beisen didn't agree at that time.

"Lin's group, it is said that Lin Qingyun has trampled on the gate of the municipal government these two days." There was a sudden sneer on Uncle Zou's expressionless face.

"Tang Junmian (vice mayor) offered a price that was not low. He talked to me last time in the bar that the land would cost 800 million yuan." Jin Beisen said with a sneer.

"Is his appetite too big? Conservatively, that piece of land is up to 300 million. " Zou Shumou son a bright, smile said.

"Yes, so I'm still hesitating. Uncle Zou, if you let me know, I'll buy Jin Beisen's land. Who will rob me and ask him to die?" Jin Beisen's eyes suddenly fainted. Tang Junmian played games with him, and he would definitely lose in a mess.

"Good." Uncle Zou took up his pen and drew a circle on the document. The land seems to be barren now, but in five years, it will surely become one of the most prosperous commercial areas in city A.

Lin's group is also an ancestral business in city A. Lin Qingyun is five years older than Jin Jiahe. Lin's group and JS international have never been in business, so Lin Qingyun is also a big Iron-blooded man in the market, and has a very good interpersonal relationship.

"But President Jin, why did you come back early? " Uncle Zou closed the document and smiled vaguely.

Jin Beisen glanced sideways at him, and then said, "I'm efficient, can't I?"

"Cough President Jin is highly efficient. Everyone knows that he is afraid that he will work all night long just to get back and laugh at the beauty. " Zou Shupi said with a smile.

"What do you say? She's just a plaything for me, you don't have to take her to heart. " Cold words spilled out of his mouth, and Jin Beisen stared at the document.

He wants mountains and rivers, and he wants beauties, too.

"Is it?" Uncle Zou asked in a funny way.

"You don't gossip, hurry to work, or I will deduct your salary." Jin Beisen's eyes brightened, smashed the papers on the table and threw them at Uncle Zou.

Uncle Zou was very good at catching the document and said with a smile, "president Jin, ye Shao asked you to barbecue at his house in the evening."

"I see." The indifferent answer came that Jin Beisen had turned to work.

Night, ye family mansion.

The greatest pleasure of Ye Junwen's life is to hold various parties. He likes to be lively and more like to see beautiful women.

A melodious Saxophone sound came into Jin Beisen's ear. Jin Beisen wore a black suit and smiled with Ye Junwen.

Jin Beisen and ye Junwen are good brothers who have known each other for many years. They grew up together and are very familiar with each other. The two brothers are very frank and have no secrets.

"How can I do something wrong at home?" Jin Beisen held up his glass and touched it lightly with Ye Junwen's, making a crisp sound.

"What is nonsense? I'm celebrating. " Ye Junwen's handsome face was filled with a cynical smile.

"How about aunts and uncles?" Jin Beisen asked casually.

"Around the world."

"No wonder you have the courage to mess around at home." Jin Beisen suddenly realized the way.

"Beisen, I called your girlfriend here today, and asked her to accompany you. Here is the key to the room upstairs." Ye Junwen turned around with a bad smile on his face. He was close to Jin Beisen and hid the key in Jin Beisen's suit pocket.

"My girlfriend? When do I have a girlfriend? " Jin Beisen's mouth was full of unrestrained ruffian smile. He was single.

When ye Junwen mentions three words of his girlfriend, Jin Beisen's mind unexpectedly comes up with Zhou Manchun's flowery smile. These days, Jin Beisen is abroad and can't see Zhou Manchun every day, so he asked people to look for many photos of Zhou Manchun and send them to him. They should look at them every day before going to bed.

Uncle Zou, who was behind Jin Beisen, smiled unfathomably. He was a boring and coquettish master.

"Don't talk to me, you kid. Don't you think I know something about you and sumuni?" Ye Junwen's eyes turned smartly and said with a smile.

"I'm not in that relationship with her." Jin Beisen stressed it seriously.

"You haven't been to her yet, Beisen. It's not good to be abstinent for a long time." Ye Junwen claps Jin Beisen's chest with cool air and smiles badly.

Jin Beisen glanced sideways at Ye Junwen and said coldly, "it's better than your excessive lust."

Ye Junwen just smiled and didn't explain.

"Brother, Arvin." Jin Shuwen smiles like a flower. She doesn't know when she will come.

Ye Junwen's eyes immediately followed Jin Shuwen. Jin Shuwen was wearing a small black dress. There was no heavy makeup on her pure face, but she was very beautiful.

"It's a big star. It's beautiful." Ye Junwen praised very well.

"Thank you for your compliment." Jin Shuwen holds champagne in her hand and touches Ye Junwen with grace.

"Wen Wen, are you here?" Jin Beisen said with a smile.

"Yes, Arvin invited me."

Jin Shuwen is Jin Beisen's cousin, a child star. She is a well-known female star. She has been a star for 12 years, but there is no frivolous news so far.

"OK, have fun." Jin Beisen dotes on Jin Shuwen's hair, but he loves her very much.

"Beisen, you are here." Sumuni was wearing a goose yellow embroidered cheongsam, and her perfect figure was set off. With a coquettish smile, she came to Jin Beisen.

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